My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1930: Father God

With the completion of the "World Tree",

It means that the consciousness space has been fully concretized and turned into the foundation of the world.

The prison world prepared in advance directly became Han Dong's "kingdom" and was officially promoted to the rank of pseudo-king.

This way of obtaining the king's domain is too special.

Just like college graduates, other things are thinking about finding a job,

On the other hand, Han Dong wrote directly on the job-hunting wish list that he had worked in a certain Fortune 500 company for a period of time.

At this moment.

Han Dong's deity is located at the bottom of the world tree, the deepest part of the spiral staircase.

Touching the unfinished stone stele throne.

"I'm not ready for [Crowning]. The collection of "Book of the Necropolis" is not yet complete... It's not time for the final throne carving.

The qualification of "New King" is not currently used either. "

Although the crazy laugh was completely overflowing, the weird laughter reverberated in this area all the time.

But Han Dong has a very clear route plan in his heart, he is not in a hurry for success, and has never thought about getting it in one step... At present, he is just crossing a hurdle in advance.

There is still some way to go before the true [king] in my heart.

He turned his eyes to the back of the throne stele.

The "Mythology Picture Scroll" has become clearer, grander and more distinctive.

The overall drawing has moved closer from the ancient Egyptian style to the prison style, or a shortened version of the prison world, except that the ground is paved with black sand.

The image of the protagonist depicted in the picture scrolls also mixes the styles of the pharaoh and the warden, and even incorporates some crazy and postmodern elements.

"Oh~ My brand new image is kind of interesting... The influence of the "Prison World" is really great, and it also has a taste of "Trinity". "

Han Dong, portrayed in the scroll room, sits in an uncarved stone seat.

1. A dark golden pharaoh's long skirt covers the lower body, covering the big and calf, only revealing the smooth soles of the feet on the ground.

2. The shirtless upper body only wears a special inverted triangle pyramid pendant with engraved eyes on the surface, symbolizing the "real magic eye".

The body curve and the arrangement of the abdominal muscles are close to perfect.

3. The neck is smoothly cut, and the surface of the incision is even coated with a layer of gold film, and the skull is not attached to it.

4. The left and right arms are completely symmetrical, extending forward.

The bloodshot, strong right hand dragged a prison container similar to a birdcage structure, and a head without facial features was imprisoned in it.

The left hand, which was dry and rotten like a carrion, seemed to be difficult to lift up, relying on the balloon tied between the wrists to drag the left arm to a height that was symmetrical and parallel to the right arm.

In the palm of his hand there was still a patched copy exuding a deadly breath.

"Laughing Crazy"

"dark magic"


Three different characteristics, similar to the three points of the inverted triangle, are shown on this achieve a near-perfect coordination and balance.

Of course, this is just ‘nearly’.

The "Book of Necro" held on the left hand is not perfect, and the head of the cage held between the right hand also has defects and needs to be polished patiently.

Stone chairs also need careful carving.

"Trinity, when I was completing the final puzzle, I barely achieved...It is precisely because of this stability that I can achieve such a perfect "concretization of consciousness."

Waiting for the return to the University of Michigan, we must thank the vice-principal well.

I didn't expect to be able to reach the pseudo-king level in one breath, so I can barely get the "ticket" to fight the out of control.

I don't know what kind of strength I can display now. "

Han Dong watched the mythology scroll carefully,

While using my free time to play the quicksand with my left arm, I try to fix the time in a fixed area... "Time Death" sounds awesome, but it's not easy to use.

Ordinary death magic can only bring microsecond-level stoppages and the range is unstable, and it will be greatly reduced when dealing with equal or even high-ranking kings, which does not make much sense.

Borrowing all the free time to practice, improving proficiency is a must.

Suddenly, a feeling of heart palpitations came.

The quicksand that was performing was all scattered on the ground.

Han Dong perceives a certain external threat that goes beyond prediction and may even threaten his own life.

"Worry! I need a lot of energy intake during the period of becoming a king, and the body should spontaneously completely intercept the "breath of the Dead Sea"... The information that I am hiding in the biological distillation device has been exposed. "Valley


What Han Dong didn't know was.

What was happening outside was more dangerous than he thought.

The changes that took place when he became a king were not only the closure of the river,

It even absorbs the entire distillation device, as well as the corpse dissolving liquid nearby,

A black vortex even formed on the surface of Han Dong's body, swallowing nearly 1/3 of the entire church (the old king's corpse) to supplement the huge energy consumption during his reign.

All the dead matter around, including these dead teachers were swallowed.

This huge movement, especially the formation of the black vortex phenomenon,

Directly in the depths of the cemetery, the old king who has not yet completed the recovery was awakened,

Separated on the broken throne full of murloc skulls, got up... Regardless of the body's possible disintegration, carrying endless breath of death and resentment, he was rushing to the church area where the incident occurred.

It is precisely because of the proximity of this breath that Han Dong has an extremely strong sense of threat.


Han Dong returned to the Dagon esoteric church room in the black whirlpool.

"Ah this! Is my appetite so big?"

The center of the church was basically swallowed up, and various biological devices were destroyed.

The deceased teachers who were in charge of moving the corpses here, and the waste disposal were also eaten up.

Bishop Lanier, who led Han Dong into the distillation room, was standing not far away, staring at the reappearing Han Dong, shaking his whole body with anger.

The decayed right arm covered with only a layer of fish skin has stretched out,


A ray of pure death shot out from the palm of his hand and pointed directly at Han Dong.

Seeing that the ray will hit,

Raise your left arm and hold it with your palm...

The rays that were instinctively decaying were easily absorbed by Han Dong and turned into exquisite black sand crystals, fused in his left arm.

This situation made Han Dong frowned.

He thought the threat came from the pseudo-bishop.

When the attack is easily accepted, it means that the threat does not come from the bishop. is another person.


In the absence of subjective manipulation, the body's adaptation allows the "real magic eye" to open, and the pupils of the eyes move upward.

"Above! Something is coming!"

Due to the limitations of the Dead Sea on space, it is too late to carry out space transmission, and can only be avoided with the help of speed.

The veins and veins that exude the breath of death cover his legs,

Han Dong burst out beyond understanding, even slightly affecting the speed of time and space, and quickly retreated.


A huge black shadow suddenly descended, and Han Dong's original standing position was instantly swallowed.

When Bishop Lanier felt this breath, he knelt on the ground for the first time, expressing his piety and loyalty, but he was both surprised and worried.

"Master! Your rebirth is still in the shaping stage, it is not suitable to carry out such activities! Please leave this intruder in front of me..."

The voice did not fall.

A huge arm made up of rotten flesh, countless skeletal skulls and scales randomly squeezed the bishop.

There is no room for struggle at all, just plug it into the mouth.

The bishop's involvement allowed him to grow a large amount of dead flesh between his body, temporarily supplementing the unformed flesh.

Han Dong, who was hiding in the shadows, could also see the full picture of the shadows thoroughly.

An old king of the deep sea who uses the deep diver's skull as its body structure and uses the concentrated liquid "breath of the dead sea" as its blood...Although it is not as strong as before, it also exudes a breath comparable to mid-level.

"This is the former leader of the Dead Sea? The existence second only to President Ke?"

Han Dong immediately connected Fat Starfish's consciousness and tried to get some information from him.

However, the other party was completely frightened by the body of the colossus in front of him, and he was muttering intermittently:

"Father... Father God! Surviving in such a posture..."

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