My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Uphill

"Your head is not responding?"

"Really, Demps, what are you doing?"

The next conversation involves privacy.

Dumps put Han Dong in one arm and pulled him to the dark corner of the corridor outside the Devil's Castle.

"According to my speculation, your head should be in contact with the" Old King "corresponding to the back of [Perugia City]. "


"It's not entirely my personal inference, there is also a‘ mother ’providing information-level assistance.”

"Which one is it?"

"This" Old King "is special. He can neither call his name directly nor match his code name.

As long as there is a living body that wants to express "He" in characters, it may cause an abyss.

However, the information concerning the existence of this person must be answered in the city of Perugia ... after all, here is the coverage of his "medium title deed" under his command. "

"Dumps, do you have your own purpose?"

Dumps pushed his glasses and said with a deep face:

"If you can become strong, you can also improve the overall survival rate of our team.

Moreover, Nicholas, you also want to take the opportunity of the [Great Expedition] to figure out the secrets of yourself?

Rest assured, this is a "Great Expedition" and not an ordinary task. I will never make a joke with my life ... Even if the whole army is defeated, you and I cannot die here.

You and me, plus the inestimable strength of Charlie Knight and an orthodox fighting nun, can at least ensure basic safety issues. "


Han Dong slapped heavily on Demps' back.

"It's so simple, I made a decision a long time ago ... The reason why I just didn't stand up and mention it to the head of the big demon just because the" risk assessment "has never been completed

And the count in me has been in trouble all the time, the psychological shadow that Perugia left him is not so big.

lets go. "


The expeditionary army was five kilometers away from the city of Perugia.

A high-power steam carriage rushed out at twice the speed of the march.

It was the four-member team that had just been formed.

Considering that this action will go to the city center as a ‘guest’ to participate in the ‘art festival’ held by the monsters, the four people will also receive “power armor” and put on a suit that suits the guests.

The most powerful Charlie Knight in the car, but exudes the weakest breath, coupled with Charlie Knight's relatively thin body and Mediterranean hairstyle, it looks like a 'weak explosion'.

"Nicholas, since the" penetration plan "is set with you as the center.

The command of the team's operations will be given to you. I will only be responsible for ensuring your safety and not interfering with the progress of the incident as much as possible. "

"it is good."

Han Dong's favorite is Charlie, who is very casual, but powerful elite knight.

After all, not only to participate in the festival, but also to deal with various spiritual pollution lurking in the dark ... Handong will also excavate the secrets hidden in this city during the festival.


"what happened?"

Vino Silest is the one who seems to have the most combat characteristics among the teams.

Moreover, the divine breath emanating from her body will also be rejected and targeted by the strange demons.

"The next infiltration operation requires you to pretend to be my" mrs. "


Sister Wino was born in the monastery and had a life-long "votive ceremony". Marriage is absolutely forbidden ... Moreover, as a special request for "fighting nuns", she must also retain her chastity.

"Pretending to be ...

After all, the holy breath in your body is too strong.

No matter how to suppress the breath, it will still be felt by the strange demons in the fallen city.

Only follow us all the way, let me help you further shield the breath, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In addition, staying with me at all times will ensure that your spirit will not be affected ... The potential risks in this fallen city are higher than the Expeditionary Army estimated. "

Weinuo still seems a little embarrassed, "Our fighting nuns are also protected by the Holy Light in spiritual consciousness, there should be no problem."

Han Dong put his hands in front of him and said solemnly:

"The spiritual erosion in the city here is enough to make a [mature body-alien] crazy, do you understand what I mean?"

Vino stared at Han Dong, who was very serious and even had a terrifying expression, and could not help swallowing a spit, "Understand ... I know."

Arrived at the bottom entrance of the city of Perugia.

Han Dong took Vino as a gentleman.

Although Wei Nuo was not comfortable at first, he quickly entered the drama under the careful traction of Han Dong.

Brother Demps walked side by side with Charlie Knight.

Is in sight of an ancient mountain city shrouded in gray clouds.

The buildings and streets built by the mountain are winding from bottom to top.

Although the whole mountainous city exudes a thick and depraved atmosphere, the basic architectural style of the city is still biased towards human beings.

The lord here has not done much renovation in Perugia, and it is very likely to retain the original architectural style and local culture. To a certain extent, he does have a `` respect '' attitude towards human culture.

Bamboo flute messenger [Trumen. Zorro] is waiting for everyone at the entrance of the ground floor street.

Also held some weird white molds and dyes in his hands.

"Everyone, before you participate in the" Art Festival ", please draw a mask yourself to express your inner thoughts and artwork, so that you can find your confidant at the festival.

Please rest assured that the lord himself has great respect for human beings, especially human artists. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

You don't have to worry about security at all. If any residents dare to hurt you, they will attract the anger of the lord. "


Entering the village to follow the customs.

Han Dong and his teammates also made their own artistic masks.

There was a movie in the world of his life that had a deep influence on Han Dong. When I talked about the mask, I thought of the Gay mask in the V-Vendetta ... This mask also has special meaning.

The mask made by Temples is called "face-covering person"-four different styles of palms cover the mask to seal the five senses.

Charlie polished the mask with a solid wood texture through clever handwork and coloring techniques.

Knight Vino does n’t know much about ‘art’ ... At Han Dong ’s suggestion, the pattern of the cross was printed on it.

"Speaking of which, you are still the first batch of‘ normal human beings ’participating in the art festival, and Lord Lord will be very happy.

Next, let us go up the mountain in the simplest way of walking and adapt to the environment of [Perugia] in advance. Although the lord has retained the original human architecture, we have lived here for more than two hundred years.

Some ‘characteristics’ will be different from humans.

By walking uphill, so that you can adapt in advance ... Never show any discomfort in front of the lord.

Lord he hopes you can accept and appreciate everything here more ‘more naturally’. "

:. :

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