My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 361: Book Thief Chick

In the next two games, Helot's opponents were ordinary players with level 50+... and won easily.

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to have a fight, and even drunken Qianzhan also had a fight.

All the opponents of the Soul Eaters surrendered.

There is no difficulty in a day of competition.

After the preliminary round, the Soul Eaters went to investigate the Salsa Mausoleum. Qiushui Yuexian and Drunken Qianzhan did not make any move to leave.

The two women didn't know how to explain their other purpose of coming here because of each other's presence.

Hailot took out the bottle he got from Qiushui Yaoyuexian: "I made a mistake! These are soul fire particles, but they are not the soul fire particles of the Sorrow King. As long as the quantity is not large, there is no danger in using it...

Are you taking it back? Or should you continue to leave it to me to study? "

Now that Helot had told this matter in front of a drunken crowd, Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to answer simply: "We can rest assured if we confirm that there is no danger. I can know what research direction you plan to use it for." ”

"Same as you, use these particles to make exclusive energy transporters. Jiu Zui Qian Zhan is now cooperating with me in experiments in this area, and our cooperation is very smooth."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to take a look at the drunken wine and found out the purpose of her stay.

Then he said to Helot: "I have reported the benefits of giving the particles to you for research to my superiors. We only have one request, and that is that we hope you can share your research results with us."

Among the players, no one understands souls better than the Soul Eaters.

If you exchange a particle for the research line of Soul Eater, you will definitely make money. And since I can get two soul particles from the Yamata no Orochi Guild, I can get two more!

Helot: "Of course our research results can be shared with you, and your research also needs to be shared with us."

"Deal!" Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to agree readily: "I'm leaving... there is still a lot of information about potential opponents that we need to see."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to leave with satisfaction.

Drunk Qianzhan stared at the bottle in Herot's hand and asked, "Are these the particles floating in the sky above the Rotten Royal Court?"

"Yes!" Helot used the method taught by Frank to use the particles inside to emit light, and added: "Even the Soul Eaters and I have not found a way to collect this thing. I don't know how the Yamata Orochi Guild did it. In this world Knowledge is as vast as the ocean, and no matter how much knowledge one or two people have, there are still blank areas.”

Drunk Qianzhan looked at the glowing things in the bottle with a hint of fear: "I heard that these particles...someone died from brain death because of collecting these particles."

"What else do you know about this particle?"

Drunk Qianzhan shook his head: "This is the top secret of the Yamata no Orochi Guild. If you want to know, I can find a way."

"No!" Helot refused: "This kind of secret cannot be hidden. The current position of the Yamata no Orochi Guild is very embarrassing. Everyone wants to win over him, and everyone has the ability to kill him. They can now use this kind of independence Some things are good for both sides, but sooner or later they have to be handed over!

Unless... they can gain the power to become the third pole in the game world. "

"Yes! The guild is making a huge gamble right now. They are putting all their power on the corrupt plot of the Sorrowful King, and are squeezing everyone crazily. What I hear and see makes me extremely eager to obtain a powerful one. Strength to protect me and my family when I need to resist.”

Helot couldn't help but nodded in sympathy: "We all have family members who need to be protected."

Drunk Qianzhan asked enthusiastically: "So... what is today's special training?"

Helot shook the bottle in his hand: "Since Qiu Shui asked Yuexian to lend me her particles, I have some new ideas. These are actually the soul fire particles of the undead dragon, and the undead dragon was created by the God of Death. The ultimate form of the undead, soul fire must have attributes that we don't yet understand.

One of them should be to open up the world's barriers and accelerate the exchange of energy.

This is the theory, but how to implement it needs to be tried.

Before this, I need to make an assessment of your soul strength. Since I cannot contact you, I can only touch your soul through energy penetration. There is potential for damage to your soul, and the process can be extremely painful. "

Drunk Qianzhan smiled and said firmly: "I only want strength, I am not afraid of pain."

Helot suddenly had a picture in his mind and couldn't help but say: "Very energetic! Let's start..."

Hailot and Jiuzui Qianzhan began to experiment on souls and undead dragon soul fire fragments.

In the Immortal Tower, the starry sky is like a search engine nested in the knowledge base. He finds relevant books as needed, then reads and passes the content to Helot, sometimes adding his own understanding.

But when he was looking for books about the Undead Dragon Soul Fire, he found that some books were missing.

Xingkong told Ashelia about this, and Ashelia found out that the books were really not on the original bookshelf, and immediately yelled angrily: "It was that bastard Chik who did it! Harry Carang, Harry Carang !”

The entire Immortal Tower was filled with Ashelia's screams, frightening the other Immortal Mages to tremble.

"I'm here!" Harry Kalang flew up on the gray crow, looking timid and thinking about what he had done to make Ashelia angry: "Did I do something wrong again?"

"You are wrong to know Chike!" Eselia pointed to the bookshelf: "This book thief didn't return the books he borrowed here last time. How do you explain it?"

Harry Kalang was helpless: "I remember you helped him find these books, right?"

"Why didn't you stop me?"

If Harry Karan had eyes, he would have stared out.

"Me? Is this my fault?"

"It's not your fault! Is it still my fault?" Aisheliya put her hands on her hips: "Find Chike and ask him to return the borrowed book."

Harikaran: "I don't know where Chike lives?"

"Don't you know how to find him?" Aisheliya turned her head and said to Xingkong: "You found the book missing. You are responsible for taking this stupid skeleton to find Chike."

Xingkong was also a little dumbfounded. Although I wanted to find Chike, what does the responsibility of losing the book have to do with me?

But looking at Harry Karan's performance, I know that he didn't reason with Aisheliya. He did whatever she asked him to do... and didn't get scolded.

"Okay, I will find Chike."

After sharing the responsibility for losing the book, Aisheliya turned around and flew away angrily.

Harry Karan finally dared to move: "How do we find Chik?"

Starry Sky asked: "When did Chik borrow these books?"

"During our translation of the Book of God."

Starry Sky asked again: "What is in the Book of God that requires us to consult these books related to the Undead Dragon Soul Fire."

Harikaran thought for a while and shook his head in confusion: "I don't remember. Aisheliya and I only remember that we once translated the Book of God with Chik, but now we can't remember the contents of the Book of God. Aisheliya's bad temper is also related to the translation of the Book of God. Her temper was not so terrible before!"

After saying that, Harry Karan immediately looked around in fear, fearing that Aisheliya would hear what he had just said.

Starry Sky remembered what Chik had said to him.

"Young undead, there are some things you can't understand, and some things you can't see. When God is about to come, only those with divinity are qualified to get God's items."

"It's normal, Aisheliya and Harry Karan didn't know what I was talking about at the time.

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