My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1380: unstable factor

The city wall on the north side.

It was guarded by Priest Ilombe, the branch leader of the Church of the Dark Night.

The first wave of the enemy's vanguard troops did not include the mythical body.

With full confidence, Yilombe used the geographical advantage provided by the city wall to unite the entire power of the cult and used black magic to bombard the troops from outside the city.

Very effective at first.

But soon he noticed the abnormality.

There is a weird mechanical entity that resists all magical damage, no matter what form of attack, even if a teacher grows a huge tentacles from his belly through self-sacrifice, he is still indifferent.

Go straight to the bottom of the city wall.

In the next second there was a huge explosion that shocked the city.

The North City Gate, which could block the impact of myths, was blown to pieces, and the structure of the city wall about 100 meters from the left and right collapsed.

In the ruins full of gunpowder, the terrified Yilombe also wanted to notify the headquarters of the information. In the next second, his head and body were all annihilated, and only two lower legs twitched on the ground and finally turned into a pool of black water.


【Black Night Church-Headquarters】

When Father Lesos observed the situation in the north through the "London Eye", he was disturbed by a magnetic field and was unable to see the specific situation.

The war has just begun.

Except for the king-level war that broke out in the sky, the siege war has just launched the first wave of attacks, and the mythological entity stationed in the "space crystal" has not yet acted.

Lesos didn't quite understand why the north gate was breached.

"Could it be that... the demon's speculation is correct.

Is there a [king] who used a camouflage technique that we can't recognize and acted secretly in secret? Only this is possible, otherwise the city gate cannot be destroyed in just a few minutes.

Must discover and understand the ability of this [king].

Otherwise, it is almost impossible for us to sustain the arrival of external reinforcements in a ‘conservative state’.

Going out of the next move early may result in a loss of the game, and the accident that occurs here must be filled. "

The always calm priest changed the umbrella in his hand to the crutches mode, ready to visit the scene to find out.

Suddenly, a twisted vortex that does not belong to the world of different demons emerged in the darkness, and a man with a linen hood and joints all over his body appeared twisted.

The worn gloves on both hands are very conspicuous.

This person was the strongest warrior of Father Lysos who completed the ascent with Han Dong and others in the last London game, touched the miracle of the whirlpool and successfully stepped into the mythological body.

The real name has been discarded and the code name [Z] has been assigned.

He himself was extremely loyal to the strange demons, and to be precise, he was absolutely loyal to the priest.

Once a free fight champion in the City of London, he became a murderer because of his bloodthirsty, and finally got the final redemption in front of the priest.

Even if he was completely changed by the sacred world's ‘vortex attribute’ to be a foreign demon, his heart still belongs here, and the brainwashing effect of the miracle has no effect on his loyalty.

[Z]'s absolute allegiance was also one of the major reasons for the miserable defeat of the holy world. He thought he could transform the alien monster for his own use, but it was a gift for nothing.

"Father, I will investigate this matter... Even if I die, I will bring back valuable information.

You are the key to this battle, please stay here! "

While the priest nodded affirmatively, he carried a special black candle on his tongue and delivered it to Big Z.

"Lighting a candle at a critical moment may save your life."

"Thank you Father."

The moment after receiving the candle.


Only leaving a spiral footprint on the ground, Big Z rushed to the North City Gate as quickly as possible.

With the help of the mythological structure realized by the "Vortex God", the quality is not low at all. The priest even has the idea to train Big Z as the leader of a special force, further expanding the power of the City of London.

"Domain Development-Realm of Reincarnation"

The area where Big Z steps, all the surrounding matter, even the most basic air will appear to be distorted.

Even beyond the distortion of the conventional material level, it can touch the material flow rate and reverse the "time" to a certain extent... its own strength is not weak at all.

Afterimages flashed.

Big Z has appeared among the ruins full of fragments of the city wall, and there are no living beings as far as he can see, and he hasn't even seen many entities. Most of them are some belongings falling into it, and the flesh seems to have evaporated.


Big Z's current vision is similar to Han Dong's magic eyes. The spiral effect brought by the vortex can enhance the vision that focuses on a certain point to the extreme.

A ray of metallic luster flashed past the place where his eyes were locked.


The extremely distorted soles of the feet turned super fast, and the agile pace made him instantly close to the objects he could observe.

"what is this?"

Standing in front of him was a dilapidated ‘mechanical entity’.

All kinds of cables were dragged to the ground, even the right arm was almost separated from the body, relying on a cable to hang in the air,

Tick ​​tick tick~ "motor oil" similar to human blood is constantly overflowing from the broken mechanical body,

The metal parts embedded in the body are slowly falling off,

Even so, it still held the head of a monster that had just been pulled out in its hand, easily crushing it.

At first glance, the broken state of mechanical life seems to have been caused by a great battle.

Close observation will reveal that the machine itself is disintegrating,

Even some parts that appear to be intact will rupture on their own, and metal conduits that are connected intact will automatically break.

It's more like an ‘overload’ performance.

Feel the arrival of Big Z.

Kaka Kaka~ The machine has turned the incomplete head 180° in an extremely exaggerated form.

The oil kept flowing out of the broken eyeholes, and there were a few wires that were jumping arcs in his mouth.

An intermittent electromagnetic sound came from the mouth:

"Hmm... Holy Order? No... Your body is mixed with the dual attributes of the strange monster and the Holy Order. It is strange... Your presence may mislead our soldiers and must be eliminated."

The mechanical life that looked like it even had problems with walking, ejected extremely terrifying laser rays from its mouth, and everything annihilated wherever it went.

Big Z's domain is not effective at all, and can only rely on the flesh to forcibly avoid it.

Failing to avoid it completely, half of his arm was exposed to the rays and annihilated instantly.

"King! And very strong!"

The burlap bags worn on Big Z's head were twisted into a ball and wanted to evacuate at full speed while reporting information to the priest.


An invisible field has spread, and the surrounding scene has not changed.

A ban mark [BAN] similar to a system program appeared in the brain's consciousness.

Just as a prohibition program is forcibly implanted into the brain of Big Z, it is forbidden to perform any behavior related to escape and conveying information, whether it is directly or indirectly related, will be prohibited.

"What ability is this?"

The mechanical life has raised his right arm, and a cloud of annihilation energy is accumulated in his palm... completely locked, unable to avoid it.

At the moment of life and death, Big Z's loyalty is far higher than the fear of death, even if he wants to die here, he will cause harm to the opponent.

"Time Warp"

Since the realm is invalid for machinery, the realm acts on itself.

Provides an acceleration effect on the time that twists itself.

A rapidly twisting spiral palm rushed before the energy shot, hitting the surface of the mechanical entity...

Gu Ling Kang Dang!

The mechanical fragments splashed freely, and the annihilation energy that was about to shoot out of the palm was stopped due to the collapse of the individual.

Staring at the engine oil flowing all over the floor and the completely broken mechanical residue, UU reading couldn't figure out what happened for a while... He definitely thought it was his own attack that killed the target.

It was the blow that just made the machine's bearing limit exceed the load.

Surprised, he quickly sent the information back to Father Lesos.

However, it didn't take long.

An annihilation explosion similar to the north gate occurred on the city wall on the southwest side, and the city wall was destroyed again... A similar invasion occurred again.

"The mechanical entity disintegrated itself due to overloaded actions. It seems weak but possesses the power of a king, can it be said..."

A terrifying conclusion was drawn in Big Z's head.

Father Lesos came to the same conclusion.

"This is trouble."

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