My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 342 Servant Keshiya (4000)

Melis' surgery is over.

As expected by the Immortal Society bloodline discussion group, the body's collapse was immediately prevented after the mighty bloodline was transferred into her body. Her appearance slowly transformed from the cold demon form back to a human body, but her hair and eyes were still crystal white.

Vampire tears flashed in her ears as life force continued to replenish her body.

Helot walked in, waved everyone away, and then smiled and said to Melis: "The bloodline transfer was very successful. After your body recovers, another bloodline transfer will be performed, and the Snow Princess of the icebergs and snow will come back. ”

The physical weakness made Melis look pale, but the rest of her life after death still made her very happy. She looked at Helot and said softly: "Thank you!"

"Just thanking you is not enough. You have to work harder to repay me in the future."

"Of course, team leader... cough cough cough..."

Melis coughed violently. Helot stepped forward and patted her on the back. He reached out and grabbed the water glass on the table: "You need to rest now! I have reached a truce agreement with the cold demon and will set off to return early tomorrow morning. Ice Castle."

Melis drank water and noticed that the base was very quiet, not vibrating like before the operation: "I don't know how you convinced the cold demon. Those are completely unreasonable barbaric races, all of them are murderous. ”

"Of course I persuaded them with my fists." Helot took the water glass and helped Melis lie down: "Don't talk too much, get some sleep first."

"Okay..." Melis closed her eyes, her chest rose and fell rhythmically, and she fell asleep quickly.

Helot asked the medical staff to take care of Melis, and then went to the data room alone.

This place is filled with information collected from all over the base. In order to save Melis, Helot has already read through all these materials.

If this data is taken out and the captured researchers are included, it will not be difficult to restart the study of polar biological systems.

Facing the empty room, Helot asked to himself: "How about making a deal?"

Got no response.

Helot continued: "I know you have been following me...Arctic Fire-marked Fox!"

A flame dripped from above like a drop of water, painting smoothly in the air, and soon the appearance of a polar fire-patterned fox was drawn.

It stepped on the void, its body moved, and its eyes stared at Helot with hatred: "How do you know that I am following you?"

"I guessed it!" Helot said with a smile: "If you find that your fox tail has not gone back, you will definitely come back to look for it, and then you will find me here."

The polar fire-marked fox didn't expect that he would be tricked out like this, and his fur stood on end in anger: "Let go of my tail, otherwise you guys can't leave the polar region!"

"That's why I called you out to make a deal."

"What deal?"

Helot: "You should know what the people who built this base did inside. You, the great beings on the polar regions, are protecting the polar regions. Once these things spread beyond the polar regions, they may cause great harm to the polar regions in the future." hazards.”

In order to retrieve his tail, the polar fire-marked fox had lurked in this base many times and saw people here conducting experiments on polar creatures.

"Although I don't know their purpose of doing this, it is definitely a bad thing."

"Here are all the experimental data and technical materials of the base. I can burn them all under your witness. As a deal, you will never ask me for that tail again."

The "Old Code" only thinks about eating alone and does not consider that the tail has an owner.

The polar fire fox is a great existence deep in the polar regions, the will of fire. I snatched its fox tail, who knows how it will retaliate.

Therefore, this potential threat needs to be eliminated before leaving the base.

Polar Fire Fox said: "This is not a fair deal."

Helot said with approval: "Yes, this is indeed not a fair trade. The value of these data far exceeds one of your tails. I took them out of the polar regions and it is possible to create artificial cold monsters through biomedical technology." . I wonder if the artificial cold monsters will get lost, and what they will taste like when they get lost. Do you have any expectations..."

Helot's words made the polar fire-patterned fox become irritable: "You don't believe you can create a cold demon."

"Have you ever believed that I could 'resurrect' a lost cold demon?"

The arctic fox stayed there.

It was precisely because it concluded that Melis must be lost that it let its tail swallow her in advance. But when it just followed Helot, it saw with its own eyes that Melis was not only not lost, but also returned to human form from the cold demon state, and her life characteristics were very stable.

This breaks its previous understanding.

Lost cold monsters can be forcibly brought back. Is it still impossible to artificially create cold monsters?

"The Polar Region is the world we created together. You... broke its original rules!"

As expected.

In a place with such a harsh environment like the polar regions, it is impossible for large creatures to exist according to common sense. But there is a whole biological system here, and it is very simple and rudimentary. Creatures like the cold demon will not die naturally. If they get lost and wander, they cannot return to the monotonous polar energy cycle system, so the polar creators use crude methods to recycle them.

The polar fire-marked fox should be a member of the polar creator, and it is its duty to protect the normal operation of the polar regions.

Helot said: "Melis is originally a human being. I saved her and did not break the rules of the polar regions, but the information here can change the polar regions. By exchanging these things for one of your tails, I suffered a big loss!"

What do you think? "

Herot is not worried about the polar fire pattern fox going berserk. If it could go berserk, it would not listen to him here.

Even all the great beings in the polar regions cannot use their own power casually.

This is indeed the case, they are the original life forms in the polar regions. After seeing the colorful world outside, we decided to build a polar biosphere together. The operation of the polar biosphere takes up most of their power, and there is not much rich ability to use to interfere with the outside world.

"Okay, okay!" The polar fire pattern fox could only agree to the deal: "But just destroying the information here is not enough."

Helot said helplessly: "I'm already at a disadvantage, do you still want to add conditions?"

"Of course, we can't let something like this happen again, and it's possible that the material here has spread beyond the poles."

Helot said with a businessman's smile: "The situation you mentioned is indeed possible. After all, the torturer's polar base has existed for many years. You can add conditions, but the price has to be calculated separately!"

The polar fire-marked fox squatted down and said to Herot: "I can give you my tail in exchange for you destroying all the materials here. There is also a cold demon waiting for you on the ice mountain and snow peak. Her mission is to destroy all the materials here." The polar information circulated outside. You help her complete her mission, and during this period, she belongs to you."

"Are you just renting a cold demon?"

The polar fire pattern fox slowly dispersed, and the language became blurry: "Human, help a confused soul find the right direction, and all your efforts will eventually be richly rewarded.

Leave the Pole as soon as possible and return peace to this land! "

The polar fire fox disappeared.

Herot set a fire and burned everything here.

Which cold demon is waiting for me on the iceberg and snow peak? Could it old acquaintance again?

Throughout the night, the undead continued to send dismantled equipment to Han Yao outside the base, and Han Yao destroyed it himself.

At the same time, all the undead came out of the base, preparing to hand over to the cold demon after dawn.

Early the next morning, Helot took Melis and quietly left the base through the glacier canyon and walked back to the ice castle.

Only York Red accompanied him.

There’s also the gargoyle in griffin form, which is now Melis’ mount. It's just that Melis didn't ride the gargoyle. She was still very weak and was half-lying on the sled, being pulled forward by York Red.

Herot followed on a gargoyle.

Melis blamed herself and said: "If I hadn't been a drag. I would ride the gargoyle and you fly, we could reach the ice castle very quickly."

York's red sled was moving so fast that the gargoyle could barely keep up by running at a trot.

Helot said to Melis: "It's just a matter of walking the same way we came. This time without Panier's drag, we can get to the ice castle faster. What's more, we still have to wait for my undead army, which is waiting for them. Attracting the attention of the cold demon matrons."

Melis asked: "Is Panier really dead?"

"Really dead! I didn't believe he was dead like that at first. To confirm, I penetrated his body with death energy. He was completely dead, with no possibility of living."

Melis sighed: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Panier has been a very smart person since he was a child. His father said that he has the temperament of a leader and will definitely lead the Scovo family to a new era. high."

"But no matter how high you reach, it is impossible to surpass the Erwin family. There is no point in not talking about these losers! Do you still remember the legend about the origin of the Erwin family that you told me?"

"Remember! A family legend with no ending."

Helot smiled and said, "I heard some stories from the perspective of the cold demon. Do you want to hear them?"

"Of course I want to hear it!" Melis immediately became very interested: "Was my ancestor born from that cold demon?"


Herot told Melis the stories he heard from the cold demon matrons.

Time seemed to pass quickly between the two of them.

The short days and long nights in the polar regions alternate continuously, as if it was just a short journey. I accidentally looked up and saw the ice castle not far away.

Melis rode the gargoyle and looked at the ice castle: "We're here so soon! It feels like we just left the polar base."

Helot lay on the sled and replied lazily: "It would be faster if we flew, but we both seemed to have forgotten. Now I just want to enter the ice castle quickly and fill my stomach with normal food. , and then sleep on a soft bed for a day and a night.”

"Father will be very happy when he sees us coming back! There seems to be someone in front..."

Helot asked York Red to stop, and he stood up from the sled. There was indeed a person standing in the scattered snow in front of him.

And it's a woman.

She was wearing a baggy blouse that didn't fit well. She had a cold temperament, a beautiful appearance, and a bit of enchantment.

Duke Erwin has closed the entrance and exit of the ice castle. How could a woman appear here?

Melis jumped off the gargoyle, and the gargoyle stood up, opening its beak and letting out a threatening roar: "Human woman, you are doing a very dangerous thing. Get out of the way and kneel aside!

The great Mr. Claude and the noble Princess Emmaluberry will forgive your rudeness. "

The woman did not move, her eyes staring straight at Helot, full of hatred, unwillingness and helplessness.

Helot felt the hostility emanating from the woman, stretched out his hand to summon the perfect battle blade first, and then summoned the "Old Code".

When Helot was about to put on the mercury armor, the woman actually knelt on one knee on the ground: "Keshiya greets the master!"

Helot pointed at the woman in surprise: "You, you are Keshiya!"

Although I don't know how Keshiya became a human, if you look closely at the woman's appearance and expression, she really looks like Keshiya.

"Yes, master, I am your servant, the cold demon Keshiya!"

Helot was still a little unbelievable.

The polar fire fox said that there was a cold demon waiting for him on the iceberg and snow peak. He also guessed that it was most likely the exiled Keshiya, but he didn't expect it to be such a Keshiya.

"How did you become a human?"

Keshiya gritted her teeth and said: "I could have become a human, but I just didn't want to show this ugly side."

After all, it is a child born by a human and a cold demon, so it is not surprising that he can become a human.

Helot walked up to Keshiya, drew out his staff sword and placed it on her shoulder: "In the presence of the great polar existence, I accept your loyalty. When you complete your mission, I will give you freedom. You will also return to the polar region with honor and be accepted by the cold demon again.

Keshiya... I believe that your specialness must have a special meaning. And your human appearance is not ugly. When you live in human society for a long time, you will know how charming you are!"

"Cough cough cough!" Melissa coughed behind her.

Helot realized that what he said was a bit inappropriate. Although Keshiya now looks like a mature human woman in her thirties, she is the great-great-great-aunt of the Elvin family.

Kaishiya bowed her head and said, "In the presence of the great polar existence, I swear allegiance to Helot Claulund."

The loyalty ceremony was completed, and Helot asked Kaishiya to stand up: "The ice castle is in front of you, where your brother's descendants live, and it is also the Elvin family you have always wanted to destroy. Now I will take you into the ice castle, and you can't do anything that harms the Elvin family."

Kaishya said proudly: "Of course I will obey your orders, my master. But not killing that child is my mother's regret before she got lost. When I no longer serve you, I will continue to make the destruction of the Elvin family my life goal. If I get lost or die, my daughter will inherit this responsibility of inheritance."

Helot shrugged: "When you are free, of course you can do whatever you want. Follow me into the ice castle, this is probably your first time to enter."

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