My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 329 Protecting Tomorrow Group

Entering the polar regions was not Helot's purpose for coming to the icebergs and snow peaks.

But in order to save Melissa and to eliminate the polar base of the prisoner, he had to embark on this journey.

The further north he went, the stronger the wind became. The snow and ice in the sky turned the whole world white, and the ice castle behind him was no longer visible.

At night, Helot used magic to hypnotize Panier and Yorkhong, released the undead prepared in the family cemetery, and ordered them to defend the ice castle at any cost.

The army of undead turned to the ice castle in the night.

Helot left more than a dozen crawling ice figurines, asking them to move Panier and Yorkhong to the sled and then pull the sled forward. Melissa used ice magic to shape an ice sled, and sat on it with Helot, and was also pulled by the crawling ice figurines.

"This way we can reach the prisoner's polar base faster."

Melis was very weak. She leaned on Helot and fell asleep: "It's so cold!"

In the Covenant City, the news that the Tomorrow Group Building was attacked shocked the entire imperial capital.

After the Imperial Security Bureau and the Imperial Military Police Bureau received the news, they immediately sent armed personnel to the Tomorrow Group Building.

Various vehicles were running in the heavy rain, and the sirens resounded throughout the city.

On the way, they met an army belonging to the Rust Knights. The knights drove the Sagittarius light war machine in the rain.

After finding that they could not outrun the four-wheeled car on the road, all the Rust Knights turned into an alley and took a shortcut to the Tomorrow Group Building.

There were also people sent by other forces competing in speed, thinking about being the first to rush into the Tomorrow Group Building.

Is it a rescue? Or taking advantage of the chaos to rob?

Each party has its own purpose.

However, when they arrived at the Tomorrow Group Building, they found that someone came faster than them.

The watchmen from the snowy peaks of the iceberg surrounded the Tomorrow Group Building tightly. They rode on the majestic armored bears facing outward. The rain soaked their clothes and fur, and flowed down along the battle axes and swords.

Behind them, the battle inside the Tomorrow Group Building was extremely fierce. From time to time, explosions sounded from inside the building, and a large amount of debris fell from the top of the building.

The armed sheriffs rushed out of the car, holding muskets and swords and approaching the watchmen. The leading sheriff shouted: "We are the Special Affairs Brigade of the Imperial Security Bureau, and we are ordered to rescue the Tomorrow Group. You... all get out of my way!"

The centurion sat high on the bear's back, and the armored bear breathed heavily intimidatingly, slapping the water on the ground with its front paws.

"We are also here on orders!" The centurion replied arrogantly: "Protect the Tomorrow Group, don't let irrelevant people in, and prevent greater damage to the building."

"Who gave you the order!" An officer of the Imperial Military Police came out of the rain.

"I gave them the order." Reinham walked to the front, wearing a waterproof windbreaker and holding his ID in his hand: "The 13th Investigation Team of the Imperial Military Police has taken over the outer area of ​​the Tomorrow Group and is preparing to enter the building to clear out the thugs. To prevent more casualties caused by the chaos, you just wait outside. I will notify you when support is needed."

The 13th Investigation Team of the Imperial Military Police is now very famous. People with some status know that Mr. Claulund, who returned to the center of the empire, is the leader of this investigation team.

Princess Emma Luberi is the assistant officer of the investigation team.

It can be said that the background is very deep.

And this investigation team has great power and is directly responsible to the emperor of the empire.

The imperial military police and the sheriff did not know how to respond for a while.

A car with a royal flag on the front drove over. After parking, a man came down from the trunk. It was the third prince Terenas.

The shiny leather boots stepped on the puddles, and the entourage held an umbrella for him.

Terenas stepped forward and said to Reinham: "I know you, your name is Reinham, from the Drake family. Your 13th Investigation Team is really fast, riding on armored bears faster than our cars.

Get out of the way! Every minute of delay in supporting Tomorrow Group will cause huge losses to the Empire."

The arrival of the Third Prince put Reinham under great pressure.

He didn't know what decision Helot would make if he was in his place, whether to avoid the Third Prince or insist on protecting Tomorrow Group from further damage.

After a little thought, Reinham made a decision based on his understanding of Helot: "Your Highness, you are a friend of our team leader and a wise prince. You should be able to see that Tomorrow Group can still deal with the thugs inside. If we, who don't know the inside of Tomorrow Group's building, break in, we will not only fail to help Tomorrow Group, but will cause accidental injuries and greater damage.

Our 13th Investigation Team has sent liaison personnel into the building. I think we should listen to the owner of the building as to whether support is needed and how to support it. After all, it is the private property of Lord Aksalan Irina."

An ordinary child of the Drake family dared to stop the prince, which surprised Terenas.

But he came for the technology of Tomorrow Group, how could he not go in when he arrived at the door.

"This land belongs to the Empire!" Terenas's anger increased: "There are thugs attacking and killing people in the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Military Police have the right to enter any place to stop them.

Get out of the way!"

Reinham refused: "Your Highness, our 13th Investigation Team is the Imperial Military Police."

"What about them?" Terenas pointed at the watchman and questioned.

"They belong to Officer Melissa and are now working for the 13th Investigation Team."

Terenas took a step forward and almost shouted at Reinham: "As a prince, I order you... get out of the way!"

Reinham did not retreat a step. He opened the certificate: "The emperor of the empire ordered: exclusive authority, full cooperation, no obstruction! Your Highness, if you want to enter the Tomorrow Group Building, please show your majesty's order."

Reinham gambled everything he had and decided that this was what Helot needed him to do at this time.

Terenas glanced at the words on the certificate. Although it was soaked with rain, every word was clear.

"Where is Helot?"

Terenas looked around, trying to find Helot.

Reinham replied: "Our team leader is investigating a very important case and is not here now."

Although Reinham was just making up an excuse, Terenas couldn't help but feel terrified.

Helot was investigating a very important case, he knew.

The severity of the murder of the crown prince is definitely higher than the attack on the Tomorrow Group Building. This is simply a grasp on the weakness of all royal family members, who are afraid of being implicated.

Terenas did not expect Helot to really dare to investigate this major case, and his momentum was immediately gone.

"Okay, okay, okay... We'll wait here!"

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