My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1358: King action


The matrix, as the core of the system, maintains the "world network".

Through network interfaces all over the world, she controls some unknowingly access to the network ‘meat groups’ and ‘machines’, using them as “eyeliners” to grasp the overall situation of the world.

It even organized some controllers to kidnap some lunatics and robots who were alone, and forced access to the world network to increase the number of eyeliners.


The mother body also noticed the abnormal migration that occurred across the planet for the first time.

Even the lunatics who were implanted by the maternal program were also affected, and they gathered to [Hyboron].

Such a unified gathering will make the mother lose the right to monitor Pandora.

The mother body is of course a perfect copy of the audio that caused the migration.

It should be noted here that the ‘copy’ of the audio requires no conversion means, by cutting off the head of the lunatic, and directly obtaining audio-related memories from the brain.

If you try to convert the audio through a current signal, the [laughter] hidden in the audio will be lost.

"Analysis of "World Migration"...

The melody factor has been eliminated, and the gentle and comfortable music only plays a hidden role.

The reason that really induces world migration lies in the laughter that cannot be "secondary conversion" in the audio information.

So far, it has not been detected that ‘laughter’ has any guiding information or codes, and it is impossible to analyze the mechanism of laughter’s influence on the indigenous brain.

Is this a method of a foreign demon or a method of a local native? 』

Based on the analysis of current intelligence, the mother body is more biased towards local people secretly doing things.

After all, the strange demons have just arrived in Pandora a few days ago, and they have only investigated the planet once...It is absolutely impossible to grasp the characteristics of a lunatic so quickly, and even take over the former first company-[Hybron].

Besides, she also sent a group of not weak teams to Hyperion Company, but now there is no news.

The relevant information is sorted out and discussed by the four kings.


Blacksmith III, staring at the dense migration pattern on the flat projection.

"Once such a number of lunatics are gathered and equipped with weapons and weapons that symbolize Pandora's highest technology, it will become a force that cannot be ignored.

Currently, I don’t know the specific ideas of the local indigenous people.

I suggest that the mythological body lead the team and send a special envoy team to Hyperion Company to negotiate with the natives who control the company.

If they prefer the black tower, they will ally with us, and we will have an additional indigenous force.

Of course, another possibility has to be considered..."

When the blacksmith said this.

Adjacent, the young lady-Zhanhuang. Luming is authentic, with a long knife in her head and a bandage wrapped around her private parts, immediately attached a sentence:

"If the Hyperion has been completely controlled by a different demon, one mythical entity will definitely not be enough.

Since there is no information about the two'problematic youths' for the time being... Let me take care of Hyperion.

After all, it is Pandora's first company and involves migration events that affect the world pattern. It is worth my personal action.

If the person behind it is a high-level native who is hidden here, I will negotiate as a king, the success rate will be much higher.

If there is a strange monster behind it, I will kill it with one hand.

Even if my information is exposed, it will have the least impact on the overall situation. "

When Emperor Zhan made this opinion.

The black dragon elder nodded and expressed his affirmation that the world migration is of great importance and might affect the overall situation.

In the case of an accidental loss of a mythical entity, it would be better to leave this kind of thing to the [hidden], [self-protection] and [killing enemy] emperor Slashing Emperor.

Even if it encounters the opponent's king due to a small probability, he will definitely be able to escape with the ability to cut the emperor.

Blacksmith III had some concerns, but in the end he agreed.

The mother used detailed calculations to give a data value of 63%, expressing agreement, and asked in a systematic voice:

"Need me to arrange the most suitable team members for you, or do you choose them yourself?"

Emperor Zhan shook his fingers at the same time:

"I will handle this alone.

It happens to be able to mix into Hyperion with the help of the world's migration, and easily identify the dominant player behind the scenes.

I will choose the best method according to the specific situation~

In addition, I will return to Macomus on the eve of the general attack and wait for my news. "


With the palm as a sword, cut through the space...Zhanhuang disappeared in the meeting room.

Blacksmith III made a proposal at this time:

"The mother body, can we build a stable transport device from Marcoms to the outskirts of Hyperion Company as an additional escape route?

There is an extremely small possibility, there may be a king-level in Hyperion, and he restrains the emperor at the attribute level.

We want to avoid the occurrence of such small probability events. "

"Well, I will use the world network to complete the construction in one day.

At the same time, there will be a series of special procedures to secretly monitor the situation around Zhanhuang and Hyperion. In the event of an emergency, I will go there personally.

However, [Hybolong] is only a minor incident.

I also ask you two to devote all your efforts to the'March Plan'.

In only six days at most, the land deed energy of the alien monsters will be exhausted...At that time, we will launch a total attack on the alien monsters, taking advantage of the absolute advantage of the geographical level and our respective special means to wipe out the alien monsters in one fell swoop. "

"The casting project will be completed within two days, everything is ready, just wait for the emperor to bring back the information of Hyperion, the whole army can start."


Field of view switching

[Haibolong]-Arms Research Institute.

As the boss, Han Dong is currently responsible for the supply of Yi Mine and participates in the design, development and testing of weapons.

In order to limit Green and prevent him from feeling bored and going out to make troubles, Han Dong used "dual means" to let Green stay here voluntarily.

One is to let Greene be the weapon tester, and the weapons that have just been designed will be tested with Green's body.

After these surreal weapons containing silver and gold are manufactured, Green will be shot frontally... Feeling the external energy that does not belong to the alien monster shoots through the body, this process makes Green uncomfortable.

Moreover, UU Reading Han Dong further tried to combine "pollution", the main characteristic of different monsters, with weapons.

The selected material-from "Miss Helen", can achieve unlimited growth of plant tentacles.

Equipped with a suitable magazine system, "Tentacles Bullets" can shoot polluted bullets entangled with plant tentacles without affecting the nature of the firearm.

It has a miraculous effect on individuals of non-exotic monsters.

In addition, Han Dong also explained to Green the problems brought about by "world migration."

This global migration will inevitably attract the attention of enemy forces.

Moreover, in the previous match set by [Handsome Jack], many enemy teams were killed in battle. There is a high probability that an enemy team led by the mythological body will come to investigate the situation.

When I heard of the mythology, Green naturally got excited.

of course.

Handong itself also has a dense crow eyeliner around Hyperion, and has set up brand new testing equipment at each entrance of the company.

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