My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 972: 10 Magic Collection (Part 1)

Ridley Town

A few drops of clear water dripped in the air, forming a pool of water stains on the ground.

These seemingly clear water stains, if accidentally dipped in a drop, will immediately be deeply contaminated.

First, two smooth and slightly fleshy arms protruded from the water stain.

Then slowly climbed out and climbed out a woman with a good face and a slightly fleshy body...However, she had an enviable pair of extra long legs.

Because water was used as a medium to cross the space, the whole body was infiltrated with clean water outwards, and the wet curls were randomly drawn in front of him.

Due to the chaotic breath that this woman exuded all over, the residents nearby were afraid to come near.

follow closely.

One human after another slipped out of the woman's mouth.

The Dragon City team and the Holy City team with water and mucus all over the body were successfully brought to the town of Ridley by Maridis, and the million-level mummy was also stored in the body and can be used at any time.

Due to Han Dong’s previous request, Maritix deliberately kept a distance and pretended to be a normal teammate relationship... In fact, it is also a normal teammate relationship, but Maritix’s concept of ‘relationship’ is different from humans.

of course.

She was also attracted by this strange town.

Looking for a breath of air flowing between the streets, looking at the center of the town... there are several unusually strong breaths, one of which can even make her feel dangerous.

Also shocked is the Dragon City team.

As early as Han Dong provoked the "node war" against the current pharaoh, Gu Xu realized that things had been thoroughly played and could not be stopped.

Due to the issue of agreement binding, their team was also directly drawn into Han Dong's camp.

In the beginning, even Gu Xu couldn't panic.

But when Han Dong also used special means to attract the real world of destiny equivalent to "Prometheus", most of the uneasiness in Gu Xu's heart disappeared.

They come, the security.

Since there is no way to close it, we will try our best to win the war as far as possible, which is the top priority.

When the crowd arrived in the town of Ridley.

The timid Zhou Miaoyu in the team was full of excitement, quickly hugged Xuanyuanyu from behind, seeking refuge... She could feel a breath of terror in the town.

Of course, even Xuanyuanyu.

When I saw the faceless children playing in the courtyard, the old balloon man floating in the air, and the nail man sticking to the window, there was a trace of fear in the pupils of my eyes, but I relied on courage and faith to support it and pretend. Nothing.

"Demon town?"

Because of the effect of the mind and mind, Guxu was completely not afraid of the strange appearance he saw in front of him.

Even a little bit instinctively revealed the Ming Wang Faxiang, ready to force exorcism here.

Of course... not just members of the Dragon City team.

Even the party of the Holy City team came back to Ridley town for the first time.

After all, it was Brother Cass who had participated in the "Clown Resurrection" incident with Tong Handong, and Diana, the little bone sister from the Black Rose Knights.

Feeling the weird breath flowing through the town, even Temples was alert and quietly released multiple layers of invisible magic shields to cover the whole body...

The masked Mia has made a vigilant posture of preparation, and one hand fell gently on the back of the knife handle.

Abel even blows hair directly, and the beast breath is full of his body.

Just when everyone was nervous because of the weird breath brought by the town, Han Dong slowly raised his hands and clapped hard in the air...slap!

Loud applause drew all attention.

"Don't be nervous, this is the world of destiny where I hold shares... Residents will never take the initiative to attack you.

I still have a large villa here, let's follow me first.

Although there is not much preparation for half an hour before the war, it is enough for everyone to restore their physical fitness and repair their injuries. "

Han Dong greeted the neighborhood leaders while taking his teammates to his villa. "

"Dumps and Guxu, you come with me, others stay here to rest."


Gu Xu told his teammates, followed Han Dong, and headed towards the true center town hall of the town.

The guard in charge of the town hall's janitor bowed his head and greeted respectfully: "Mr. Nicholas, the mayor is waiting for you in the hall... What is on your back? Won't cause trouble to the town."

The guard in a sturdy suit seemed to smell some kind of dangerous breath from the coffin on Han Dong's back, to a certain extent, similar to the clown that once brought disaster to the town.

"It's okay... I'll be optimistic about "She".

She is a key factor in this nodal war, which is of great use to me. "

"Okay, come in."

As the hollowed-out iron gate pushed inwards.

Gu Xu and Demps, who first arrived in the town hall, froze at the same time.

A flash of fear flashed more or less between the pupils... Such a reaction was exactly the same as the participants who had come to the town hall for the first time.

The building surface of the town hall is covered with "clerk arms" similar to creepers.

La la la

Feminine singing from the clerk echoed in the front yard of the hall.

Not to mention Temples and Guxu.

Even today's Han Dong will feel a certain sense of fear deep in his heart when he hears such familiar songs...

Walking between the garden paths in the front asked in a low voice:

"Nicholas, the rank of this town should be lower than that of God Capital? After all, God corresponds to the rank of 4th-tier participants, and your first true fate came to this town.

But why is there such a strong sense of danger?

Moreover, the position of the mayor here still seems to be occupied by npc, no one competes..."

Han Dong gave his own opinion, "It should not be measured here by rank. In the setting of destiny, the town of Ridley belongs to a special real destiny space, and only teams that have passed the pre-drama are eligible to come here.

It is different from God.

Most of the residents here are basically carefully selected by the mayor from ‘various small worlds’ and brought here, all of them are elite and have growth potential.

As for the position of the mayor, I can't sit anyway. "

"Understood... I didn't expect you to get equity in this town."

"Haha, good luck."

With the arrival of Han Dong, a shareholder.

Several arms from the clerk are derived from the wall, pushing the thick gate inward.

For a time, several strong breaths overflowed from the inside at the same time, terrifying Demps to directly cover a layer of water attribute magic shield with the whole body, and the ancient Xu also directly showed the appearance of the Ming Dynasty.

Han Dong was surprised, "Oh! The mayor is really intimate, did you gather all the ten demons in advance?"

The group of people gathered in the hall turned their heads and showed Han Dong a kind smile.

With the sound of a metal pulley, one of the ten demons had come forward.

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