Ashelia and Halikarang are now unable to understand the Book of God, and they may even turn a blind eye even if the Book of God is placed in front of them.

Is this the reason why Chike lost the Book of God?

Moreover, according to Ashelia and Halicarang's narration, the time period when they discovered the Book of God, translated the Book of God, and lost the Book of God was the date when the game started. Before this, so many immortal mages had been reading books day and night without discovering it. It seemed to appear and disappear suddenly.

Perhaps, the Book of God is actually still in the Immortal Tower.

The starry sky looked at the Immortal Tower, and the bookshelves on the bookshelves that connected directly from top to bottom were as vast as smoke.

Xingkong asked Harikarang: "Where did you find the Book of God?"

"In..." Harry Kalang searched the bookshelf, thinking hard, and finally said: "I forgot! Damn it, how could this happen? The knowledge of God is probably not something we can touch."

"It seems we can only find Chike first!"

Harry Kalang asked: "Don't you often take his ghost ship? There should be a way to find him."

Xingkong took out the ghost prop that Chike gave him: "Chike gave me this thing. I can use it to summon Chike's ghost ship at any time, but it seems to have failed recently."

"Show me." Harry Kalang took the small prop from Xingkong and used magic to feel the formation and production technology contained in it: "It is indeed Chike's thing! He is very talented and knows everything. We and Chike Ke seems to be a friend, but in fact he is more like our teacher.”

Xingkong asked: "Did Chike join the Immortal Society earlier than you?"

Harry Kalang replied: "When Ashelia and I were still newly undead, we were received by Chike when we entered the Immortal Tower. He is very knowledgeable and likes to help us apprentices.

He also wrote a book that recorded his experiences throughout the world. He literally went to every known plane, even to purgatory where steel would melt. "

"Has Chike written a book?" This is an important clue. Xingkong asked: "Is it in the Immortal Tower?"


"Where? It may contain the answers we want."

"In the plane travel area, follow me."

Halikalang stepped on the gray crow and came up, and Xingkong followed.

Found the plane travel notes section, "The Travel Notes of an Honest Man" has a total of fifty-six volumes.

Xingkong took out the first volume and opened the title page with only one simple word.


Looking further inside is a ground map of the Land of Death, with a winding travel route running through the seven ruling territories of this world of the undead.

Then there are Chike’s experiences during his travels, the geography and landforms, the existence and formation environment of some special undead...

Reading between the lines, it can be seen that Chike had great enthusiasm for this long journey. He actively explores the unknown, tries his best to decipher the mysteries, and then records them in words without any subjective thoughts.

Xingkong couldn't help but look a little obsessed.

But Harry Kalang suddenly said in confusion: "Who put these books here? One of the rules of the Immortal Society is to put the books where they should be!"

"What book?" Xingkong didn't raise his head and just asked casually.

"The book looks very old, but the words on it are a little blurry... They are all divination pictures and texts. It should be in the occult divination section. I don't know who put them together with "The Travels of Candide". I put them Go back and look for clues with you when I come back.”

Put together with "The Travels of an Honest Man".

Xingkong immediately raised his head and said, "Let me see!"

Harikarang handed the book in his hand to Starry Sky.

The books are indeed quite old, there are three in total, the covers and the pages inside are all made of some kind of animal skin. The handwriting inside is somewhat difficult to decipher, but it can be seen that it records a very ancient divination ritual.

Very common divination animal skin scrolls from ancient tribes were later collected and bound into a book.

There are many such books in the Immortal Tower.

And just when Xingkong was about to give these three books to Harry Kalang, a strange feeling suddenly arose that made him stop.

Xingkong opened the chest armor storage compartment and put the animal skin divination book inside: "I am somewhat interested in divination. Lend me these three books."

"Remember to come back after reading it."

"No problem! Let's continue looking for clues about Chike."

Starry Sky and Harry Carang looked through "The Travels of Candide".

The more I read, the more shocked I was by Chike's experience.

Being able to complete a full-dimensional journey and come back alive is already a feat, but Chike just ran wherever there was danger. The understatement of "trapped", "encountered with obstacles" and "lucky" again and again... tells the story of Chike's own strong strength and perseverance to explore the truth.

For a moment, Xingkong forgot his original purpose of looking for these books and immersed himself in reading. The same goes for Harikarang, who forgot about Asaliya's female power.

Inside the rotting tower.

Due to the lack of books related to the Undead Dragon Soul Fire, Helot could only fumble and use the Undead Dragon Soul Fire particles in his hands in the experiment he imagined.

After testing, the soul fire particles do have the effect of improving energy transmission efficiency, but it is not a qualitative improvement. I don't know if it's because there are too few particles, or because I haven't found a way to use it correctly.

At the end of the experiment, the drunken Qianzhan collapsed on the ground, his clothes soaked with sweat. Her face was pale, and every breath seemed to use up all her strength. Then she retched, and a mouthful of blood spurted onto the glass in front of her.

She tried to stand up several times but failed.

Hailuot: "I didn't expect that a soul strength assessment would cause you so much damage. I should have waited until your body recovered before testing again."

"It has nothing to do with you, teacher." Jiuzui Qianzhan said weakly: "I overestimated my body. It seems that I really need to rest for a few days this time. Does my soul strength meet your requirements? Can I participate in your next stage of the test plan?"

Hailuot answered based on the information he obtained: "You have a very tough and healthy soul with strong vitality. You can participate in the next stage of the test plan."

Being selected made Qiuzui Qianzhan very happy: "Thank you, thank you!"

"You deserve it. Did you have any special feelings just now?"

"Special feelings." Jiuzui Qianzhan recalled the painful process just now. Although it was only a few minutes, it seemed as long as several years: "I seemed to hear a voice roaring, torn by a huge force. I felt it dragging me in a certain direction. I struggled hard in fear, but it didn't work. Fortunately, there was an invisible wall blocking me.

There are many rifts on the other side of the wall, all of which are colorful lights..."

Rifts, colorful lights.

Hailuot knew what Jiuzui Qianzhan saw.

"Have a good rest. When you are fully recovered, we will conduct the test again. Tomorrow I will formally teach you the sacred magic class. You have time to practice what I taught you before."

"Yes!" Jiuzui Qianzhan struggled to stand up and saluted in front of the mirror: "Thank you, teacher!"

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