My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 343 Return to the Ice Castle

Outside the north wall of the ice castle, tens of thousands of undead stood on the ice field. Their bodies were covered with ice and snow, ice hung between the bones of the skeletons, and the outer layers of the walking corpses were wrapped in ice.

Heroot and Melis walked to the city gate, and the watchman on the city top shouted loudly inside: "Her Royal Highness Princess Snow is back! Mr. Claude is back with Her Royal Highness!"

The thick city gate was opened, and inside the gate where the watchers gathered, they looked at Helot and Melis in surprise. In fact, most people don't think Princess Emmalu Bailey can come back. The loss of the cold demon is equivalent to the natural death of human beings. This is an irreversible rule.

But Princess Emmalu Bailey is standing there now. Although the color of her eyes and hair has changed, everyone who is familiar with her knows that this is the pride of the ice and snow mountain... the Snow Princess.

The watchmen moved out of the way to welcome Princess Emma Lubelle and pay tribute to Mr. Claurund who saved the princess.

Herot and Melis walked into the city gate together.

The door to the castle opened and Duke Erwin quickly walked out.

When he saw Melis, his face was also full of surprise. He stepped forward and took his daughter to look at her carefully, and said excitedly: "Welcome home, my daughter!"

"Father! It was Mr. Claude who saved me."

Duke Erwin faced Herot: "You really brought my daughter back healthy! Come, let's go into the castle to talk. I can't wait to hear your adventure stories. It must be very exciting."

Duke Erwin walked into the castle holding Princess Emma Lubelle with one hand and Herot with the other hand, shouting loudly: "Let the kitchen prepare a table of food quickly, and go to the cellar to bring up my treasured wine."

Duke Erwin has also gone deep into the polar regions for experience and knows that what people who come back from the polar regions want most is to have a hearty meal of hot food and drink warm wine. So he took Helot and Princess Emma Lubelle straight to the restaurant and urged the chef to serve the food as soon as possible.

After sitting down on the main seat, Duke Erwin noticed that there was a woman wearing a blouse following behind Herot. The woman opened her hood and casually found a seat to sit down without saying a word, her expression arrogant and filled with hatred.

The strong sense of pressure made Duke Erwin nervous. He could feel the power of the woman, and this sense of oppression was very familiar.

Duke Erwin was secretly on guard, and asked Herot again: "Who is this lady? It seems that she is not from the Ice Castle."

Helot asked Keshiya: "Are you introducing yourself? Or should I introduce it for you?"

At this time, the chef brought some appetizers. Keshiya pulled the dishes in front of her and started eating them without answering Heroot's questions.

Keshiya's surrender was an instruction from the great being in the polar regions, and Helot was dissatisfied with it.

Melis introduced: "Father...this is Mistress Keshiya."

Hearing this name, Duke Erwin almost jumped up from his chair in shock.

Ever since the Erwin family built an ice castle on the snowy peak of the iceberg, Mistress Kesia and her tribe have been constantly attacking the castle. It is unknown how many members of the Erwin family have died at the hands of this mistress. .

It’s is this Mistress Keshia a human?

"Are you kidding me?"

"They are not kidding you!" Keshiya stopped eating, looked at Duke Erwin and said contemptuously: "I am Keshiya, but I am no longer the mistress..."

As he spoke, Keshia's appearance changed, and her skin crystallized to look like a cold demon.

Duke Erwin recognized the voice and the familiar appearance. He stood up, his body quickly transformed after the Northern Lights bloodline was activated, and an ice-chopping knife condensed in his hand.

Helot quickly stood up and angrily yelled at Keshiya: "What is the order I give you, Keshiya. Don't provoke, otherwise you will never be able to return to the pole."

Keshia glanced at Helot, turned back into human form, and continued to grab food.

Duke Erwin couldn't understand this scene. If he hadn't recognized that this was Mistress Keshia, he would have even thought that Keshiya was a fake.

How could Mistress Keshia obey the orders of a human?

Being scolded, there was no resistance at all!

Seeing that his daughter was sitting there without moving, Duke Erwin released the cold demon state and waved the guards who rushed in to go out.

He stared at Keshiya who was eating, not daring to relax at all, and asked: "Who can explain?"

"Let me tell you..." Helot sat down and talked about the bond between Keshiya and the Erwin family.

Duke Erwin never expected that Mistress Keshiya, who had been fighting with his family for hundreds of years, was actually the ancestor of the family.

He drank the whole glass of strong wine in one gulp, but could not suppress the complicated emotions in his heart: "No wonder the family origin story left by the ancestors is so strange. His father was killed by his beloved Han Demon, and he was almost killed by his mother. Killed, the twin sister became the sworn enemy of the Erwin family.

Keshiya, I should kill you here to end this hatred. "

The family's sworn enemy enters the ice castle alone, which is the best opportunity to surround and kill her.

Herot reminded Duke Erwin: "Kasiya is my servant now!"

Duke Erwin stared at Keysia and said to Herot beside him: "Her hands are stained with the blood of the Erwin family. Leave her to me, and you can make any conditions to me."

Mother Keshia looked at Duke Erwin, preparing for a fight.

Hailot said: "My Lord Duke, you should know that there are some great beings deep in the polar regions. They are the creators of the polar regions. Kaishiya's mother did not kill the ancestors of the Elche family. It was a will conveyed by a great being or by them together.

Now Kaishiya is carrying another will of the great beings."

Duke Erwin: "What will?"

Hailot talked about some things that happened in the polar base, especially the polar ecology created by the great beings: "They used ice walls and storms to isolate the polar regions from the outside world, leaving only one exit, the iceberg and snow peak. The ice castle can be built here because they assume that the Elwen family belongs to the polar regions."

Duke Erwin stabilized his somewhat excited emotions.

If there was no intervention from the great polar beings, the child born from the combination of the human and the cold demon would surely die, and naturally there would be no Elche family now.

Now Kaishiya is responsible for the task assigned to her by the great polar beings. If he kills Kaishiya here, it will obviously anger the great polar beings.

Duke Erwin restrained his edge again: "Of course I respect the great beings in the polar regions."

Keshiya sneered: "This is your best chance to kill me. When I complete my mission, I will still kill you all!"

Emma Lu Bailey said at this time: "Your first opponent is me."

Keshiya said disdainfully: "You will all die!"

Keshiya's arrogant attitude made the atmosphere in the restaurant tense again.

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