My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1359: Ominous hunch

Hyperion's outer ring, bottom and middle areas have all been vacated for receiving "world migrants."

These areas have been collectively referred to as [Zombie Factory].

A detailed, stable and controllable control method has been applied to these areas, and the basic process is as follows:

Crazy people who come to Hyperion from all over the world will be infected by the erosion of "metal spores" when they are close to the company for five kilometers. Some of the lowest-end lunatics will directly turn into "metal zombies."

For a lunatic with a good physical condition, it may be able to resist the low density of metal spores and enter the company's underlying buildings (warehouses, stations, basic workshops, etc.) smoothly.

Here, the hyperplastic bacteria with a higher concentration will be infected into zombies with higher metamorphosis and various forms.

Very few tribal leaders or organizational leaders have their own lunatics with the growth of ytterbium. If they can go deeper, they can find the company's organic research institute or contact the middle-level core area.

They will have the opportunity to infect the second-generation or first-generation strains with extremely high purity, causing deeper mutations.

In any case, a madman who is transformed into a metal zombie will go through a process.

[Baptism with crazy laugh]

Hyperion is playing a set of ‘throat phonographs’ made by Han Dong through biological means at any time, and it plays the laughter that Han Dong has left in advance without interruption.

The "crazy laugh virus" will completely take root in their brains through resonance, eliminating all impurities...just like a computer virus directly formatting the computer after it invades the system disk.

The impurities removed also include programs implanted by the world network and turned into walking corpses controlled by Han Dong.

After formatting.

They will be sent to the military train room to assemble appropriate ytterbium weapons according to their size, characteristics, and strength.

The workshop assembly line maintains maximum operating efficiency at all times.

After passing the stability test.

These finished metal zombies will not be kept inside the company. After all, the company has limited space and has to accept lunatics migrating from all over the world.

Therefore, the finished product will be ‘packaged out’ as a commodity.

Head to the underground station of Hyperion in batches, to the nearest outer station to the city of London, and stand by in secret.

……Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner under the supervision of Chief Engineer Xiao Huang.

But as time went by, Han Dong faintly smelled something not quite right.

"Why the other party's investigation team hasn't arrived yet... The hundreds of crows I set up on the periphery have no intelligence feedback. These death crows made by me also share 1% of the [Magic Eye], and most of the disguise can be identified. .

What is going on with this uneasy feeling? "

"Is there anything to think about. If there is a strong invasion, can't you just kill them head-on?"

Green sat on one side indifferently, holding an energy pistol in his hand, trying to blast his head with different bullets.

Either sticking to the temple and shooting, or shooting against the roof of the mouth, seems to be a little fascinated by the stimulation of the energy bullet penetrating the head.

Han Dongyue thought that something was wrong, and immediately established a consciousness connection with someone.

"Demps, what are you doing? 』

Unexpectedly, as soon as the consciousness was connected, there was an ambiguous gasp from the female on the other side.

"the work. 』

"You may need your help here. Bring Miss Helen to the military train room.

Help me take care of the workshop and Green, mainly the latter... I believe you should have a way. 』

"How about you? 』

"I always feel that something is wrong. I will go to the lower part of the company and check it myself. If there are no problems, I will be back within half an hour. 』

"Alright, but I may not be able to control Green. If there is any change in him, I will notify you as soon as possible. 』

"Well, keep in touch. 』

After Han Dong finished speaking, he immediately turned to Green, who was headshot of himself. "Brother Green, the zombies in the lower zone have caused some problems. I have to go over and take a look. It's half an hour at most.

Please look at the military train room. "

Han Dong just finished speaking.


Green turned around and gave a finger, hitting Han Dong's shoulder.

A bottomless hole was poked out... There was no blood flowing out, and it looked carefully that the inner wall of the hole was a combination of tentacles and rock.

"Go... if there is any danger, even if the perception is closed, I can get in touch with you through the abyss.

If you feel like you are dying, just use your finger to drill in the ‘hole’ and I will respond immediately. "

Green, who seems crazy, knows the situation well.

He knows what such a large-scale migration will attract, so he is willing to stay in the company.

It is also clear that Han Dong may encounter powerful invaders after this trip.

"it is good."

Wait until Demps takes over Miss Helen, who is full of love.

Han Dong presented the black umbrella that the priest gave him, and went to the bottom area in a camouflage image, blending with the darkness through the effect of the umbrella.

The zombies dominated by crazy laughs did not react to Han Dong of Dark Sword.

Every time he went to an area, he used the magic eye to scan in all directions. At the same time, he also constructed more than ten blood dog nostrils on the surface of his right arm, so that the earl could also help.

After successively inspecting three large areas, nothing was found, and the production process of zombies was completely normal.

The earl's complaint also came immediately:

"Nicholas, since there is a crow eyeliner on the outside, the company's internal detection devices are also turned on.

Even if the opposing team really has the ability to successfully avoid the crows and sneak into the company, they will certainly not understand the situation and conflict with the zombies.

There are only five days left until the London title deed is exhausted. If I were the leader of the opponent, I would definitely be busy preparing for the battle.

After all, the capture of the City of London is the real key, and this group of inadequate indigenous people cannot make any big waves. "

Even if the earl had some truth, Han Dong would not listen at all.

He believes in his instincts, and the uneasy feeling in his heart must be completely eliminated, especially at such an important juncture.

"There are still [train development and assembly workshops] and [garbage disposal area] that have not been checked. If you are sure that there are no problems, please go up. It will not be long."

"Since you are so self-willed, I will waste some time with you."

Han Dong, holding a black umbrella, came to the train production room.

There are a large number of wall cranes and several new trains that have been discontinued. A large number of new metal materials are also piled up in the workshop, and the view is not very good.

Since there is only one import and export here, the number of zombies in UU reading activities here is relatively rare.

[Magic Eye. Open]

When Han Dong carefully searched every corner, the earl also spawned dog heads, sniffing the tiny molecules flowing in the air.


A wisp of tiny gas that the earl had never smelled entered the nasal cavity. It was not a metal or a living thing, like the smell of some kind of cloth.


The earl was about to explain the situation to Han Dong.


The earl, whose consciousness exists only in his body, widened his eyes, and just now had an intuitive feeling of being slashed.

I even feel that my consciousness is being divided into two.

Even though death was in sight, the earl gritted his teeth and tried to convey two words.


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