My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1131 Request to Play

However, these leaders and superiors were worried about making mistakes and dared not take responsibility, but the people below were not like this. Not long after the order was issued, the door of the combat command room was forcibly opened, and a group of people walked in quickly.

Qin Hao recognized them. These people were all warriors. Because of the importance of the Skynet base, simply sending soldiers and advanced equipment was not enough. Forces like warriors must exist. However, because of the lure of the astrolabe, the higher-ups dare not send out such an organization as the Dragon Group. After all, those members are basically disciples of the Jianghu sect. If the news about the astrolabe is revealed, it is likely to attract Dispute, after all, this thing is a huge meat and potatoes for practitioners.

Therefore, these people are all warriors trained by the military or Jinyiwei. You can rest assured of their superiors, but there will be problems with loyalty. Compared with the disciples of the Jianghu sect, they are obviously inferior. Even if the leader among them can be hailed as a genius, they are quite good masters in the Jianghu sect, and they cannot be called geniuses.

Even though they have a slightly stronger aura than the outside world for them to cultivate, after all, they started late, and it has only been two or three months since the astrolabe's aura has recovered, so it is impossible to make much improvement.

Cao Hong frowned slightly. Although these people were under his management in the base, they were not ordinary soldiers after all. Just like Qin Hao, he had his own system and superiors outside. Cao Hong really had no prestige in front of these people, especially His external image is that of a frail scholar, and none of these warriors would obey him in their hearts.

"What are you guys doing? Don't you know that the situation is tense when you are attacked by the enemy? Han Yu, as the captain of the special operations team, you not only failed to manage your subordinates well, but also led them to mess around together. The higher authorities sent you to the Skynet base to let you Are you helping me like this?!" Cao Hong shouted angrily.

The young man named Han Yu took a step forward: "I didn't mess around! General Cao, you gave that order just now?"

Not wanting to cause more trouble, Cao Hong could only explain aloud: "That's right! The situation is very tense now, and we have already lost part of our troops. In order to avoid losses, we can only do a good job of defense for the time being and wait for the support from above." ..."

Unexpectedly, Han Yu had no desire to listen at all. He interrupted Cao Hong with a wave of his arm, and said loudly: "As for General Cao's arrangement, we don't care to listen! We brothers only know that as soldiers, the country's territory is occupied by the enemy. Infringement, you should fight back, instead of hiding here like a turtle and waiting for rescue! I know that General Cao has his own plan and puts the overall situation first, and our brothers will not interfere with your arrangement, but the above Since we were sent to guard the Skynet base and given us the resources to cultivate, we will naturally pay back with our lives. Since the enemy is coming, please General Cao to make it easier for me to go forward to meet the enemy. No matter life or death, we are waiting for you. You are responsible for it, it has nothing to do with you!"

The words were so bold that the blood and courage in the general's bones were vividly displayed, not to mention them, even some of the officers couldn't help but feel excited, recalling the scene of themselves going to the battlefield, one by one can't wait to follow Han Yu went out, even if he died for the country, he would not hesitate!

Cao Hong's face turned livid at these words. Although Han Yu's words seemed to excuse him and said that the overall situation was the most important thing, the words of shrinking his head and turtle made it clear that he was mocking him. This is what these guys really think. As the supreme commander of the entire base, how could he not be angry if he was described in this way in front of his subordinates.

Besides, they are also soldiers. He issued an order to strictly guard against death. You have to go out and fight.

He also said that he didn't want to be a coward and would not be greedy for life and fear death. What does that mean? Engage in specialization? What shame does this make them face?

However, Cao Hong is not a man with no heart for the city. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "We can all understand Captain Han's intentions, but don't forget the true meaning of the establishment of the Skynet base, because the momentary recklessness Leading to irreparable mistakes, it is really not worth it because of a small loss!"

Han Yu seemed to have expected that Cao Hong would reject him so much, smiled disdainfully, and said, "General Cao misunderstood, we didn't mean to ask you to attack together, you stay to guard the base, we go to meet the enemy, there is no way There will be no possibility of losing the big because of small things! You can't even stop our action team's spontaneous action, right?"

"I don't want to stop you, but I don't want to see additional sacrifices." Cao Hong showed a sympathetic gesture for his subordinates, "Just now, nearly 300 officers and soldiers of three nuclear submarines have been wiped out. The enemy's means We don't have any clear information about the strength and strength. If we attack at this time, it is very likely that we will just die in vain. Although your operation brigade does not belong to our military system and is directly arranged by the leader of the Dragon Lord, everyone is serving the country. Soldiers, how can I just sit back and watch you die for nothing? Look at Mr. Qin, who is also a helper invited by the Dragon Lord. He has not said a word since he entered the door, and he clearly understands the situation and understands what is going on now. That is the most important and correct choice. Mr. Qin, please help persuade these impulsive young people."

Qin Hao did not expect that he would be shot lying down while watching a play, and that Cao Hong would dump the blame on him. Through the conversation just now, he had already discovered that Cao Hong couldn't control these people, and he was still thinking about it. Let's see how Cao Hong will choose, but unexpectedly, he has something to do with himself.

Han Yu glanced at Qin Hao, the contempt and disdain in his eyes flashed away, and then he looked at Cao Hong: "Others are other people's business, we just need to be ourselves!"

This group of people also knew that they were not very talented and started very late, and only hard work could make up for the gap, so they were obsessed with cultivation all day long, and it was normal for them not to understand outside information, and not to know Qin Hao. You must know that even the reception banquet that day they just went back to practice after a cutscene, and Qin Hao only learned their news through Long Jiu's mouth.

Cao Hong didn't answer, and looked at Qin Hao, making it clear that he was trying to pull Qin Hao out.

For the impulsive behavior of Han Yu and his group, Qin Hao did not regard it as a poison like Cao Hong, and dared not touch it. He doesn't care about any responsibilities, and he's not a member of the system. He just cooperates and asks for help, so he doesn't have so many scruples.

On the contrary, he admires Han Yu and the others very much. They obviously can choose to stay in the base and wait for support, but they still want to fight because of the belief in their hearts. He admires the backbone and bloodiness of the soldiers. Isn't it the same for him when he was young?

"Since you are a soldier, you should obey orders. I don't deny that the best option at the moment is to stay at the base and wait for rescue. If you take them to fight against the enemy in violation of military orders, no matter what the battle situation is, you will be punished. It's worth it? Why bother? "Qin Hao asked with a faint smile on his face.

Among this group of people, Han Yu's cultivation level is the highest, but he is only in the early innate stage. He is far from Qin Hao's realm, and Qin Hao's cultivation level cannot be seen at all. Even in his eyes, Qin Hao is no different from an ordinary person. Such an ordinary person was arranged to be Su Yanran's personal bodyguard. In his opinion, he must be a dandy from a big family again to confuse his qualifications and military achievements.

For such a person, Han Yu didn't have any affection for such a person, and even hated him very much. He looked at Qin Hao coldly: "You know what! You think I'm the same as you. Backbone men, we are not here for military exploits, but for our future, we are here to defend our motherland! If we defeat the enemy, we will be punished, brothers are willing, feel at ease, and will not be ashamed of ourselves! If we are defeated, Life is gone, why do you care about starting? However, I don’t think you will understand, for a rich man like you, I’m afraid all you think about is the future and the future, you don’t deserve to be called a soldier!”

To everyone's surprise, not only was Qin Hao not annoyed at being humiliated by Han Yu in such a way, he even laughed out loud, as if he had heard something particularly funny, which made everyone confused and bewildered .

Not worthy of being called a soldier!

Qin Hao never thought that one day he would be described in such a sentence, so he smiled, maybe even he himself didn't know whether behind this smile was happiness, pain, sadness, or regret...

"What are you laughing at? What's so ridiculous!" Qin Hao's wanton laugh made Han Yu feel that the other party was laughing at him, so he couldn't help asking angrily.

Qin Hao stopped smiling slightly: "I'm not what you call a rich man, I'm just a poor commoner, and if you say that I'm not worthy to be called a soldier, you don't have the qualifications yet!"

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