My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1931: Ke Zong's Gift

When Han Dong confronted the submerged person with the supreme existence commensurate with the "Father God".

There was one more thing he didn't know.

At present, the entire [Deep Sea] has been subjected to a weird and bad influence due to his becoming a king, and even needs President Ke to personally take action to suppress and deal with it.

"Sky Phenomenon"

When an individual becomes a king, the first appearance of the domain of the king will inevitably lead to a series of changes in the outside world.

Just as Pope became king in the Great Library of Serajno,

A shining star beam directly leads to the sky, and can even penetrate through the broken dimension to form a bright "signal cursor"... The stars circle the beam of light normally, which stabilizes the surrounding dimensional space and gives normal universe rules to operate.

When Han Dong became king, he also caused celestial phenomena.

It's just not as obvious as Pope, there is neither a beam of light directly into the sky, nor a wide spread of gray fog...but it is invisibly affecting the area where it is currently located, and no corners are spared.

The weird celestial phenomenon directly affects the country of Ke Zong-【Deep Sea】

When Han Dong ‘when he became a king’ in the deepest part of the Dead Sea, there was a "balloon rain" in the deep sea.

Three balloons of different colors fall in the deep sea, and the impact is quite terrible.

1. The black balloon will fall at extreme speed. Any deep diver who touches the black balloon will be immediately corroded by death, and the effect is comparable to burying an individual in a dead sea cemetery.

If there is no adequate protective measures, the "returning body" and the infected body below may instantly turn into a pool of black sand.

2. The falling speed of the red balloon is fast and sometimes slow, and occasionally even crosses a weird arc in the air.

Once a living organism approaches within five meters, the red balloon will lock it as the [target] and carry out a ‘jet-like’ chase for a period of time, resulting in two completely different results.

①. If it catches up, the red balloon will put on the head and cover its facial skin... It forms a "human head balloon", which floats strangely in the deep sea.

②. If it cannot catch up, the red balloon will explode and release a lot of laughing gas.

Once inhaled, the individual was violently shocked and laughed wildly, actively attracting other red balloons within 100 meters.

3. The gray balloon is in a static floating state.

Once there are deep divers nearby (effective 50 meters), it will take the initiative to capture the breath.

After absorbing a sufficient amount of breath, it will undergo a "mime change", pretending to be a deep diver swimming in the deep sea, and possessing a certain degree of self-awareness.

They focus on the ‘penetration’ level, trying to penetrate various cities in the deep sea, even the main city-Lalaije.

Disintegrate the city barrier from within, so that other balloons can fall into it.

Such a weird "balloon rain" poses an extremely rare threat to the deep sea,

Due to the sudden occurrence of the incident and lack of protection, deep divers who have not been protected have been recruited, and large-scale deaths have even occurred in some remote areas.

In the end, President Ke was forced to wake up from his dream.

Super giant tentacles grow in various areas in the deep sea, and all the balloons are scattered.

The deep-sea commanders who ‘dreamed’ in the main temple all came back to life, and each used their abilities to clean up the balloon residues or weird substances remaining in the deep sea and purify the sea.

[Hyde Darius], who was about to go to the Dead Sea, also rushed back to Laley due to this incident.

It can be guessed that the weird balloon rain may be related to Han Dong.

"My lord, what the **** is this?"

Ke Zong's voice resounded in the main temple:

"Hyde, follow me to the depths of the Dead Sea... should be able to witness a rare battle, which will be very helpful to your growth.

Everyone who enters the dream, follow along too. "

It is naturally impossible for Mr. Ke to move his huge body, and it is impossible for the Dead Sea to fit it.

Still use my favorite pirate avatar,

Leading Hyde and many powerful men who represent the future of the deep sea to the Dead Sea together...These deep-sea commanders can also be called the apostles of Ke Zong, all of whom have reached the level of kings.

One thing puzzled them.

An abnormal situation as bad as a balloon rain can even be said to be an invasion of the deep sea... But Mr. Ke didn't have any anger, and even faintly happy.

When they dived in the Dead Sea,

Immediately felt the terrible breath surging from the deepest point, and let these deep-sea apostles tighten their tentacles one by one, tighten their muscles or close the gills, showing an expression of disbelief.

"This is... the breath of God the Father? How come?"

In their cognition, God the Father has died in the cataclysm, but the breath inhaled in the nasal cavity is denying this fact.

"Dagon was born different, and he is the only deep dive ‘fully recognized’ by the Dead Sea...Even if he is killed, the entire Dead Sea will not allow him to die completely.

When his body fell into the deepest point, the will of the Dead Sea poured into it.

After a long time of change, Dagon will return to the sea with a brand new posture of death.

However, the filling of this will alone is not enough to bring the old king back to life, and the final result is at most a body of the old king, and more critical resurrection materials need to be added to it. "

The surrounding apostles seemed to understand but did not understand, but did not quite understand the specific meaning of the ‘resurrection material’.

But Hyde thought of something and asked quietly:

"My lord, is Nicholas down there?"

"...Looks like you already understand? Hyde."

"The "Book of the Dead" that Nicholas studied and digested has formed "breath of the dead" in his body, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The original danger of com is eliminated. If it can be absorbed by the father God Dagon, the ultimate rebirth will be completed. "

When Hyde said this, he showed a look of horror.

"My lord... Do you want Father God Dagon to swallow Nicholas, is this really good?"

These remarks obviously had the meaning of touching the bottom line of Ke's total, and Hyde might even fall out of favor completely because of this...but he still said it out of friendship between friends.

President Ke has a really good temper, not only is he not angry, but he explains patiently:

"Oh? I'm not as mean as the guy in the yellow robe,

If I want to use Nicholas as a ‘resurrection material’, can’t I just take off his body and throw it into the Dead Sea?

I just gave them both at the same time.

I hope that both Nicholas and Dagon can seize this opportunity to achieve a win-win situation. This is what I want to see most. "

"This... No matter how powerful Nicholas is, he can't compete with the Father God, right?"

"Just look at it."

Under the leadership of Mr. Ke, it was like walking around the back garden, and came to the deepest place with ease.

The whole cemetery almost collapsed,

A wave of energy collision beyond imagination is constantly coming from the bottom.

When the fishes saw the battle scene at the bottom of the tomb, they were all too surprised to speak...

Dagon, infused with the "Dead Sea Will," swings its huge body of the dead, and is fighting an individual with a huge difference in physique that is suspected of being human.

The other party just fell into the wind a little.

When Hyde saw the man's appearance, his whole body was shaken.

Nicholas, who had only discussed with him not long ago, has become a king today.


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