My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1130 Unbelievable

Long Jiu just sent Qin Hao to the Skynet base. As the leader of the Hulong family in charge of logistics, he is more important to Hulong Villa than Zhao Guohua in a sense. Yanran chatted with her girlfriends for two days, and then left after doing manicures or something.

Since Qin Hao entered the inner world of the astrolabe, he who hardly needed to eat or sleep suddenly became a little lethargic. He was still practicing in the lounge of the research institute, but now he simply puts a few A sofa and recliner together, and then lie down and sleep soundly. Anyway, there is no danger for Su Yanran in the research institute, and there is a device made by Su Yanran around the astrolabe to temporarily block the large-scale outflow of energy, and no one except herself can close this device.

However, just as Zhao Guohua deduced, with the passage of time, the energy leakage became more and more serious, and the device made by Su Yanran was no longer able to work. It can't be blocked much. In just half a month, the aura of the outside world has risen to another level, let alone the inside of the Skynet base. Qin Hao chose to use such a good cultivation environment to sleep, and let any practitioner see it for sure. They would call him a waste of money.

However, during the past half month, the relationship between Qin Hao and Su Yanran has not eased much. Once the woman becomes focused on the research work, Qin Hao completely becomes nothing in front of her. Yes, before when Su Yanran tried her best to snatch him away, he was always unwilling and rejected him in various ways, but now she is not so eager, and Qin Hao feels a little lost in his heart.

To put it bluntly, it is cheap.

However, the peaceful days did not last long, and there was no difference between the same day as before. Qin Hao followed Su Yanran to the research institute, one worked and the other slept, but when Qin Hao was sleeping soundly, suddenly A piercing siren sounded in the base!

Although he has been a little drowsy recently, falling asleep does not mean that he has completely relaxed his vigilance. On the contrary, he seldom has deep sleep. The moment the alarm sounded, he immediately woke up and rushed out of the lounge to face Su Yanran. ran to the laboratory.

Because she didn't know the specific situation, Su Yanran stopped what she was doing but didn't choose to move. She was worried that the inside would be invaded, and it might be dangerous if she walked around casually. Even she was a little flustered in such a situation. Fortunately, Qin Hao arrived in time, which relieved her a little.

"Don't worry, with me here, both you and the astrolabe will be fine." Qin Hao said in a deep voice, his whole body has adjusted to the best fighting state, comforting Su Yanran.

The awkward relationship between the two made Su Yanran not wish to show herself so weak in front of Qin Hao, so she forced herself to calm down and said indifferently: "It's just a small matter, not everyone can come in the Skynet base casually, It’s not like this kind of alarm has been encountered before, and it’s not good in the end?”

Heh, Qin Hao is delighted, how could he fail to hear the sophistry in Su Yanran's words, if such an important and well-defended base is really invaded by people as she said, how can it be a joke?

Soon, through the communicator, Su Yanran got in touch with Cao Hong, got a general understanding of the situation, and immediately set off with Qin Hao to the combat command room.

When they arrived at the combat command room, Cao Hong, including all senior officers in the base, gathered here. Cao Hong personally explained to Su Yanran the reason for the alarm: "According to the monitoring information, just now, a ship with The nuclear submarine of the stealth device has sneaked into our sea area,

At present, it is only ten nautical miles away from our base. I have already dispatched three nuclear submarines to respond to the enemy. The specific result of the battle is not yet clear, so we can only put everyone on alert first. "

Su Yanran frowned slightly: "What's going on here? It shouldn't be, according to Haruko's research and development in the military industry and the new radar I improved, there is no such thing as allowing the opponent to approach such a short distance before discovering it. How can it be possible to make a mistake if we have achieved the results of the current technology for at least 20 years?"

Cao Hong shook his head: "We don't know about that. None of us can be sure which side or a certain country the other party comes from. Maybe the other party also has new materials that can resist radar interference? Let's not discuss scientific matters. , Dean Su, the battle is the most important thing, after the fighters below defeat the opponent and capture the wreckage of the submarine, it may be possible to get the answer you want."

Su Yanran sat down with a dignified expression, and immediately began to test the developed radar device. Obviously, she absolutely could not tolerate mistakes in her most confident and outstanding field.

The atmosphere in the entire combat conference room suddenly froze. Since the completion of the Skynet base, although it has always been on guard against being invaded and attacked by some small forces, after all, it has never been attacked before. This time, the opponent directly swaggered He drove the nuclear submarine to the gate of the base, and even used the existence of the nuclear submarine, which shows that the other party has a lot of plans.

Although judging by paper strength, the three nuclear submarines basically have no pressure on the previous one and can win 100%, but since the other party dares to enter the territorial waters of Huaguo and attack the base, then there is at least a rough estimate of the strength of the base. According to the judgement, it is taken for granted that a nuclear submarine wants to capture the Skynet base, or is it that the other party has some backhand or killer?

It is precisely because of this that no one dares to relax their vigilance. Those who can arrange to do defense work at such important core bases are all elite troops of the military. Before it is born, everything is unknown.

Soon, a hurried figure broke the dignified atmosphere of the entire combat commander. The visitor quickly stepped forward to salute Cao Hong, and said loudly: "Report to the general! Just now, the three ships that Colonel Liu led to fight The nuclear submarines have all lost their news, and it is speculated that they may have encountered an accident!"

"How is it possible?!" Everyone was shocked. For a while, the atmosphere in the entire combat command room dropped to freezing point. Everyone couldn't believe their ears. The three nuclear submarines were wiped out by the previous nuclear submarine. What happened to the other party? road? What is going on with this terrifying combat power?

Not to mention the lives of nearly 300 officers and soldiers of the three nuclear submarines, but the entire base plus the nuclear submarines used to replace the preparations for war is only seven. In less than half an hour, such a simple and easy change wiped out the general combat effectiveness of the base. Everyone's heart was covered with a layer of haze, and they were hit hard.

"Nowadays, there are not many combat forces in the base that can be driven. If they are sent out to fight again, it is very likely that the defense will be empty. If the opponent has other backs, the backyard may catch fire. Do you have any good countermeasures?" Cao Hong was also very shocked, but quickly regained his composure, and asked the officers present in a deep voice.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hao changed his opinion of him quite a bit. This somewhat unbelievable battle report is that many veterans who have experienced the baptism of the battlefield fell into panic for a while and couldn't recover. He has never been on the battlefield. It is really rare that a scholar who has no killing spirit can react so quickly.

As a commander, calmness and rationality are the absolute elements. From this point of view, this guy seems to have two brushes, and he is not as useless as Long Jiu said. He is just mixing his qualifications and military achievements.

silence! Dead silence!

In the entire combat command room, there seems to be no second voice except for the sound of people's breathing. No one spoke first, not because they are incompetent, but because they really have too little information to use. It stands to reason that seven nuclear submarine forces, such It is definitely overkill to guard a small island. You must know that the entire Huaguo nuclear submarine force does not exceed 30. It is almost too much to send nearly one-third of the force to guard an island at once. Simple and easy.

However, things turned out weird. Such a completely unrecognizable battle report made it impossible for everyone to judge the opponent's combat power according to common sense. It is almost impossible to come up with a solution without much specific information from the opponent. of.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

"According to the radar, the opponent did not choose to continue to march after winning, but stayed at the battle site just now. There is definitely something strange in it. If it is to capture the base, the winner should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. At the battle site Staying here is obviously a trap! Also, although I don't know how the other party evaded the radar detection, I can be 100% sure that there is nothing wrong with the radar." Su Yanran stopped what she was doing, and opened her mouth to break calm.

Even Su Yanran, a non-combatant, spoke and provided important information, and everyone else also said, "Dean Su is right, this is definitely a trap! The behavior of the other party does not conform to the concept of normal combat."

"That's right, in my opinion, the reason why the other party stayed still was probably to lure us to attack as before, in an attempt to repeat the previous battle situation. Then, what is the meaning and purpose of the other party's setting up this trap? Do you want to simplify our combat power in batches? Or, as General Cao speculates, there are backhands in an attempt to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and arrange people to attack while the base is empty?"

These people are all soldiers who have been on the battlefield. They were too shocked to react as they should for a while, but their personal military literacy is still there, and they quickly analyzed and deduced the results.

"Anyway, no matter what the opponent's purpose is, we can't continue to send people to deal with the enemy for the time being. Now the combat power available to the base is not much more than the one that was wiped out before. If all the troops can't achieve effective results, they will be defeated instead. Or the opponent can sneak attack on the base by taking advantage of the emptiness in the rear, that is something we can't handle at the moment. For the time being, gather all the troops, line up the formation, and wait for the enemy to attack.

Cao Hong thought for a while and issued an order. As a commander, this is the best he can do. Under the premise of lack of information, he tried his best to use extremely effective resources!

However, no one would be willing to hide in the base like a tortoise waiting for support if he could fight the other party. He was beaten by a nuclear submarine and dared not go out, but he didn't even know who the other party was. It was extremely embarrassing. !

But what can they do? The most important things in the Skynet base are Xingpan and Su Yanran. If a wrong decision leads to a loss of internal compensation, then it is really a small loss, and no one can afford this responsibility.

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