My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1379: King VS King

The black dragon claws descending from the sky are like a magic mountain flowing with high-temperature lava.

The first thing that Dragon Claw will destroy is not the City of London, but the "mythical celestial body" suspended in mid-air as a temporary satellite.

Its owner is the tenth original quality-[Vad Cousins].

Vader and a large number of alien demons from the outer sky are living in the celestial body, secretly carrying out a plan.

In the face of the terrifying dragon claws that are coming, all the energy sacrificed to the celestial body can barely be blocked by the fortifications, which will also consume huge energy and force the alien magic industry inside the celestial body to stop functioning.

"Vade, make a decision quickly! It's too late... the opponent is a king with the ability to destroy. 』

The sound of mythical celestial bodies echoed in the ears of the red-haired youth, and the miniature celestial bodies in his chest were spinning fast.

"Our link is indispensable in the battle plan, wait a minute! 』

Vader stared at the depressing dragon claw, bearing all the pressure.

What he saw was a more long-term battle plan, and he has not ordered the activation of the celestial defense barrier...The forces under his command are also safe and fearless of death, silently watching the dragon claws that are constantly lowering.

crucial moment.

London-Thames, the original clear river water was completely blackened in an instant, and even continuously bubbling like boiling water.


One by one, swollen tentacles with a diameter of more than ten meters grew wildly from the surface of the lake. The surface of the black oily tentacles was faintly printed with dark texts symbolizing some kind of ancient sacrifice.

Before the mythical celestial body is about to be destroyed.

More than eighty thick dark tentacles wrapped in dragon claws... Om!

For a while, a circle of black ripples visible to the naked eye swayed in the air, and the dragon's claws were forcibly stopped.

Zi Zi Zi!

At the same time, the contact between the two also caused a large amount of steam to continue to rise.

Most of the seven black tentacles were evaporated when they touched the dragon's claws, or annihilated by the stimulation of destructive energy, and the tentacles' fractures were still flowing with terrifying lava of tens of thousands of degrees.


The black dragon itself is also uncomfortable.

The dragon scales that were strengthened by Blacksmith III himself are still forcibly torn off by the tentacles. This pain is like tearing off a fingernail.

The most important thing is that the dark tentacles like ground burrowing maggots will further penetrate into the flesh and blood, and release the destructive and corrosive dark occult energy in the claw flesh.


The pain was still mixed with the tingling sensation that made the black dragon old man shudder,

This strange feeling that he had never contacted made him decisively give up this offense.

Huh! Tear apart the two tentacles again, forcibly retracted the dragon claws.

The scene before him made the black dragon sweat profusely.

Just now because the dragon's claws are intertwined with a large number of tentacles, it is difficult to see clearly. When the dragon's claws are retracted in front of you, you can intuitively see the part where the dragon scales have been pulled out, and dozens of large and small openings have been drilled.

The foul-smelling, black, viscous liquid kept flowing from the wound.

There are even several broken tentacles still stuck in it.

"This is the characteristic of a different demon... If it weren't for the "root of dragon veins" that symbolized the world flowed in the old man's body, this kind of internal corrosion might not be able to be restrained, and it would spread to other areas in a short time.

It is indeed a creature in the S-01 world and not controlled by the black tower.

Those who strike iron, help out. "

With the call of the black dragon.

A steady figure appeared in the position of the dragon claw.

The tentacles inserted between the wounds shattered instantly...

Hum! An iron hammer appeared in the hands of the blacksmith, and after a random knock on the wound, the new and stronger black iron dragon scale covered the wound in all directions.

"For iron.

The living planet above the city of London seems to not only play a detection role, let's work together to destroy it. "

"Um... really suspicious."

Black Dragon Teplow was slightly afraid of the dark tentacles swaying at the bottom, and instead of using claw attacks, he turned its dragon head towards the city of London directly below.

Dragonborn World

The most awesome and largest volcano in the world ever-[Eye of Destruction].

More than two thousand years ago, I was forcibly swallowed by a black dragon of the mythological stage and melted into a part of the flesh. It also took this opportunity to bring the "destructive attribute" inside the dragon to a higher level, reaching the ultimate level and touching the king-level diaphragm .

This terrifying volcano is located in the center of Teplo's "Dragon Belly Land".

Currently, under the encouragement of Teplo, it is in an eruption state, linking all the volcanoes in the Dragon belly continent to jointly carry out a super-scale eruption, and a devastating dragon's breath that can destroy the medium-sized world is constantly accumulating.

While feeling this terrifying energy.

The tentacles rising from the Thames began to circulate in the air and condense, forming a mass of black meat...Huh! A terrifying sharp-clawed arm crawled out of the flesh.

A humanoid figure resembling a mother-in-law crawled out of the fleshy mass. There was no facial structure on his face, but densely packed with tiny tentacles.

The slender right arm straightened forward.

The tentacles drilled out of the arms formed a series of ancient characters, and at the same time, black dots of light appeared in the palm of the palm.

Such a small arm meets a giant dragon head the size of London...

"Die, bug!"

Destroy the world.

A world of dragon's breath surrounds crimson lightning, ultra-high temperature lava, and a beam of destruction.


The dark particles combine to form a black light ball, emitting a small black light beam.

The two energies are not at the same level in terms of visual effects or coverage... But when the two collide, the black beam spreads out like a ‘disc’ at the point of impact, just the same width as the dragon’s breath.

For a time, the impact between the two was comparable.

Just as the black dragon Teplo continued to breathe in shock.

A relatively low-key figure leaped from him.

The hammer held in his hand is facing the "mythical celestial body" at the lower end...Blacksmith III-Von B. Kliman is confident that he can kill this celestial body in one blow without any defense.

However, when the distance is less than 100 meters remaining.

The blacksmith's eyes changed suddenly, and he quickly retracted the hammer into his body, and at the same time changed the trajectory of the fall...Kang Dang! With the tremor of the iron ring throughout the body, it settled firmly in another area of ​​the celestial body.

At the place where he was going to fall, he was standing by an unexpected guest.

The white gelatinous skin has no mouth structure, and a pair of deep eyes are looking at the blacksmith's deity, even slightly over the head.

The person who came was the leader of the Great Demon.

The blacksmith has used metal detection and observed the external information of the person who has obtained it, "An individual who has not obtained the throne qualification but has the power of the king...Are you a human?"

The big demon leader did not answer but turned into a white shadow and flashed in front of the blacksmith in an instant.

This process doesn't even feel like any time interval.

"Hyperspace movement speed! So fast!"

The blacksmith was so shocked that he didn't even have time to spread the field.

The white palm has clasped his head...strands of white energy are gathering in the palm! boom!

boom! A white flash comparable to a nuclear explosion bloomed on the surface of the celestial body, and the mythical celestial body was deflected to a certain extent.

The blacksmith, with white smoke all over, flew backwards and flew out of the explosion smoke. UU Reading flew backwards at supersonic speed and hit the city buildings below.

boom! When landing, smashed a horrible pit about a hundred meters wide.


The blacksmith maintained a posture with his head tilted back and his body leaning back, and he stood steadily among the big pits...Although his head was still in white smoke, his essence was not harmed.

"Sure enough, it's really very difficult to defeat you head-on.

However, you two of the remaining kings of the City of London have already appeared, come to deal with me and the black dragon, how to solve the situation of the siege? "

Just finished.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the wall on the north side of London.

The walls collapsed.

In just ten minutes, a city wall has been breached!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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