My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 973: 10 Magic Collection (Part 2)

The icy "corpse pusher" slowly slid out of the hall.

Because of the blessing of the heart.

Guxu could see countless wronged souls stacked together and carted together, and their souls seemed to be tied to the cart and could not leave.

Only the female corpse lying on the cart can give them the right to act.

Gu Xu who saw this scene also frowned, and he met him for the first time in such a terrible ghost.

"Miss Jane, I haven't seen you in a month."

Han Dong took the initiative to step forward, grasping the putter with both hands, using the "pushing car" as a medium to establish a channel of consciousness with Jane.

There was a voice of concern from Miss Jane, "...this matter should be more difficult than the clown? Otherwise, the mayor will not drag all of us here."

"Well, but I still have the confidence to win."

"Well, we will help you anyway...Go in, the mayor and other people are waiting for you."

"it is good."

Han Dong pushed Miss Jane and gestured to the two behind him to hurry [to keep up].

Under the vision of Gu Xu, as Han Dong took up the work of the cart, countless wraiths seemed to be relieved, and all squeezed under the car to rest through the rest time.

Han Dong’s mystery has added a lot to the ancient modesty.

"Ten devil... ten strongest monsters in this town?"

Gu Xu also became curious about this strange town. When he went to the side door of the hall, "Heart's Eyes" could see different kinds of qi slowly overflowing under the door slit, some similar to white mist, some similar to ghosts...

"The true value of this town may be higher than "Prometheus"..."

The door opened.

Inside is the clerk's office, which will also serve as a temporary meeting room for this "node war."

On an oblong desk, the Ten Devils of Derry Town (reordering) are sitting... However, the position of No. 3 is empty.

no.10 Moonlight Michael Myers

no.9 Undead Jason Voges

no.8 Crooked Charlie Ambrina

no.7 Lonely Scarecrow Sam with its shell

no.6 Demon Alesa Giresby

no.5 Female Corpse Jane Doyle

no.4 chaotic program Ferna Riwald

no.3 temporarily vacant

no.2 Void Richard Powell

no.1 mayor slenderman (long thin ghost)

Although both Temples and Guxu were well prepared, when they opened the door and saw these scenes, their hearts were tight... even instinctively stepping back half a step.

"This is the mayor... No wonder Nicholas said he couldn't win this node."

Gu Xu's mind could see a lot of things, but he couldn't see the mayor sitting in position. When he saw the past, there was only darkness.

"Nicholas, let your friends sit in the auditorium... come on."

The mayor pointed to the vacant No. 3 position, which was reserved for Han Dong.

In the minds of the townspeople, the former clown did not die, just changed a person.

For Han Dong himself.

Returning to Derry Town, when stepping on the land here, the number 3 appeared on his chest...

That's right, Han Dong is both a shareholder holder and the third demon of Derui Town.

"Congratulations to Dean Richard! Sister Shirley is all right?"

The order of the ten demons changed.

Dean Richard, who used to be the Fifth Demon, has completely transformed his soul and flesh due to the absorption of "The Color of Infant Stars..." He once assisted Han Dong, who was a hard-working clerk in front and slightly better.

Now it has become the first person under the mayor.

"Well, Shirley is good..."

Dean Richard has regarded Han Dong as a confidant of benefactor and chaos.

When Han Dong’s request for help was passed on, he first agreed without waiting for the mayor’s notice.

After saying hello to Dean Richard on the right, he naturally needs to say hello to the clerk on the left.

When Han Dong turned his head, the clerk was lowering his head and playing with his fingers, while singing a song in a low voice.

The size of the song is controlled so that only the neighbor can hear it, without affecting the size of the meeting.

Just when Han Dong wanted to ask a question, the clerk grew another mouth from his cheek, catering to his soft humming tone, and whispered:

"There is no need to say hello to me. Since it is the order of the mayor, I will definitely help... I will kill as many as they come.

After all, people want to be praised by the mayor.

... (the soft tone suddenly increased), it must be much more killing than Richard! ! "


Han Dong looked embarrassed, and his vision returned to the conference table.

Moonlight Myers, who was sitting on the opposite side, was staring at himself, or when he came here from Han Dong, Myers's eyes had not moved away.

Through the white leather mask, it seems to be saying: "Boss, long time no see!"

As for the remaining ten demons, Han Dong is generally familiar with them, and they are simply taken with a smile.

Since it was a meeting between the ten demons, Han Dong also released Togu, the original eighth demonic.

Now that Derui town is coming, Han Dong will also give Togu the freedom to play... let him lead the nuns in the monastery and do a great job.

Then cut into the theme of the meeting "node war"

The mayor spoke directly, showing his attitude.

"The basic construction of Lederui Town has been completed, and the necessary comprehensive strength and world power are still lacking for promotion.

It is precisely this battle that can be used to temper the strength of the townspeople.

Allow their potential to break out in the war and achieve unexpected growth.


As the town mayor, I need to ensure the safety of the town of Ridley, and I will not intervene in this war. "

Although it may be a pity that the mayor could not participate in the war, all the members of the town of Riderui have arrived, which has exceeded Han Dong’s imagination.

Moreover, in case of any priestly group deliberately dying and trying to steal home during the war, the chief’s anger will await them

"Yes, there are about twenty minutes left. I will share the situation of God Capital directly with you through memory, and then briefly explain my plan."

Say it.

A series of neural tentacles were derived from Han Dong’s head, and they were connected to the brain of the ten demons sitting at and the known **** capital information was briefly transmitted to the ten demons present in the fastest way.

If such a scene is photographed and hung on the wall of the home in the form of a picture frame, it will surely ensure that the family will not enter the thief for thousands of years, and at the same time have a strong effect of exorcising evil.

When they received the information from God Capital, some of the Ten Demons had their excited eyes. After all, they longed for ‘execution’ from their hearts.

When getting detailed maps and plans of God Capital, President Richard had devised a plan in his head and offered to:

"In addition to the mayor, we have exactly nine people...Since the Nine Pillar Company has a special meaning for the pyramid, we nine people carry some special assistants, plus the army in your hands, these nine are captured by different routes. Companies."

President Richard's proposal is very good, and also belongs to the conventional way of war.

But... Han Dong has a different idea.

"My strength at hand is nothing more than a hand-in-hand. I need to take a big risk of a positive attack.

After all, we are on someone else's territory.

Moreover, we do not yet know how much the real strength of God Capital is.

If you want to improve your winning percentage, you must show the qualities of Ridley Town. "

"What character?" Dean Richard was puzzled.

"That is, the mayor's original intention when establishing a small town, only accepting the elite of the elite, rejecting all the ordinary...We must give full play to the "elite but few" traits.

Now that the town of Ridley happens to be in a civilian area.

As citizens who live in peace, they must be able to pretend to be slaves of the God Capital and quickly sneak into every corner of the God Capital.

What I want is that in all the dark corners of the **** capital, there is a townsman of Derry Town..."

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