My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1843: King of Shuggs

Han Dong was wrapped in a furry white polar bear coat and walked at the forefront of the team.

The Sword of Truth, the full name is "The Lost Sword of Trentis, the Eraser of Truth"

Hovering beside you, occasionally changing positions automatically,

The sword body will also be tilted to different degrees, similar to shaking the head, and similarly adjusting the posture.

No matter how the cold wind roars and how low the temperature is, the Magic Sword of Truth is not affected by any freezing at all.

And with the use of Han Dong during this period of time, the fluid on the surface of the sword body has shown a turbulent flow, and at the same time it is entwined with an aura that symbolizes eternal death.

Pope suddenly asked:

"Nicholas, the opponent is not affected by the domain and immune to magic... Can your mental attacks actually work?"

"I didn't know whether it would take effect at the time.

My [crazy laugh] has just made a breakthrough not long ago, and I am planning to find a target to try the effect. Such a necromancy derived from the broken dimension can be regarded as an excellent experimental target.

So make a hypothesis, if it doesn't take effect, it will be shredded together with the target and the skull.

If it works, save the skull for my use.

…Unexpectedly, it really works. "

"What's the current condition of the skull?"

"It's still being eroded, and the progress is slower than expected. When it is completely eroded, we will dig for information...As far as the current situation is concerned, the other team should be advancing from the other side of [Frozen Soil], just like us.

If they are strong enough, we should meet in the center of this frozen ground.

In addition, since this group of undead spirits are absolutely hostile to us, they simply kill them all the way, and don't let any bunkers come across along the way.

It can not only weaken their combat power, but also collect some intelligence.

If someone from the other side comes to reinforce, and then consider changing the route, since you have Pope here anyway, I don't have to worry about that. "

For Han Dong's inference, Pope also nodded affirmatively, "Um..."

Having had the first contact, and Han Dongneng beheaded with one move, everyone was relatively relieved a lot.

As he headed for the next bunker, Eugenes, who was wrapped in a black meat coat room, took the initiative to step forward.

Just the breath exhaled from the mouth can add a special smell to this frozen soil.

"Let me try this time... Taking advantage of the fact that there are not many dead souls at present, it just happens to be familiar."


Han Dong took the initiative to turn sideways, allowing Eukins to step into the [square bunker] first.

He also wanted to see how Eugenes changed during this time.

After all, in the last incident, Eugenes was also regarded as a beneficiary. He obtained M.O.'s arm and had a deeper control of the magic book.

On birth,

Eugenes is hailed as the'most peak biological masterpiece of the ancients', the top and most special existence among the'most perfect alien race' Shuggs... in a more popular language, it can even be called The prince of the Shuggs clan.

It is the only perfect Shuggs who passed the verification of the qualifications of the ancients in the depths of the Roshan in his youth.

Another top-notch masterpiece left by the ancients-[Various Evil Eyes], has been perfectly integrated with Eugenes at the genetic level, and has become his main eyeball.

On talent,

Eugenes can occupy the fifth place in the "Top Ten Primitives" among the strongest in the past 100 years or even in the past millennium without any backing support. (Eugenes had a chance to fight for fourth place, but unfortunately he encountered Aslan unexpectedly in the finals and regretted losing)

Now, Eugenes has won the London game even more, and has been rewarded by the Grimoire.

He is indeed qualified to catch up and even confront Green head-on one day.

Although the square bunker is different, the internal structure is almost the same.

Step by step toward the center along the channel.

This time no skulls took the initiative to greet them. When they were close to the bunker’s activity room...,

Kakaka~ A burst of crisp rubbing sounded into everyone's ears, as if they were carving something, and as if they were scraping bones.

Eugenes, who walked in the first place, didn't mean to stop.

At this time, Han Dong, who was walking behind him, reminded softly:

"There is no suitable rating standard for the necromancers here.

In terms of single-to-single, the king class can completely suppress the undead through the "king domain", and then use more special means to obliterate it.

Since we have not yet become kings, the mythological realm has no effect on these guys. In addition, they have the characteristics of magic immunity and can only be killed by close means... The risk will also be greatly increased.

Eugenes, you can take out the killer moves as much as possible and kill as soon as possible.

The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged. "

For Han Dong's kind reminder, Eugenes did not respond at all.

When I came to the activity room in the bunker center, there was actually a house number plate that said [Bone Carver-Bud Gu Han]

Also only a dead soul stays here,

The rickety body wrapped in a brown robe sat on a stone table.

The exposed palm of the ice crystal looked a little haggard. He should have been an old man before his death.

Holding an exquisite bone knife in his hand, he was carving some kind of ice hockey before the stone table...carving it into an exquisite skull shape.

There are also ice sculptures of various bone forms scattered in the room, seemingly obsessed with ‘bones’.

The moment Eugenes stepped into the door,

Some kind of ‘cold connection’ has formed between him and the dead old man,

Eukins' eyes also spied a kind of ice blue silk thread all over the room, which had been connected to various parts of his body.

"Did you kill the woman [Chill Breath] so quickly... It seems that I have to deal with you young people seriously. It's really rare. Mythology can reach this level."


The bone sculptor holding a bone knife scraped out of thin air.

Click, click~

The crisp sound of bone removal came through.


Eugenes knelt directly on one knee.

Han Dong, who was standing outside the door observing, was also embarrassed.

Because he has spied on it, the scraping action just now directly caused Eugenes’ calf bone to be scraped off.

At the same time, there are still ice crystal bone spurs between the flesh and blood, so that this leg is completely scrapped.

There was another sound of Evisceration.

Eukins's other leg was also scrapped, and he knelt on his knees.

"Well, now it's the arm's turn."

Bone scraper Bud continued to stretch out his knife, and when he scraped the bone like the previous two times... An abnormality happened~ Click!

There was a jamming sound, as if the bones were too hard to be scratched.

It was as if his knife was bitten tightly by a mouth.

With his green hair hanging down, Eugenes, who covered most of his face, said in a contemptuous and hoarse voice:

"Necromancers... is there only this level? The king's arm can't be scratched."

The words just fell.

Eugenes' right arm swelled and deformed instantly.

Layers of rotten flesh and rubber are stacked together, and it grows super fast like cancer.

There is also an extremely terrifying corpse-eating mouth formed between the flesh, which constantly gnaws on the surrounding space,

The entire arm's surface is also drawn with strips of "corpse food dogma" taken from the original magic book, showing a kind of integrity.


A handful of the old man sitting in the middle.

This scene made Han Dong and Pope stare.

Popper, who has read many books, also sees the problems, and even has a sense of crisis that Eugenes may catch up.

"This should be the high-level secret method recorded in the "Dead Food Teaching Code"-"raw food processing". UU reading www.

Unexpectedly, Eugenes has learned this technique...Through the arm of Raw Food M.O., the corpse food in the body is perfectly absorbed, recast, and processed.

On the basis of retaining the original properties of the arm, a more perfect and more suitable self-use arm is obtained. "

The pinched bone sculptor had no time to scrape his bones or make other escape actions.

The palm of the ghoul king has begun to physically squeeze, and the mouths stacked between the palms are also being swallowed simultaneously.

When the palm is completely pinched, the bone sculptor is also completely eaten.


Eugenes shot a foul-smelling and extremely cold full hiccup.

Reaching out from deep in his throat, he took out a skull with yellow gastric juice, and threw it to Han Dong.

"I didn't devour consciousness, it should still be usable."

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