My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1363: 1 line of life

It is sticky, obstructive, and even has a feeling of drilling through the mud.

Han Dong was still carrying out such a difficult void teleportation for the first time. Without the spatial affinity and energy support provided by Marites, void teleportation would not be possible.

The environmental impact brought by the king-level domain is beyond imagination.

It’s no longer as simple as "realistic intervention",

The Emperor Slash can grant system rules that belong to itself within the domain...this is the real strength.

"Nicholas, all my energy has been must survive."

As soon as Mary finished speaking, she fainted directly in the void laboratory. This was the second time she was out of light and energy... Marites herself was also in a state of absolute weakness, and she didn't know when she would wake up.

Headquarters East Area-[No. 3071] Yiwu Laboratory (The 30th floor belongs to the middle area of ​​Hyperion Company, and Green and others are located in the upper-level arms research and development institute, and there are dozens of floors apart)

Tick ​​tick tick~

A portal that was as thick as a sludge and shining with star spots slowly tore open, symbolizing the continuous overflow of void mucus, and quickly sublimated into star-shaped gas when it fell on the ground.

The head, body, and severed left arm fell out.


Just now, in order to distract Emperor Zhan’s attention from the Void Transfer, Han Dong released hundreds of tentacles in one fell swoop...Although it was only limited for a second, he used this to complete the Void Transfer.


These tentacles connected to the central nervous system were severed, and hundreds of them were severed all at once. The pain of direct transmission of the soul made Han Dong almost lose consciousness during the transmission.

[Deep Imitation-Togu]

Clang Dang Dang Dang!

When iron chains spread through the body and penetrate the flesh, the pain slowly weakens and transforms into a pleasure.

"No. 3071, it's actually only here... If you squeeze Mary's energy out of space in normal times, you can transmit more than ten kilometers at will! The limits of the king-level domain are too exaggerated.

Hurry up, I must go to the top floor to meet everyone.

If you are restricted again, there will be a dead end. "

Iron chains grow from the neck and quickly connect the head back to the body.

When Han Dong was about to flee at full speed.

The feeling of being chopped struck again, causing the chains in Han Dong's body to tremble. Even if Han Dong presents the posture of a great demon, it is impossible to withstand the slash, it is impossible to once.

The ripples swayed away.

A samurai sword began to emerge on the ground of the laboratory, and the domain from Slashing the Emperor has spread.

Mariitis has fainted, and "Void Leap" cannot be realized.

"Can you escape? Can't! 』

At the moment when his brain got the answer, Han Dong immediately raised the only remaining right arm, stretched out his index finger, and poke the shoulder socket...


Seeing that the fingers have been attached to the shoulder socket.

The almost desperate slash came again...Pata Pata! The sound of fingers landing.

While the index finger was cut off, the other fingers also fell to the ground.

"What kind of ability is this that can break through my domain space?"

The voice of Slashing the Emperor was uttered through the tremors of all the samurai swords in the domain. When Han Dong heard these sounds, the cochlea was destroyed again.

Now, there is only one way left for Han Dong-[by God].

There is no time to consider the consequences of borrowing from God, and the only remaining right arm will be completely cut off for 0.1 second of hesitation.

Distinctive tentacles began to emerge between Han Dong's eyes, pupils, mouth, and nostrils...The completely different gray breath was constantly overflowing from the pores.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came.

Huh! Blood splashes.

Not be cut.

Instead, a bloodied finger grew from the wound.

This kind of change temporarily stopped "borrowing gods"

Careful observation will reveal that the current finger regeneration is completely different from the previous regeneration through blood threads...First a baby's newborn finger is generated, and then it matures quickly.

Very strange, Han Dong couldn't understand.

Every slash given by the Emperor Slash touches the "rule" level.

Even the arm of the undead can be completely cut off from Han be reasonable, the cut off finger will not be able to recover.

"this is!"

There is no time to think about it, because the next slash is about to hit.

The newborn's fingers were inserted into the shoulder socket!

The voice that has almost torn the throat, shattered the lungs, hissed:


The moment the voice shouted, the Demon Eye looked directly at the area, and a longitudinal slash had already struck...The slash given by the Emperor Slash himself, even all the katana in the field tremble violently, fearing this slash. .

This slash will tear the body, cut off the soul, and extinguish consciousness.

Kaki Kaki~ A weird voice came from the abyss.

In despair, a very twisted body squeezed out of the shoulder socket.

"I'm here, Nicholas..."

From the pierced ears, he pulled out a long black knife that was sizzling,

When holding the handle tightly,

Crazy creeping tentacles grow from between the arms, swinging in the space at high frequency, throwing out with all their strength!

At this moment, time had a very brief stillness, and the space was completely broken like a mirror.

The visual lens was pulled out from the [Lab] [Company], and looked at Hyperion from an oblique perspective.


A flash of knives across the sector crossed the middle of the company.

The top building materials used to cooperate with the high-end construction technology, half of the existing support pillars have been cut off... the company as a whole has a feeling of being "cut off"

This cut directly triggered Hyperion's special defense system.

Rumble! Layers of alloy steel plates on the outer ground rise from the ground,

As a support and an outer baffle, the company is wrapped and closed layer by layer,

A kind of "super magnetic field" maintained by ytterbium ore also enveloped the company.

In the current state, even if the company is directly hit by nuclear energy, there will be no major problems, and it will be indestructible before the energy is exhausted.

【Yiwu Laboratory】

The deity of Emperor Slashing has appeared in the center, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com was holding one of the famous knives taken down by the throne in his hand... He turned his blade head slightly, again unable to understand what was happening before him.

The cut she swung out by herself was actually blocked by another ‘youth’ who opened the door.

"Wow! It hurts... What a powerful power, worthy of being a king! Hahaha, I have such a sense of oppression that makes my spine tremble, it's so cool~"

The "Miss Lyle" used for the match was inserted on the ground, and the blade was cut with a depth of five centimeters, and drops of pitch-black blood were dripping along the blade.

The more terrifying thing is Green.

To resist this cut, the tiger's mouth was completely torn apart. Even the torn opening went straight to the elbow... a strip of meat with a thumb was shaking in the air.

Even so.

Green still turned his excited and gentle face to Han Dong behind him.

"Nicholas, leave it to us next... I believe you can figure out a way to deal with the king in a short time."

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