Terenas sent someone to the palace to ask for instructions, and then stood under the umbrella waiting. Behind him was a large group of imperial gendarmes, and behind him was the Sagittarius war machine driven by the Rust Knight.

The pouring rain washed over everyone, and they confronted the watchers. Even though broken glass and bricks kept falling from the building, no one moved.

Reinham was relieved to see that the third prince did not force his way in.

But he knew that this was only temporary. If the battle in the Tomorrow Group Building was not ended as soon as possible, anything could happen.

At this time, Anthony and the Iron Cavalry had already led a team of watchers into the Tomorrow Group Building, but their unfamiliarity with the terrain made them somewhat restrained. Moreover, when they encountered someone they did not know, they could not judge the other party's identity at the first time, so the progress was very slow.

Until they met a woman wearing a metal mask in a corridor.

The woman had obvious mechanical characteristics of a cyborg, her clothes and bionic skin were severely damaged, and large pieces of metal body were exposed. It can be seen that she had experienced extremely fierce battles, and some metal armor was deformed or fell off.

Anthony held a sword in one hand and his ID in the other and shouted to the woman at the end of the corridor: "We are the 13th Investigation Team of the Imperial Military Police. Show your identity immediately!"

The Iron Cavalry stood by Anthony's side, with his fists wrapped in gloves formed by magic energy.

The watchmen lined up in two rows, ready to attack the unidentified woman at any time.

The woman came over, her metal boots knocking on the floor tiles, and the knife in her hand turned casually.

A mechanical voice came from behind the mask: "The 13th Investigation Team! It seems that I don't need to waste energy on you. I am the captain of the Tomorrow Group's Mechanical Special Service Team. How did you get here? It seems that we didn't invite you to be our guests."

Anthony knew that the Tomorrow Group's Mechanical Special Service Team was responsible for the safety of all senior personnel of the Tomorrow Group. It was rumored that the captain of the special service team was the mysterious third-generation extraordinary mechanical modified person, but not many people had seen her.

"We received intelligence that the Black Gold Group and the Deep Hell are going to attack the Tomorrow Group Building. Team Leader Claulund ordered us to provide support immediately. It seems that we are a little late."

"Was it Mr. Claulund's order?"

Anthony replied: "It was our team leader's order."

Angelica knew where Helot was at this time: "Okay. Mr. Claulund is an excellent employee of the Tomorrow Group. I will report to President Irina and give him a promotion and salary increase.

How many of us are here?"

Anthony replied: "All five hundred watchmen belonging to our 13th Investigation Team have come, but most of them are outside the building to block other people from coming in. We have fifty people now, but we are not familiar with the terrain inside the building, and we cannot accurately identify the enemy and ourselves."

Angelica was thinking about where these fifty reinforcements could be used.

"Don't go to the underground part, there are too expensive instruments inside. And the third generation of mechanical cyborgs of the invading Black Gold Group have been killed by me. My team is clearing out the remaining invaders. Don't make trouble.

Upstairs are the corpse stitchers of the Deep Hell. Their undead magic is too vicious. The group employees trapped in the safe house must be rescued as soon as possible.

Leave the battle to us, you go to rescue people..."

Angelica ejected a cube from her left arm, and the cube projected a magical image upwards, which was the structural diagram of the Tomorrow Group Building, and all the safe houses were marked in green.

Anthony caught the cube thrown by Angelica: "Leave the rescue to us!"

"Thank you..." Angelica thanked sincerely. She knew that the 13th Investigation Team came to support without Helot's order. Then she said: "With your help, I can mobilize more people to start counterattack. Goodbye, the group's employees are left to you."

Angelica flew backwards, reached the corner and accelerated and flew away, and the mechanical cyborgs who had just ambushed followed one by one.

Anthony looked at the map, confirmed his current position, and pointed to the stairs in another direction: "We go upstairs from here."

Angelica led the team to an elevator. She forced the elevator door open, and then cut the wire rope in the elevator shaft with a knife, and the elevator below fell to a deeper level.

Looking up, the elevator shaft was pitch black, but some red warnings lit up in Angelica's field of vision.

She is now in the upgrade stage from the third-generation body to the fourth-generation body. There are places where the strength has been improved, and there are also places where the performance has declined due to the lack of supporting hardware. At the same time, high-intensity combat also exposes compatibility issues that are not usually discovered.

When fighting against the third-generation mechanical cyborg Bell Leon of the Black Gold Group, Angelica finally won and killed the opponent, but she was also injured. The red words in the field of vision are the body performance alarms.

Angelica uses the body performance adjustment function to convert most of the red warnings into yellow warnings at the cost of some performance decline. Then jump into the elevator shaft and start the steam jet to rise up.

The subsequent mechanical transformation people filed in.

The one in charge of leading the corpse sewing people to invade the Tomorrow Group Building was the King of Depravity. He sat in Irina's seat. With his Mediterranean hairstyle and greasy appearance, he looked like a wretched company executive.

Behind him stood a pair of twin corpse puppets. It was unknown whether they were born conjoined or stitched together later. The twins shared the part below the abdomen. The inner arm connected to the other's head, and the muscles rose and fell rhythmically, as if they were extracting some substance to complete the cycle.

The twins' outer arms are particularly strong, with muscles like thighs and fists as big as steamers.

In addition, a group of corpse-stitchers commanded the corpse puppets to move things in the office and transport them out through the gap in the wall.

The King of the Fallen flipped through the materials on the table in a serious manner: "Does the Black Gold Group think that if the things here are moved away, they can create the fourth generation of mechanical transformation people?"

The subordinates on the side answered attentively: "The Black Gold Group certainly cannot create the fourth generation of mechanical transformation people, but if this place is destroyed, the Tomorrow Group will not be able to create the fourth generation of mechanical transformation people.

The fourth generation of gene mutation technology in the hands of the prisoner is the most advanced in the entire empire and the entire world."

"Yes, the prisoner has mastered the fourth generation of extraordinary technology, which is also the main reason why we cooperate with them." The King of the Fallen sighed: "When I was young Adopted by the Corpse King, he studied and researched the Undead Magic for more than 40 years before he had the power of the Extraordinary Level 3. However, now... the post-sequence technology can produce the Extraordinary Level 3, and even the Extraordinary Level 4, which is too scary. "

The subordinate said: "I think the Corpse King saw the potential of the post-sequence and decided to cooperate with the Deep Hell early on."

"But the prisoner has always treated us as thugs." The Fallen King was very dissatisfied: "He also asked us not to kill Helot Claulund. So many of us corpse stitchers died in his hands, and the King of Hate is also dead, can't we take revenge?"

The twin corpse puppets showed extremely hideous expressions.

The subordinate said in fear: "Sir, sir... Lord Corpse King's attitude towards Claulund is also inclined not to kill."

The Fallen King calmed down his anger and said to himself in confusion: "Why does Lord Corpse King care so much about Claulund? Those old and decaying undeads are also evasive when talking about Claulund, as if there is some secret."

Subordinate: "Sir, let's not speculate on Lord Corpse King's thoughts. Completing the current task is the most important thing."

"Yes, completing the current task is the most important thing. Move quickly, tear down all the walls, and see if there is anything hidden inside..."

At this time, a wall suddenly exploded.

All the corpse stitchers put down their things and took a defensive posture.

A hole appeared in the wall, and the hole was filled with smoke and dust. Angelica and the mechanical transformation people flew out from it and fell to the floor.

"It seems that I have to arrange a comprehensive renovation for the president's office. Especially the desks and chairs, which must be buried deep."

The King of the Fallen was still sitting there, smiling and saying, "You are finally here, the third generation of mechanical cyborgs of the Tomorrow Group. Killing you is considered to have exceeded the mission. The Black Gold Group will definitely offer a sky-high price for your body..."

Before the King of the Fallen finished speaking, the twin corpse puppets behind him launched a charge. He was extremely fast and powerful. He appeared in front of Angelica almost instantly, and his fist swung out and ignited black flames in the air.


Angelica reached out to catch the punch, and the strong punch crushed the clothes and bionic skin on her arm, revealing a complete metal mechanical arm.

The twin corpse puppets swung their fists again, with greater power.

This time Angelica did not block it hard. She ducked to avoid a punch, and the twin corpse puppets elbowed down.

Angelica did not expect the body coordination of the spliced ​​corpse puppet to be so good. She nimbly dodged another attack and stabbed the corpse puppet's shoulder socket from bottom to top with the sharp knife in her hand.

But a flying bone hand forced Angelica to give up the attack.

Then a magic group with mental attack rushed over.

The twin corpse puppets' attacks followed one after another.

The King of the Fallen himself is a level 3 Transcendental Undead Mage, and the strength of the twin corpse puppets can also reach the level 2 Transcendental. Skilled cooperation allows them to exert strength beyond the ordinary level 3 Transcendental, but Angelica has all kinds of problems at this time.

The mechanical transformation people have become one with other corpse stitchers, and the two sides are fighting in this closed office.

Outside the Tomorrow Group Building, the watchman blocked all those who came to "support".

A car with the Royal Guard logo drove over.

The car stopped and a young girl walked out. She was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a ladylike look and behavior, and the accompanying maid held an umbrella for her.

"Brother Terenas. You are a prince. Who can stop you? You need to ask the emperor for instructions." The girl walked up to Terenas and took out a letter of order from the lady's bag on her arm: "The emperor allows you to lead the imperial police to enter the Tomorrow Group Building." Terenas did not accept the order letter: "After all, the Tomorrow Group Building is the private property of a noble. Even as a prince, you cannot enter casually. Fortunately, we have been allowed to enter by the owner. The 13th Investigation Team of the Imperial Police has entered to support. I will apologize to my father for disturbing his rest. But... why did you send the order letter, my sister Blamelo?" Blamelo is the second princess of the royal family. Her mother is the current imperial queen and Terenas' half-sister. Terenas did not dare to be careless with his seemingly innocent sister and did not even accept the order letter in her hand. Braimeiro waved the order letter and smiled sweetly: "Brother, have you forgotten? I am now the permanent assistant of the Royal Guards. It happens that I am on duty tonight, and my father asked me to deliver the order letter he gave you. Put it away quickly and complete the task so that I can go back to continue my duty."

Terenas then took the order letter, opened it, read the contents, and said at the same time: "Don't you want to go back on duty? Why don't you leave?"

Brameiro stepped forward and looked towards the Tomorrow Group Building: "It seems like someone has come out."

Terenas turned his head, and saw a group of employees of Tomorrow Group running out of the building in panic under the protection of the watchmen.

He stretched out his hand to stop Brameiro, who wanted to run over to watch the excitement: "Our Imperial Military Police are in charge of this place. You can go back."

"Okay, okay, I'll go back..." Brameiro slowly backed away and said with a smile: "Brother, you seem to be a little afraid of Helot Claude. He randomly sent an operator from the 13th Investigation Team , can keep you out from the rain.

If I marry him, will you be afraid of me too? "

Terenas: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. If Claurende regains the title of Duke, I will be the Duchess when I marry Herot." Brameiro turned around and jumped forward: "In this way, my brother will have a founding Duke. Support. The Duke of the Undead, the Queen of the Empire, and me... he will definitely become the Crown Prince of the Empire!"

"He's only ten years old!"

Brameiro stopped and half turned his head. The smile on his face has disappeared, and the sidelong glance at Terenas is like a sharp sword piercing the rain curtain.

"Can't you be a crown prince at the age of ten? Terenas, although you have made some achievements that are obvious to all, my father knows how you got these achievements. Today, Herot is not a duke yet, and his subordinates can Stop you and let your father safely hand over the empire into your hands.

Duke Violet is also more optimistic about the eldest prince.

How about...you support our brother too. "

Terenas somewhat understood the reason why his father sent Brameiro to deliver this letter of order. It was indeed not a glorious thing for a prince in charge of the Imperial Military Police to be stopped in the rain by his own men.

But after being caught in the rain, the calm-minded Terenas was actually glad that he had not forced his way in just now.

Especially after meeting the second princess Bremero, he became even more convinced of his decision.

The eldest brother has the Duke of Violet, the younger brother has the Queen and the Second Princess, and he only has the Imperial Gendarmerie, which can be taken away at any time, and the Rusty Nobles who sit on the fence. Since Helot is so committed to protecting the Tomorrow Group, he should give his full support. This is the real backing.

As for Brameiro wanting to marry Herot...it's not like he doesn't have a princess by his side.

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