My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Art city

A moment in the city of Perugia.

Before and after the change in sensation is huge, there is even a feeling of stepping into a different space, completely isolated from the original world.

Han Dong, Temples and Winnow all had a short period of incompatibility, and had a short stop at the bottom of the mountain street ... Only Charlie Knight looked as usual, it seems that he had participated in a similar siege battle today, and has already adapted Such sensory changes.

"Mid-sized title deeds are so far away from small title deeds? This feeling is almost completely isolated from the outside world. The city of Perugia under the title deeds is completely a closed area."

The Earl whispering madly in the body also jumped out and satirized Han Dong at this moment:

"You guys don't even know this, what kind of" lord "?

The "medium title deed" is essentially different from the "small title deed" you hold. It is not just a matter of coverage, it is more of a "space **** right."

Why is this Earl resolutely unwilling to come back here? A large part of the reason is that the restriction of "medium title deeds" is strong.

At first, the Earl of Ben had consumed a "life spar" from the God of Blood to escape the restrictions of the title deed. "

"Why didn't you say these things early?"

"How do I know that you guy, as the lord of the two estates, and the messengers of the two old kings, don't even know the difference between the deeds."

"Don't tell you more, since you have entered the city, be prepared to face the" return to the ancestor ". "

"Don't ... have something to say! Just ask me if you don't understand anything.

I also pay more attention to words, but please don't think about it, go to the "painter" line. "

Han Dong shook his head and temporarily closed the conscious communication with the count.

In fact, during this one or two years of getting along with Earl ’s consciousness, perhaps due to physical storage and changes in the surrounding environment, some of Earl ’s characteristics have become more and more close to ‘people’.

This is a good thing for Han Dong.

View back.

The moment I stepped into Perugia, I was cut off from the outside world.

The clockwork device worn on the wrist is limited to the connection between four people.

Gray mist gently touches this mountain-built city like silk.

Stepped streets paved with red bricks are a major feature of the city of Perugia.

The square-shaped stone buildings are closely arranged between the roads, and the opposite buildings are also connected with many aerial bridges,

A large area of ​​eroded gray high walls and ruined red tile roofs can be seen everywhere, highlighting the ancient and vicissitudes of the city,

However, such a historical city with a period of color has been reduced to a degenerate city where strange demons gather. The elegant beauty contained in the ancient city has been replaced by a weird twisted beauty.

The streets at the bottom of the mountain are slightly deserted.

Occasionally, some gray fleshly stacked individuals are being drawn between the walls of the building, using the dark body fluids inside them to draw some ‘down three wastes’ of artistic graffiti.

Rats, stench, and strange hissing sounds flooded the bottom of the mountain.

The messenger Zorro briefly explained the situation here:

"Please ignore this group of inferior residents, as well as their ongoing art creation ... The people living here are the lowest evil in the city of Perugia.

They exist only to create ‘raw materials’ for the upper class.

Is not only a raw material for food, but also a raw material for inspiration ... you can understand Shandicheng District as our "breeding ground". "

When a group of people followed the messenger to the mountainside.

The number, quality and taste of residents have been significantly improved.

An oncoming "resident" is obviously different in temperament and appearance.

The pointed head was wrapped in white cloth, revealing a bright red skull without skin structure.

The ruddy body is reptile-like, crawling through the streets through dozens of meaty feet.

What is surprising is that such a degraded and corrupted demon is actually wearing a human gray cloth vest on the upper body ... At the same time, a tube-shaped leather covered foot is used as 'trousers', which is put on every touch On foot.

The streets in the mountainside area are much wider.

A large number of residents are carrying out various forms of artistic creation on both sides of the road or in open buildings.

Is not a random graffiti on the building, but an artistic creation of "different postures" on the drawing board.

Some filth only passes through one of the most sensitive tentacles in the oral cavity, where landscape sketches or living creature sketches are drawn on the drawing paper,

In the part, multiple tentacles on the whole body are used for complex oil painting creation,

There are also some testers who imitated the human arm, and even further imitated the movement of the human to take the pen to create,

During the creation period.

Through closely arranged buildings and aerial bridges connecting the buildings, these evil residents will exchange experience when they lose their inspiration.

Or entangle their tentacles,

Or put one person's head into the other person's mouth,

When you gaze at the works created by some evil, you will find that these works seem to be ‘live’.

The seemingly normal sketch of the landscape will become abnormally distorted under a long gaze, and even a mouse will be drilled out of the building, and the squeak will buzz between the brains.

Of course, these are just second-rate works.

The real masterpiece is listed in the palace of the lord, and can have a profound thinking influence on the Scarlet Earl.

To tell the truth, in a street full of rich artistic atmosphere, Han Dong really wanted to see what a real masterpiece is like.

Go up again.

The street near the top of the mountain once again undergoes ‘sublimation’.

Most of the residents here are [alien magic]. In order to sublimate their artistic thinking, a large part of them have shown a state of "open brain". UU Reading

Because they have been sitting on the spot for a long time (several months, even years) and doing painting, their bodies have been seriously degraded, and they have even been regarded as ‘new homes’ by rats living in the streets.

Stacked city cone-shaped flesh is full of black holes, and rats are drilling in and out of their bodies.

The degenerated body is replaced by an abnormally active brain.

Is similar to Dr. Swelling, their brains are 4 to 6 times the size of ordinary people.

At the same time, there are also different numbers of spiral ‘brain holes’ on the surface of their brains.

This is not the entrance to the rat nest, but the breathing port.

Let the fresh gray mist air be directly inhaled into the cerebral layer area to achieve the effect of refreshing and refreshing.

It is also possible to grow precision tentacles composed of brain cells between the brain holes, to "finish the finishing touch" of the work, or to create "assisted" creation.

The works created by this group of strange demons have a particularly strong influence on the spirit.

Gaze for more than ten seconds, it will let the twisted life on the drawing paper project into the individual's head and eat their thoughts.

When these twisted lives on the drawing paper were projected into Han Dong ’s head, they were directly swallowed by a larger blood dog and turned into the nourishment of the [Talent Tree].

As everyone gradually adapts to the weird art in the fallen city, a low and gloomy music comes from above.

Is about to arrive at the central street where the festival is held.

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