My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1528: Highest difficulty

Inside the safe house covered with talisman and a large number of white candles burning, Han Dong quietly waited for the change in difficulty.

The earl is perching between his arms, his consciousness dormant.

"Nicholas, I have a question~

This special "journey of destiny" can be purchased through game event channels, "bloodlines" or some additional abilities purchased in stores. When we return to the original world afterwards, can these abilities be taken away? "

"It is theoretically possible. For example, in the last game I repaired the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing", its related effects are perfectly integrated into my torso and can be improved along with me.

However, this game is a bit strange, but it should be taken away... even if it doesn't work, it can be improved in other ways. "

"It's amazing~ Obviously there is no cultivation process, but you can gain brand new abilities and even change the nature of your body."

The "Destiny System" is a masterpiece created by the masters of the Black Tower, and one of the most important features is the [equivalent exchange].

As long as you work hard and achieve your goals in your destiny journey.

At the time of settlement, your "experience" during the event will be equivalently transformed into "experience", eliminating the need for training, gaining level upgrades and obtaining corresponding abilities.

Even if Sally, your growth system is not destiny, you can still get corresponding abilities or item rewards... The specifics depend on the final settlement. There will be various rewards for you to choose freely. "

"Okay! It just happens that my myth has just come into being, and I need to fill up and feel it in all aspects.

If possible, I would also like to take this opportunity to experience a bloodline that is different from the black will definitely be very interesting. "

Sally is not like she just passed by with death. She is increasingly looking forward to her growth in the game, hoping to take this opportunity to experience a brand-new growth system.

During small talk.

Dididi! The alarm sound of the bracelet came again.

Han Dong suppressed his nervous and excited mood, quietly waiting for the arrival of the most difficult.

"Because we destroyed the crooked neck tree that the other party used to collect resentments, we will be paid special attention by [Mysterious Neighbors] according to the prompt...Once we are exposed, we may be hunted down continuously.

The next action must be as concealed as possible!

Once discovered, priority is given to returning to the safe house. "

Sally nodded and stopped talking.

When the countdown is over, step to step!

The familiar sound of leather shoes came again...Through the direction and the loudness of the sound, Han Dong could basically imagine the opponent's course of action in the murder house.

The mysterious neighbor first walked through the entrance and living room on the first floor and went to the courtyard to check the situation.

When the opponent stepped on the second floor and kept approaching the safe house.

The sound of heavy leather shoes was like stepping on their hearts. Han Dong and Sally couldn't help but press their chests to alleviate this uncomfortable feeling... This level of danger is far greater than the crooked neck tree they dealt with before.

Face-to-face confrontation has almost no chance of winning.

When stepping into the attic.

The talismans posted in the safe house are becoming bleak, falling slowly one by one... However, this falling speed has little effect on the thousands of talismans posted all over the safe house.

"Huh? Stop it!"

Han Dong quickly took a step back and leaned against the deepest part of the safe house with Sally.

Judging by the sound of the last footsteps, the mysterious neighbor was standing outside the door, separated by only one door.


The whole haunted house was shaking.

A huge footprint is clearly visible, printed on the wooden door in a concave form.

The opponent's heavy kick also caused nearly a hundred talisman to fall at the same time, and more than ten candles were also extinguished...

"This!" The current situation makes Han Dong's scalp numb. If this continues, the safe house may be completely destroyed, and the two people hiding in it have nowhere to escape.

boom! boom!

Two consecutive feet again.

More than half of the talisman has been consumed, and only the last nine burning candles remain.

Hissing~strands of black miasma are trying to invade the safe house.

At the critical moment, kicking stopped... The sound of leather shoes was slowly going away, and the mysterious neighbor gave up kicking and left.

Perhaps because he was not sure whether there was anyone in the door, he gave up after failing to kick it three times in a row.

Or maybe something more important happened in another part of the street, and he needs to rush to deal with it.

As the sound of leather shoes faded away, Han Dong breathed a sigh of relief...

"We must find an undamaged [safe house] again. There is no longer a place to hide.

Moreover, during the follow-up exploration, once we are found, we must hide in the safe house without completely getting rid of the other party... If this person determines where we are hiding, the safe house can be completely destroyed by only continuous attacks. "

Sally just nodded, she was too frightened, and she had just made a desperate plan.

When the sound of leather shoes has completely gone.


Han Dong gently pushed open the wooden door that was kicked out of three shoe prints.

The picture of the attic in front of him made Han Dong stunned.

In the case of "the number of ladybirds = 5", both the floor and walls of the attic will have ‘shedding off the skin’.

It reveals the real material of the building-a constantly squirming black fleshy wall structure, even full of black blood vessels that can draw resentment. .

Residents who have died here are also wrapped in black flesh, constantly drawing their resentment.

When I saw two living people walking out of the safe house.

A woman with a prolonged chin and constantly overflowing blood in her eye sockets madly freed herself from the shackles of black meat. Com tries to kill the two as a substitute for him.

"let's go!"

Han Dong took Sally's hand and ran to the attic window quickly... If it makes too much noise, it will definitely attract the [mysterious neighbor] who has just left.

I don't know, when I'm about to get close to the window.

Hyperplasia of meat wall~

The small attic window was completely blocked, and at the same time the boy's face was reflected, and a little boy holding a human head was stripped out... it exudes a stronger curse.

"Go to the second floor first..."

Abandon the broken window, and instead fall from the wardrobe passage to the master bedroom on the second floor.

The same goes for the second floor.

Like peeling off the skin, the entire building presents the original state of black fleshy walls.

While the evil spirits in the master bedroom were still struggling, the two quickly rushed out...

However, the entrance on the second floor was overflowing with water, and a large amount of hair emerged from the cracks in the floor, trying to entangle and restrict movement.

The corridors are already covered with ball-like heads,

There is also a dripping woman floating out of the bathroom, blocking the aisle,

"Can I just force it down?"


At this moment, the wooden door of the study next to him slowly opened without warning.

Han Dong remembered his previous experience and decisively pulled Sally into the study.

I saw the black-haired girl in student clothes deliberately embedding her body in the black wall of flesh to prevent the wall from covering the window...make sure that the size of the window allows the two of Han Dong to escape.

"Thank you... I will free you all."

Two dark shadows jumped off the second floor, and they left the haunted house in a swift smoke, and stepped back to the street full of black miasma.

At the highest difficulty, the ‘nature’ of this street and all surrounding buildings are revealed...

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