My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1844: The secret of the frozen ground


When the foul-smelling old man's skull was caught by Han Dong, a ball of mucus splashed from the skull.

Han Dong was not in a hurry to invade with a crazy laugh. The bone sculptor's consciousness was basically fainted by the smell. Of course...the skull as a whole was still covered with a direct fear of being eaten raw, so there was no need to worry about it.

"Wow! Eugenes, can you clean it up and pass it to me?"

When Han Dong made this request.

Eugenes directly stretched out his dark green tongue, licked a full circle along the surface of the skull, and then drilled into the nasal cavity, sucking the inside completely.

It looks as bright as new, but the smell has become heavier.

After all, it was an important clue item, and Han Dong still put it into the archives room and carried out a slow thinking invasion.


While shocked by Eugenes's wonderful battle, Han Dong was also thinking about a problem.

"These undead spirits obviously have a "conscious network" and can communicate with each other, otherwise the first woman killed would not know that a similar conflict is also happening on the other side of the frozen ground.

Not only did this group of undead spirits not send a large force to encircle us, but each bunker deliberately stayed behind one person, as if deliberately let us break one by one.

Do you want to lead us to the center in this way, or collect our intelligence information through a single undead fighting against us? 』

Pope seems to be thinking about similar issues.

After the two looked at each other, they moved on to the next bunker.

Now that both Han Dong and Eugenes have shown their fists, it's Popper's turn next.

They are also very curious about whether Pope, a foreign demon based mainly on ‘space magic’, would use such physical means to defeat opponents, and would he use the "Void Lightsaber" that he once used in the ladybug game room.

The actual situation was beyond their expectations.

The undead with a huge head hasn't finished the opening remarks yet.

As Pope raised his hand,

A space cube visible to the naked eye has enveloped the flesh of the dead.

"Atomic decomposition"

It is disassembled into microscopic units by purely physical means, and only the skull is retained.

When the other party wanted to reconstruct the body with ice crystals, Han Dong's laughter hit simultaneously, completing the collection of the third head.

Pope gave the battle conclusion with a serious face:

"Although these [Necromancers] can survive for many years, they are not very powerful... They should be just the most basic ‘Necromancer’s units’ in this permafrost.

The purpose of a single existence in the bunker is most likely to be used to verify, test and entice us.

The information of the ‘intruder’ can be verified with the least amount of resources, and there is no loss at all.

Nicholas, what happened to your invasion? "

"The first skull is almost complete. The enslavement is almost complete. Anyone can interrogate...Pop, why don't you go and interrogate? I don't know anything about this ancient race. I might say what they say later. Some important points will be missed."


Pope nodded and turned into starlight particles to directly penetrate into the "Void Flesh Group" in Han Dong's hands.

The archive room inside.

The three skulls were neatly placed on separate archives. The first female skull with white hair showed a ‘clown makeup’.

The red smiley face has been spread evenly along the edge of the mouth,

There are even balloons squeezed between the eye sockets, squeezing out the eye sockets like an eyeball,

The strangest thing is that Pope can even hear a faint laughter.

The situation of the other two skulls is similar. A weird balloon has been stuffed into their cranial cavity. When the balloon is full, it is when the mind has completely fallen.

"The "crazy nature" of this fellow Nicholas, I'm afraid I can't find a second case in the center of chaos.

It's no wonder that Green is so caring... even the consciousness of the undead can be enslaved. It's a terrible ability.

Fortunately, this guy is not our enemy. "

In Popper's eyes, the scene in the archives room is even more weird than the frozen ground.

When he asked a question, the skull would answer honestly after a burst of laughter... However, as Pope had expected, these undead were all "basic units."

When it comes to deep issues, they don't know at all.

However, some more critical information was unearthed by Popper.

This group of ancient Vodas ice demons was indeed transformed by the Necromancer under the influence of "Book of the Necromancer-Bone True Edition"... but there is no information about the book of the Necromancer and its storage location is unknown.

They will go through a systematic transformation process.

With the completion of the transformation of the undead, it will be less dependent on the extreme cold and more inclined to the development of [bone].

The stronger and pure the necromancer, the higher the attributes and purity of the bone.

The same is true. These bunkers that were once used for collective cooling have been completely abandoned, and they have been able to operate normally at higher temperatures.

Some undead with low conversion rate and still dominated by extreme cold belong to the inferior category.

Rejected, left alone in the bunker, as a surface investigation unit.

If they can kill outsiders and bring enough fresh bone marrow to the ‘temple’, they may be given the qualifications to live among the temples by a special case.

This is why when they saw Han Dong and others, there was no room for conversation, and conflict broke out directly.

With the abandonment of the bunker,

This group of Vodas Ice Demons who have completed the transformation have built a "shrine" that is more suitable for the transformation of the undead,

It’s right at the bottom of the white stele that emits unique light and attracts outsiders.

But there is no way to know the specific situation about the temple, after all, these guys with low conversion rate are not qualified to enter.

""Conversion rates"

It seems that they have developed a relatively stable system of necromancers, and there may even be a strange demons who have mastered the remains of the is too dangerous for the three of us to go deep into the temple's lair.

Since there is another team also going deep, let them go in first.

If this group of people has the ability to disrupt the temple, the opportunity will naturally come. "


When Popper emerged from the meat bubble, Han Dong and Eugenes had just killed a dead soul.

"There is no need to kill next to each other..."

As Pope clarified the situation, Han Dong also agreed with this view.

It is indeed a good plan to let another team explore the way ahead.

The only thing Han Dong cares about is what identity this team is and why it also appears here.

"Since we want them to go deeper, we simply rest here. Anyway, the bunker has been abandoned by them. It is relatively warm inside (-190°C) and there are also collective bedrooms."


Taking advantage of the leisure time spared by this accident, the three people crowded into the small bedroom and sat on the lower bunk.

Since we have had enough sleep in the spacecraft, everyone can only sit and chat like this.

Regarding the current situation, Pop has thoroughly analyzed it, and there is nothing to say... The topic turned to Han Dong, talking about the secret information that Han Dong had previously shown to "Ms. You" in the void.

Pope has always wanted to find a chance to learn about this. UU reading is what makes the teacher so interested.

that's all,

Han Dong began to talk about himself, the experience of visiting with Sally and the headless brother in the Black Tower Control Bureau.

First, explain the intricate architectural design of the General Administration, and then explain the details from the shallower to the deeper.

This part of Pope's eyes gleamed when he heard it, and a strong idea of ​​wanting to visit it came out.

When talking about the original version of out of control, such as [The-deepest-house] and the heavyweight [Mr. Teacher],

Even Eugenes, who pretended not to care much, sat upright and listened very seriously.

Even excited because these weird out-of-control people might invade S-01,

He smelled an opportunity for war, an opportunity for the Shuggs tribe to gain greater benefits and status.

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