My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1364: newborn

Green used ‘us’ instead of ‘me’ in words.

Obviously, in the face of [king], even a crazy blade like Green is also worried...The single block knife just now is just because time is too late. When you really fight against the king, it will call out the myth that comes from the chaotic core in the body. exist.

This kind of mythological body with top-notch bloodlines and attributes... is infinitely close to the king, and time delay can definitely be done.

It is impossible to defeat.

No matter how excellent the bloodline is and how special it is, the mythological body itself still lacks this kind of thing, and it is absolutely impossible to defeat the real king head-on.

As Green said, he can delay a certain amount of time.

And Han Dong must use these time to find another way, otherwise the final result of his party will still not escape death.

"Hold on, Green! I will find a way in a short time."

There is no hesitation.

Han Dong bit the "undead's arm" and turned to leave the laboratory.

During the run to the top, Han Dong also used part of his attention to pay attention to the newly grown'finger' on his right hand-the finger that was regenerated through a special method at the critical moment, ignoring the rule restrictions given by Emperor Slash. .

This kind of regeneration mode of baby fingers is formed instantly, and the efficiency is 30% higher than before.

"Could it be that when death is approaching, a certain potential is completely stimulated, allowing me to break through the rules in an instant? 』

When Han Dong asked this sentence in his heart.

A strange smell of blood wafted through the air.

Unlike any ‘blood’ that Han Dong has ever been in contact with, this smell is quite fresh, and it can even be said that the fishy smell is completely wiped out and the viscosity is minimized.

Sweet and refreshing, it retains the original taste of life.

At the same moment.

In the consciousness space corresponding to the talent tree.

Tick ​​tick tick~A kind of "blood drop-like" downpour from the sky, dyeing all the material including the talent tree and the surrounding land red.

Some blood even seeped into the trunk and fell into the abyss of truth.

When the heavy rain stops.

The blood beads that had fallen before began to slowly converge towards the talent tree, and at the same time they also absorbed all the red fruits that grew on the branches, and finally formed a kind of gestation organ, which was hung on the thickest branch.

Between the translucent organ membranes, the naked eye can see bloodshots connecting a group of newborn individuals.

From embryo to baby, and grow super fast in a short time...

Supple black hair,

The big red mouth that split to the earlobe,

And the cone-shaped goggles with survival,

The whole process from baby to middle age takes less than three seconds.


The bottom is broken.

As the amniotic fluid poured out, the gestational body also slid out...The umbilical cord structure connected to the individual's abdomen was sucked into the body by the adult individual just like sucking the fat intestine, and was filled with nutrients.

The earl is back!

Although the image has not changed much, the essence has changed.

Nowadays, flowing through the earl's body, constructing the organs and bones is a kind of underworld blood from the super world-[Terror Dawn].

The part that was once related to the blood brew has been completely omitted, but the "exotic magic trait" has been retained.

The current earl can be said to be a perfect combination of blood and underworld.

"Count! You!"

Han Dong, who was running to the upper level, couldn't believe what happened in the consciousness space. After all, he had personally felt that the earl's consciousness had been cut off before, and the connection with the accompanying consciousness had been completely cut off... It was just too late to pay homage.

At the same time, Han Dong also understood the root cause of the fingers healing themselves.

The earl was also quite surprised, "Huh? Nicholas... you ran away?"

"Green is helping to block Emperor Swordsman, and it won't last long.

I have to go to the highest level and meet Xiao Huang immediately. If I want to deal with the king-level existence, I must make good use of [Hybolong].

The area of ​​influence from the Emperor Slash is really wide, and it is still limited here... Space transfer will consume too much energy, and the established channel is also likely to be cut open, and there is a danger of getting involved in space cracks. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a soft creeping sensation came from his right arm.

No order from Han Dong was required this time.

The earl voluntarily became a mount and separated from his right arm in a brand new blood dog posture.

Compared with the previously disordered teeth, they are now neatly arranged.

The tentacles that construct the dog's body are also combined and arranged in a very regular form. The blood circulating between the blood vessels is the purest and most original blood, which brings an unprecedented strong power.

A handful of black dog bristles floated on his back.

Carrying Han Dong's body, it turned into a red light that exceeded the speed of sound and rushed to the top.

In the top lobby, he collided head-on with Demps, who looked grim.

The sudden disappearance of Green and Hyperion's use of special defense measures, various phenomena indicate that a terrible invasion has occurred below.

Demps estimated that there might be many mythological entities coming.

But the information Han Dong gave was:

"The king is here... Demps, you hurried to the core control room with me, you must come up with a response plan.

Otherwise, everything we do will fall short, and there is a high probability that we will die here. "

"King!!" Demps was shocked and looked at Han Dong's arm in his mouth, "Nicholas, your arm..."

"Don't care so much! Come with me."

When Demps sat on the blood dog, Han Dong followed up and asked:

"What about Miss Helen... there should be a conscious connection between the two of you? Let her follow along, otherwise one person may be in danger."

"Helen followed and helped when Green disappeared.

It's okay... Helen's special abilities come in handy. There are still forces led by the mythology hidden in her dreams, and Union Green should be able to delay it for a longer time. "

"Well, this is the reason why I chose Miss Helen to act together.

I hope they can last longer. "

Demps was shocked, "I really can't understand that the other party will send a [king] to deal with the'non-mainline incident', and there is not much time until the energy of the London title deed runs out.

The confrontation in Pandora maintains ‘balance’ to a certain extent, and the number of [kings] should be equal.

[Wang] is related to the foundation of victory in this battle, UU Reading

Acting alone like this requires huge risks... Just as it is not us who controls Hyperion, but the leader of the Great Demon, the situation is completely different.

The other party really dare to bet. "

"Since it has happened, we can only find a way to solve it.

As you said Demps... [King] is the biggest bargaining chip to win the London game. Since the opponent's [King] is exposed first, we have to seize the opportunity.

Failing to kill me in the first place is their biggest mistake.

Hyperion used to be the leading company in Pandora's world, and even underwent a dictatorship for a period of time. Behind it corresponds to the handsome [king] Jack.

The company must have special facilities for similar kings.

Even if the related facilities have ceased operation due to the loss of the world, I still have enough energy to restart the equipment! "

Purple light flickered, and pieces of gold appeared on the surface of the right arm...

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