My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1129 Nanke 1 Dream

This is too exaggerated!

Although Qin Hao is well-informed and a practitioner who does not match the three views of ordinary people, he was still extremely shocked and unbelievable when he saw the scene in front of him.

He quickly retracted his gaze, and looked at another point of starlight on the silver bridge. Sure enough, the scene was still the same, but this time, the planet seemed to be very barren, with no life forms, and the endless desert almost covered the entire sphere!

Continue to read, Qin Hao finally came to a conclusion, the dots of starlight in this silver bridge represent a planet, some of which have living organisms, some barren only exist in deserts, some are all sea water, and some The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and he feels different auras from these planets, some of which are very dangerous, as if they will be crushed to death if they make a slight movement, and some are peaceful and completely non-threatening.

The planet under my feet? Starry sky under my feet? The universe under my feet?

Qin Hao felt that he was going crazy. He really didn't understand what was going on with the scene in front of him. He wanted to call out to the old demon, but found that his body seemed to be restricted, and he couldn't make any response at all. Even The breath was completely wiped out. If someone opened the door of the meeting room at this time, they would be scared to death and treat Qin Hao as a dead person!

Since he couldn't figure it out, it was useless to think about it. Qin Hao decided to go to the bridge to try. After all, he had suffered so much pain to finally get here. The reason was the unknown scene on the other side of the bridge. Now the road is revealed. If you don't even dare to try, wouldn't the previous suffering be in vain?

Trying to step forward, tapped on the silver bridge, one after another like ripples on the surface of water, it feels like stepping on it will fall into the boundless starry universe, but Qin Hao It really feels like stepping on the ground under your feet.

Putting the soles of his feet on the bridge, sure enough, he let the ripples sway, but he didn't feel like stepping on it. Qin Hao felt relieved, stepped on it with his whole body, and then walked forward step by step.

After walking a few steps, Qin Hao raised his head, and was surprised to find that the space inside the astrolabe seemed to be different. Before he got on the bridge, there was still some chaos covering his head, but after he got on the bridge, the space above his head was covered by chaos. It spread out completely, revealing the true face of Lushan Mountain above.

"This is so spectacular!"

In the pitch-black night sky, countless planets exude faint fluorescent embellishments, which is clearly a giant map of the universe starry sky.

Qin Hao stood on the bridge in a daze, shocked in his heart. This map of the starry sky was like the bridge under his feet, stretching as far as the eye can see. He still dare not speculate whether this is the starry sky of his universe, so he can only walk along the bridge Walk forward while continuing to observe other parts that have not been seen yet.

Walking and walking, I don't know how long it took, maybe two hours, maybe three hours, suddenly, he stopped, looking at the starry sky above his head with a solemn expression, he could clearly see, in the In this galaxy, there is that huge fiery red planet that is burning like a flame and you can feel the huge scorching breath blowing towards your face with just a glance.

The real fire of the sun in Qin Hao's body moved stupidly~stupidly~wanted~, and the Chaos True Fire Art was running at a high speed, and they felt the energy of the source.

Looking forward, he finally saw a blue planet surrounded by a large ~ large ~ piece of ocean, inside a small island above the ocean, Qin Hao in the conference room He raised his head suddenly, and met the eyes of the soul in the astrolabe.

That's right! Absolutely! sun, earth,

The solar system, the Milky Way, this is the universe star map!

Qin Hao is already 100% sure of the inference in his mind, but he doesn't understand what the significance of this star map is. It's just a simple route map, just like the route map on the sea? Or is there another purpose? Secondly, who created this star map? Is it a powerful monk? Or is Corgi a creature beyond the imagination of humans on earth?

You know, he can see the interior of each planet through this starry sky map. Although only the earth can see it so clearly, the rest are just blurred images, and some of them can even be overwhelmed by an extremely terrifying breath at a glance. Shrouded, may be able to monitor the movement of each planet at all times, this is by no means a simple route map!

Then as his eyes moved, Qin Hao saw a milky silver light forming a bright band across the starry sky. galaxy? This seems to be different from what the astronomers released. If you really want to be specific, it seems to be somewhat similar to the silver light bridge you are stepping on, and they are all arched in exactly the same shape.

Qin Hao was startled suddenly, thinking of the legendary story about the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl magpies building a bridge on the Milky Way. Although this is just a myth, the Xuanyuan Sword and the Witch Clan have proved that some myths are not fictional. This magpie building a bridge must be fictional, but There must be a bridge, so, is the Milky Way Bridge under your feet?

What's even more strange is that Qin Hao noticed a problem. It seems that the planets around the earth don't seem to have the breath of life. Although there are many planets without life in the star map he saw before, they are not as good as Qin Hao. An exaggeration, there is no living body in a huge galaxy.

Buried doubts and speculations deep in his heart, Qin Hao continued to move forward, and saw countless planets along the way, which was really an eye-opener. As time passed slowly, he finally reached the end of the bridge and looked up. , the star map did not stop, and the front was still endless, but under his feet, he was blocked by a huge, simple and dilapidated altar.

He stepped on the altar curiously, it seems that there is nothing special here, everything is so blurred, it is impossible to distinguish, and there is no clue or clue, the only thing that seems to be more conspicuous should be the star in front of him. A huge oval stone, like an egg.

Taking another step forward, Qin Hao stretched out his hand to touch the stone egg, his eyes and pupils widened immediately, he took a step back subconsciously, and withdrew his hand.

He was very terrified, because the moment his palm was attached to the stone egg, he could clearly feel the beating sound of the heart inside and the terrifying and indescribably huge breath of life. He was 100% sure that the stone egg was definitely pregnant with Made a very awesome thing.

Moreover, for some reason, after touching the stone egg, the Xuanyuan sword nourished in the soul trembled violently, as if seeing a relative, and couldn't wait to merge with the stone egg, crippling Qin Hao for a long time It was only with strength that he could barely suppress it.

Just as he was suppressing the Xuanyuan Sword, a milky white light suddenly shot into Qin Hao's soul like a chaos the size of a tree species. Everything happened so suddenly, without any warning, that Qin Hao didn't even have time to react. Being shot by the chaos, a huge thrust pushed him into the starry sky above in the next second. The huge pulling force in all directions almost tore his soul apart, so that he couldn't stay awake. He seemed to see colorful tunnels in which he was drifting at the speed of light.

When Qin Hao came back to his senses, his soul had already returned to his main body. He looked at the surrounding environment, it was the conference room of the research institute, and then looked at the clock on the wall in front of him. It had only been an hour at most for him to sneak into the interior of the astrolabe.

He obviously spent more than a dozen hours or more inside the astrolabe, but in reality it only took less than an hour. Could it be that the astrolabe is another space and world different from the real world? So is the colorful tunnel the space-time tunnel? Or is there another explanation?

Trying to check the soul that sneaked into the astrolabe, Qin Hao couldn't see any difference from before. At that moment, the chaos the size of a tree species clearly shot into the body, why can't there be a trace? Could it be an illusion? But it didn't feel like it. How could that kind of real touch and energy breath be an illusion?

He tried to find the old demon again, but found that the other party still did not respond. After careful consideration for a moment, he decided not to tell the old demon for the time being. As for whether the knowledge and secrets in the astrolabe were illusions or real, he also decided to Putting it aside, since you don't know it clearly, no matter how much you guess, it is useless. Maybe you will know when the results of the astrolabe research are obtained in the future?

The author Don't forget the original intention said: I'm saying that again, there is no price increase, it used to be 2,000 words per chapter, now it is 3,000 words per chapter, the previous three is 6,000 words, and now it is 2,600 words, which is equal to the previous three more. . . . . . . . . . . .

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