My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1842: Rolling

This'woman' has a very strange appearance.

Separately, the skull hanging from the ceiling does not have skin and muscle structure, but a skull with white hair.

The body sitting on the ground is quite perfect, and the body is basically the same as that of a ‘human’.

The skin is as transparent as ice crystals, clearly showing its internal structure, the blood vessels are flowing with white crystal-colored blood, and the surfaces of the organs are also dotted with small diamond-like particles.

Just as Pope said, the monsters transformed by the undead will gradually approach humans.

"I try to communicate with the other party. If the negotiation is unsuccessful, then consider killing or retreating. 』

After Han Dong gave a hand signal, he walked forward alone.

Spy with real magic eyes,

The woman's skin, flesh, and various internal organs will be filtered out, and only a skeleton remains... Can't help but remind Han Dong of the bone spirits in "Journey to the West".

But the skeleton here has a deeper meaning, which is obviously related to the "Book of the Necromancer-Bone".

While gradually approaching, Han Dong also quietly released the domain,

A pure faceless realm, belonging to a hidden realm without any appearance, I want to quietly test this [dead].

When the domain spread over, there was no feeling of covering the opponent in it.

"This thing must be the product spawned by the Necronomicon Book, and the broken page corresponds to "Bone".

Not only is it immune to magic, it can't even affect the domain, it's really difficult to deal with... Maybe Pope's speculation is correct, this thing is a special undead born in the broken dimension.

interesting. 』

Since the spreading domain could not affect the other party, Han Dong restrained the domain and put it under his feet to strengthen himself.

Sit cross-legged at a distance of two meters.

As soon as Han Dong sat down, the skull hanging in the air spoke:

"You are really amazing, only the mythological body can reach such a depth... and, depending on your appearance, there doesn't seem to be much wastage on the way.

When the planet we were on was involved, a large number of people died on the spot.

The partners who survived by chance also died slowly in endless despair, and only a few ‘lucky ones’ like me survived. "

Han Dong looked respectful, even slightly lowered his head and said:

"We currently have a technology that can move freely in the broken dimension, and venture deep here, the main purpose is to find an opportunity to become a king.

During the dimensional leap, a mysterious team was accidentally discovered and followed them here.

They should have landed on the other side of the frozen ground. "

Han Dong directly transferred the main body of the contradiction to the ‘mysterious team’.

"Oh~ My friend is receiving them, and it seems unpleasant to get along... But this is not my business.

The only thing I have to do is to receive you. Is there anyone else? "

"No, there are only three of us."

"Hey, it's really small~ The bone marrow that the three mythological bodies can finally squeeze out should not be much... I just hope that the number of people landing there will be more."

The conversation turned.

The seemingly friendly first communication was broken instantly, and there was no room for any communication.


The undead skull hanging from the top exhaled a breath of cold.


The temperature continued to drop on the original basis.

It actually started to get close to absolute zero (-273.15°C). This is no longer as simple as extreme cold. It has severely affected the basic movement of matter and time is also limited.

"Time Frozen"

As the main target, Han Dong, who is the closest to him, was directly affected by the freezing of time, and the whole person did not react.

As the main body exhaling the cold breath, the necrowoman is completely immune to the influence of the cold,

The moment the cold breath exhales,

Her ice crystal arms also stretched out simultaneously, poking Han Dong's face straight... trying to freeze the head from it, turning it into an ice sculpture, and then to deal with the other two.

At the same moment,

Pop, who was at the door, had already made some small movements with his palm.

He had already left a void mark on Han Dong, and when he was about to drag Han Dong back, a voice came:

"Watch me perform. 』

Pope didn't think much about it. Since Han Dong wanted to operate, he gave him a chance... directly cut the void connection completely.


The energy visible to the naked eye has condensed on the tip of the ice crystal finger.

Just when he touched Han Dong's forehead.

Han Dong, who was supposed to be imprisoned in the chill of time, suddenly turned up the corners of his mouth...Haha! A cold, weird snicker came out from the throat.

The laughter quickly crawled into the heads of the dead, and an apocalyptic scene unfolded in front of me-[The entire frozen soil began to fall apart, and the heads of the survivors were blown up like balloons].

The formation of the doomsday scene caused her consciousness to collapse.

The necromantic woman was stunned in place.

Through this gap.

Thought-driven... Whoosh!

The Magic Sword of Truth with its turbulent body unsheathed on its own, directly splitting its ice crystal body into two parts.

The severed flesh was directly sucked into the sword body 【Singularity】, completely annihilated.

in addition.

Han Dong deliberately did not attack the skull hanging in the air.

The skull affected by the "doomsday joke" basically can't do anything else, and it's painful...several cracks that symbolize disintegration appear on the surface.

In the extreme cold, Han Dong turned his head nonchalantly.

"Pop, is there a way to seal this guy's head...maybe I can ask some very important clues."

Although Popper was amazed by Han Dong's performance, he said calmly on the surface:

"Didn't the teacher give it to you?"


A cute group of "Void Meat Bubbles" was held in Han Dong's hands.

The skull head was also thrown in as a ‘clue’, and the current area immediately became calm.

"His, it's so cold..."

Han Dong shuddered after doing all this.

Standing up and stretching his body, he said helplessly:

"Hey~ I originally planned to turn the contradiction to another team of invaders, and temporarily ally with this group of guys.

Not only can we team up with these indigenous people to eliminate the mysterious team, but also take the opportunity to find out the true situation of this group of ancient strange monsters...Who knows, this group of guys wanted to kill us from the beginning, so there is no talk at all. "

"It's normal, the attitude of the necromancers toward the aliens is like this.

Not to mention, these guys have been wandering between dimensions for an unknown period of time, and have experienced too many incidents that have made them mentally crushed... It is already very good to pounce on us without the opening.

In other words, Nicholas, how did you resist the "time freeze"? "

"If I suddenly encountered the extreme cold just now in a normal temperature environment, I might not be able to react... But the environment here is already very cold, and my body has always been accepting and adapting.

Besides, playing with [time], I have seen it many times with the vice principal.

Although the format is different, UU read, but the essence is the same, and it will not cause a serious slowing effect on me. "

After checking the current bunker, everyone continued to move toward the depths of the frozen soil.

And the power that Han Dongzhan showed, also faintly stimulated Eugenes and Pope...

[Frozen Earth] on the other side.

Inside a similar small bunker.

Various burnt matchsticks scattered all over the ground, as well as ice crystals that were completely melted, and a skull that was trampled to pieces.

And one of their engineers melted away as the temperature rose.

"The creatures here are a bit weird, and the advancing speed is slightly slowed down...The engineer stays at the end, I will protect it, and try not to reduce the number of people.

We need to disassemble the core relics here and bring them back to B.B.C. "

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