My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1529: Scarlet Supply

"Number of ladybugs = 5"

On both sides of the streets where the black miasma is scattered.

Each villa building shows its ‘natural state’,

Or composed of black hair,

Or supported by skin and skeleton,

Or it is made of wooden boards covered with insect repellents, engraved with incantations,

As Han Dong speculates, although each villa has a different style, the degree of danger is roughly the same to ensure fairness in the early stage of the event.

Moreover, each villa has its own set of related systems for grievance collection.

No matter which villa you choose at the beginning, the ultimate goal will be the master behind the scenes, that is, the [Mysterious Neighbor] who uses the entire street to collect the essence of resentment continuously.


Han Dong is searching for a "safe house" in a modern villa with a swimming pool.

There are two reasons for choosing this villa.

One is that no other killers were found to be active internally.

Second, the overall lean towards the blood style, there are monsters condensed with blood hovering inside, just suppressed by the properties of the blood.

More importantly, they can also be used as Piaget’s ‘dog food’.

During the search for the safe house, he also collected a lot of blood, so that the comatose Earl awakened in advance... Turning around, it was also just to use the blood smell of the upper earl to locate the secret location of the [safe house].

"It's actually here, earl~ not bad!"

The earl turned into a blood dog was digging a piano, under the secret door piano of the safe house.

The "blood hand" responsible for piano playing has been eaten up by the earl as a snack.

Prying open the floor under the piano and opening the secret door, the gentle candlelight shining through made Han Dong feel relieved.

The earl said disdainfully:

"Cut~ this blood-filled area is completely the home of the earl.

If we choose this place from the beginning, it won't cause serious injuries to my loving Miss Sally.

In other words, I can smell a distinctive **** smell, no matter the level or concentration, it is higher than other individuals.

How about taking some time to deal with it? Maybe it can find a better carrier for me, or get me high-quality blood to improve my strength.

If the Earl can exert a stronger power, we will be more certain about the [Mysterious Neighbor]... Take a step back, and the probability of escape will also be greater. "


"It's the "pool" outside the door.

I suspect that the swimming pool is equivalent to the crooked neck tree we dealt with before, a collection of grievances in this area!

Since the tree before can drop that kind of high-quality heart, this pool should also have good things.

Miss Sally has completely recovered from swallowing that heart, and has even gained a certain degree of improvement.

We are also good at dealing with blood. Dealing with things in the swimming pool is definitely easier than dealing with crooked neck trees. "

"Wait for me to think about it..."

The blue consumable-"Cursed Tree Heart", dropped by the Crooked Neck Tree, is indeed a good thing.

If you can kill the resentment collection in this villa, you should also be able to drop similar items that favor the blood attribute...If you are lucky, it may even be used as a new carrier for the earl to make the blood dog form more powerful and complete.

Earl’s growth is equivalent to Han Dong’s promotion

However, there are also risks and time issues involved.

Not to mention the resentment collection itself is extremely dangerous, even if it has the blood pressure system, it will not be easily killed.

Moreover, once it is killed, it will attract the attention of [Mysterious Neighbor], and it also means that the safe house just found will be scrapped.

In addition, the duration of the highest difficulty is only two hours... Once delayed, you have to wait for another cycle.

Han Dong made a decision:

"Go ahead! The big deal is to find a safe house again and wait for the next difficult cycle to come.

A blood aggregate like this is also a top-level existence in general games.

It takes at least hundreds of points to buy drops of the same quality in the shop... this kind of opportunity can't be wasted. "

Seeing that Han Dong is willing to take the risk to win his blood props.

The earl wanted to pretend to be as arrogant as he should be, but unfortunately his tail was raised high, and he kept shaking with excitement.

The positioning given by the earl is correct.

A distinctive blood egg rooted at the bottom of the pool... A large number of blood vessels spread from the bottom, leading to different areas of the villa, absorbing the essence of the dead's resentment.

When Han Dong and others approached the edge of the pool.

The blood water vortex formed quickly, and a beating blood egg emerged.

As if smelling the arrival of the invader, the blood egg split from the top like a flower...a young man with long red hair was conceived and he was staring at Han Dong's right arm with eyes like blood crystals. He has never smelled such delicious blood.

The battle is on the verge.


The other end.

Just as Han Dong was worried about the ‘time issue’, a certain team’s progress was comparable to theirs.

When they obtained the "key", they also discovered the real secret of this event-[the craftsman who made the "resentment box" and his workshop, only appeared on the highest difficulty]

In the streets filled with black miasma, the slight clash of copper coins continued to sound.

Three teams of different styles are moving forward quietly.

The sound of copper coins from Dongye does not attract the attention of evil spirits and ghosts, but has a dispelling effect...Moreover, under Dongye's control, the sound of copper coins will not reach the ears of mysterious neighbors.

As he walked, the handsome man suddenly stopped, and the folding fan in his arms turned to point to his side.

"This trail... have we seen it before?"

Dongye smiled sly. He is not very good at this kind of memory-related Moreover, there are many similar paths between the lanes leading to the outside world. He really doesn't know how to distinguish.

The forbidden word with talisman paper on his mouth shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no such way before.

"It seems that our guess is correct...Come with me."

Just as they were about to step into this path, bang... a loud explosion sounded not far away, and at the same time a blood-red beam of light that could penetrate the black bark rose.

Although the duration is short, it is enough to attract the attention of [Mysterious Neighbor].

I could faintly hear the sound of heavy leather shoes bursting toward the blood.

"I didn't expect "Lucky Dice" to really work... Let's go. "

The three of them kept going deep along the strange path.

Without leaving the activity area, there is only an old dilapidated building located here.

The folding fan unfolds.

A black tengu suddenly emerged and jumped in through the broken window.

After confirming that there was no danger, all the staff entered the building one after another... Feeling a strong breath of resentment, the target they were looking for was hidden here.


At the same moment

The source of the explosion sound and the blood soaking into the sky was Han Dong's head.

The youth who claimed to be the [Blood Demon] was restricted by the blood of the blood, and the self-healing blood gradually could not keep up with the destruction of the chainsaw and the crushing of the sheep's hoof... Seeing that the defeat is set, it is about to be killed.

It was a broken body, returning to the blood egg...Blow!

Han Dong activates the proliferative properties of the G virus to block the explosion damage from the front.

"Count, quickly picked up something and left! Blasting will inevitably lead to that guy...cough cough cough!"

The earl separated separately and picked a strange ruby ​​from the wreckage of the explosion.

Sally tore out Han Dong who was embedded in the hyperplastic flesh group, and hurriedly fled to the [safe house].

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