My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 331 Northern Lights (4000)

On the polar plateau, the further north you go, the weaker the wind and snow. There are towering icebergs all around, and at the bottom of the mountains is an unknown depth of rift valley. This should be a forbidden place for life, but there are a variety of polar creatures, and the most basic nutrition to maintain the food chain here is polar snow.

The snow in the central area of ​​the polar region contains rich ice elements and nutrients needed for life, but the nutrients in the snow cannot be absorbed by non-polar creatures. However, not all snow that falls has nutrients, only light pink snow has nutrients, so you can see snow-eating beasts migrating along the pink snow belt, and carnivorous beasts and cold monsters are also active near the pink snow belt.

Slave York Red pulled a sled in the middle of a pink snow belt.

The flint giant summoned by Helot pulled another ice sled, and the sleeping Melis lay on the ice sled. She closed her eyes, frowned, and looked as if she was having a nightmare.

Helot walked at the front of the team. The cold made him wrap himself tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. Frost covered his eyebrows and eyelashes, and the infection of ice elements changed the color of his pupils from black to light brown.

Panier dragged his shackles behind Helot, walking in a daze, as if he would fall to the ground in the next moment.

Helot asked: "How far is it from the base of the prisoner?"

Panier panted: "Almost there! My speed of movement when I was asleep exceeded my expectations. I'm really curious about how you did it."

"You have been saying that you are almost there since yesterday, and you are still saying this now. You see the situation of Her Royal Highness the Princess. If she gets lost before finding the base of the prisoner, you will become worthless."

"It's really almost there!" Panier pointed to a towering iceberg in front of him: "It's inside that iceberg. Follow this snow belt and you will definitely get there before dark."

Helot saw the iceberg in front of him, rolling like the dragon he knew in his previous life.

The pink snow belt under his feet stretched towards the iceberg in a winding way.

Helot quickened his pace and threw something to Panier, saying, "Hurry up! This is your second to last portion of food. Look at the sun more, you will see it for the last time."

Panier took what Helot threw with both hands. It was a piece of black bread, with heat radiating from the inside to the outside. The baked bread was soft and full of wheat aroma.

He would never have looked at such bread before, but now he couldn't help but eat it in big mouthfuls. Black bread was his main food for a few days of travel, and he couldn't eat enough. On the other hand, the slave from the northern border ate meat at will during meals, and even when he was walking, he could take out a frozen sausage and bite it at any time.

I will "repay" all the insults I have received double!

Panier ate the bread as quickly as possible while it was not cold, and then grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and held it in his mouth to quench his thirst.

When he recovered some energy, he began to observe the surrounding glaciers.

Why hasn't anyone saved me yet?

Paniel was sure that his father and the surviving tribesmen must have reunited with the Fire Spirit, the head of the Executioner's Polar Base, and they must have discovered this team heading to the pole.

A fire magician, an Emma Lubeli who had almost no fighting power, and a Northern Frontier slave with only strength, all they needed was a simple ambush to eliminate them, why haven't they taken action yet?

Do they really have to watch them reach the pole?

What is his father doing?

Paniel was very anxious, he knew very well... the moment he arrived at the Executioner's Polar Base, it would be his death.

What Paniel didn't know was that Marquis Skovo was also very anxious.

At this time, Marquis Skovo was standing on a protruding glacier in the distance, wearing a white cloak. He could clearly see his son's embarrassed appearance and wanted to rush over to rescue him immediately.

But he didn't dare to do so, because behind this team, there was an army of undead following.

The main force of this undead army is about 5,000 skeleton cavalry, which march neatly in 50 square formations of 100 cavalrymen. At the same time, they can quickly reorganize the formation according to the changes in the terrain, showing extraordinary tactical qualities.

It can be imagined that once the "bait" in front is attacked, these 5,000 skeleton cavalrymen can rush forward in a very short time and complete the reverse encirclement of the ambushers.

And according to the information provided by Madam Keshiya, the combat effectiveness of these skeleton cavalrymen is extremely strong, which is not comparable to ordinary skeletons. They master the power of fire. When the sea of ​​fire burns, the cold of the ice field must also be avoided.

The undead army in the rear is not only skeleton cavalry, but also a large number of crawling corpses scattered on both wings of the main force. They crawl with their hands and feet, and can easily climb up the steep glacier.

These crawling corpses serve as scouts for the undead army. I am afraid that they have discovered the ambush in advance before it begins.

The undead army followed the "bait" and moved forward step by step towards the polar base of the executioner.

Marquis Skovo felt that there was another person beside him. After seeing the other person's appearance, he took the initiative to salute: "Madam Kaishiya, has your army arrived?"

After Madam Kaishiya's cold demon army was defeated, she had been looking for scattered cold demon groups and regrouping them. However, some cold demon groups were scared and moved to new camps, and it was impossible to gather all the subordinate cold demons in a short time.

After discovering the scale of this undead army, Madam Kaishiya knew that her military strength was not enough, so she went to other cold demon madams' tribes to borrow troops.

Hateful of the undead army, Madam Kaishiya said: "I borrowed 300 cold monsters, and with my tribe, there are a total of 600 cold monsters. Those short-sighted madams have no idea what it means for the undead to step into the polar regions, and they ridiculously think that the extreme cold can help the cold monsters eliminate all invasions."

Only 600 cold monsters, too few!

Marquis Skovo was very disappointed with this number. No matter how strong the individual strength of the cold monsters was, they had to face nearly 10,000 undead.

"In this war, we are at home, but we are at a disadvantage."

Madam Kaishiya said confidently: "Didn't you notice that the polar beasts in this snow belt have disappeared?"

Marquis Skovo noticed that there were indeed no traces of polar beasts in the pink snow belt.

"Where did they all go?"

"We drove them all to the base of the Executioner. The Fire Spirit will use the potions they made on those polar beasts. I have seen the mad beasts they made. Even the most docile snow-eating beasts will become monsters that only know how to kill."

Hearing that the base of the Executioner has created an army of polar monsters to deal with the army of undead, Marquis Skovo put aside some of his worries.

"Please rescue my son first, Madam. I promise that the new Ice and Snow Family will provide all the conveniences for your tribe. Your army will be armed with the best weapons and receive the best military training. Your power can expand beyond the polar regions, and you can also unify the polar plateau..."

Madam Kaishiya laughed: "Unify the polar plateau? I dare not have such a big ambition. The great beings deep in the polar regions will not let me go. But I can expand the tribe, go to the northern border or further south."

Madam Kaishiya's greed made Marquis Skovo's face change, but for the sake of his family and son, he said obediently: "The new Ice and Snow Family is your most solid ally."

"Wait until you become the new Ice and Snow Family before talking about the alliance." Madam Kaishiya was very arrogant: "Go back, the opponent's crawling corpses are approaching, and those ice-attributed undead are very agile on the glacier. Don't be discovered by them.

Now is not the time to start a war."

Madam Kaishiya shook her ice wings and left the glacier. Marquis Skovo looked at his son in the distance and jumped off the glacier.

At this moment, Helot didn't know what was waiting for him ahead.

He knew someone would save Panier, so in order not to waste time in the anti-ambush battle, he arranged a synchronized undead army in the rear.

Anyone who wanted to save Panier had to consider whether he could survive the rapid support of the undead army. The enemy would not act easily if they were not sure, and he could reach the polar base of the executioner earlier.

As for Panier...

Helot had been hiding his identity from him, and he didn't know that there was an undead army behind him. In order to survive, he had to reach the polar base before Melis got lost, hoping to be rescued on the way.

If he knew his identity as Claulund, he didn't know what he would do for the survival of the Scovo family.

Now, the polar base of the executioner was in sight. They had no choice but to receive this uninvited guest.

Whether they could get a way to save Melis depended on what happened tonight.

The sun was watching the southwest direction of the sky fall.

The glaciers reflected the light of the stars and the moon in the sky, making the polar night not as dark as imagined, and the colorful aurora added a fairy-tale color to the ice field.

Melissa woke up from a long nightmare, and the flint giant pulling the ice sled stopped, and then his body collapsed into a pile of stones flashing with fire. The polar ice element has too strong a suppression force on the fire element, and the flint giant can hardly maintain its form for a long time.

The whole team stopped for this reason.

The slave York Red loosened the reins tied on his body, took out the food and grilled it on the pile of flint, and found a pot to boil water to drink.

Helot helped Melissa up: "We are almost at the pole of the prisoner. I will have a full stomach and prepare for the battle... but I still hope they can be reasonable."

Melissa looked at Helot, and after a while, she suddenly realized: "I remembered you, team leader. It seems that my memory has declined a lot, and I don't know when I will really forget you."

Losing memory is the process of the cold demon being lost.

Helot did not show any sadness. He smiled and said, "You will get better, I promise! Let's go and see the Northern Lights together. The bloodline of the Elvin family is called the Northern Lights. I wonder if we can gain something from the Northern Lights."

Melis also smiled cheerfully: "When I went deep into the polar regions before, I often watched the Northern Lights at night, and I didn't feel anything special. But I figured out where to see the most beautiful Northern Lights... Do you see that rock? Let's go up!"

"Let's go!"

Helot pulled Melis up to the huge rock. Looking up, the sky was indeed very different, as if a layer of lens was added, and the sky full of bright stars was right in front of us, as if we could reach out and touch it.

The Northern Lights were also very close, as if there was a screen surrounding the stone, and the Northern Lights were shining on the screen.

Helot was in a sudden scene and couldn't help but stare blankly.

At the same time, he said to himself: "The concentration of ice elements here is uneven, and the light transmission and refraction produce a mirage-like effect."

Melis couldn't help but laugh: "As expected of a top student of the Imperial Royal Academy, you saw through it so easily. Now I will interfere with the concentration of ice elements here, and you will see the most beautiful polar night sky."

Melis stretched out her hand, and tiny icicles continued to rise in her ice-crystal palm.

The concentration of ice elements was disturbed, and the starry sky actually revolved around the boulder. The aurora turned into a colorful dancing light band, and six petals of ice flowers slowly fell.

At this time, Herot's eyes were all on Melis. She was like an elf in the ice and snow, innocent and innocent, and her eyes were full of nostalgia for this world. The red earrings were the most eye-catching color on her body, and the radiance reflected a warm blush on her cheeks.

Suddenly, Helot grabbed Melis's hand and used magic to stop her from releasing magic.

"I want to see this beautiful scenery a few more times on the way back, so don't have any overdraft before I cure you. Keep your mind clear and think back to the things that make you memorable.

Now let's go..."

Helot didn't finish speaking and turned to look in the direction of the iceberg.

There was a bright light approaching at high speed over there, and it flew close in a few seconds.

He is a man whose whole body is burning with fire.

Through the previous torture of Panil, Helot knew the identity of the other party, the person in charge of the Torture Bearer Polar Base, and one of the candidates, "Fire Spirit".

The bloodline of Duke Chiyan, one of the twelve founding Dukes, has a very high affinity for the fire element and is good at various fire-attribute magics.

Fire Spirit stopped far away and saluted Herot: "Dear Duke Claude, welcome to the Executioner's polar base. I am Fire Spirit, the person in charge here. What can I do for you? ”

"You, you are Claude!" Panier below had an expression of extreme shock. He did not expect that Claude, who had returned to the center of the empire, would come to the iceberg and snow peaks. Looking back on Duke Erwin's respect for him, it seems that only this identity can explain it.

Herot ignored Panir, who was stunned, and said to the fire spirit: "I warned you torturers, I am not interested in what you are going to do, and I also ask you not to provoke me. Melis is my assistant officer , I don’t care what you did to her before, I just want her to recover!”

Huo Ling said with a smile: "Of course we must comply with the request of the Duke of the Undead. But... we have no way to reverse the cold demon's transformation. Princess Snow is dead!"

"Please think carefully before answering! I'll give you a chance to answer again."

"I'm sorry, Lord Duke. I understand how you feel now, but we really have no way to reverse it, and we have never thought about reversing it, because we don't need it."

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