My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1138 The Holy Son of Hua Kingdom

Xu Fanghua smiled irrefutably, and suddenly said without beginning or end: "A long time ago, there were rumors that the Ye family woman was in a bad state of mind because her son was taken away, and her husband was missing. She lost her mind and went crazy. Actually, I don't really believe it. How could such a proud girl who was so famous in the capital become a lunatic, but well, there are some things that I can't say for sure. There must be groundless rumors..."

Before Xu Fanghua finished speaking, Su Yanran's expression fluctuated slightly again, but it was better hidden, and she disappeared in a flash, and immediately interrupted Xu Fanghua: "Mrs. No request, I will accompany the ancient Qingdeng Buddha forever, please be merciful."

Xu Fanghua carefully stared at Su Yanran for a long time, but she didn't see any information she wanted, so she pretended to blame with a smile and said: "You girl is really unfeeling, thanks to the fact that I hugged you when you were young. I married to Tianhai, and I haven't seen your mother for several years, so it's good to catch up on the old days."

Su Yanran narrowed her eyes slightly: "At this moment, Mrs. Xu probably doesn't have much interest in chatting with me. Do you think that you are really the mastermind of all this when you appear in front of me? The Holy Gate has a millennium history anyway. There is a huge underground organization in the background, the Holy Son in charge of Europe was killed, you are a foreigner, a down-and-out woman who was only used as a plaything at the beginning, you can incorporate Constantine's old department without any support? Do you think I am out of my mind? Is there a pit, or is the organization of the Holy Gate a piece of shit? Easily hand over most of the resources that Constantine worked hard in Europe to you, and let you use it for revenge?

Besides, even though you and Qin Hao have a deep hatred, you can still grasp some of his weaknesses, but it's only half a year or so that you know him well enough, is it possible? This plan must be achieved by truly understanding Qin Hao, and even collecting all his information for at least a few decades. It is absolutely impossible for you. So, in my eyes, there is actually not much difference between you and Cao Hong. You are at most a higher-level implementer, but you can never be a planner! "

Speaking of this, Su Yanran paused for a moment. From the beginning, she had been observing Xu Fanghua's subtle expressions. As an expert in micro-expression psychology, she could easily judge whether her inference was based on the subtle expressions on Xu Fanghua's face. right or wrong.

When she saw the corners of Xu Fanghua's mouth twitching slightly, she understood it in her heart, and continued to speak with a smile: "It is said that there are not one Holy Son of the Holy Gate, and Constantine is only the Holy Son who is in charge of Europe, so in the East, in Asia , even in Huaguo, I am afraid there is such a person. Moreover, the position of the master of the Holy Gate is succeeded by the Holy Son, and the establishment of multiple Holy Sons naturally means competition with each other. Then, help you to incorporate Constantine The old department, to strengthen its own strength, is a piece of fat for any holy son.

So, who is the Holy Son behind you? Since I was able to hook up with you, I guess I should be an acquaintance, so among the top ten families, which one is the holy son hidden under the holy gate? Why is that holy son so hostile to Qin Hao? He was able to plan such a conspiracy because he knew Qin Hao to the extreme. Then, who would the top ten families have hatred for Qin Hao? Mrs. Xu, do I need to continue? "

"Shut up!" Xu Fanghua couldn't care less about reminiscing about the past, and shouted sharply, with a stern expression on his face, which was extremely dignified, even a little ferocious.

Although the Holy Gate has developed for thousands of years and has a profound heritage, as long as it has appeared, it is impossible to completely erase its traces. In addition, many countries and forces sensed the huge threat of the Holy Gate, and began to respond and investigate on the one hand. Even if they only found the tip of the iceberg and could not see the whole picture, they could still find some useful information.

It's not surprising that Su Yanran can know the information, but the most important thing is that she can analyze the whole situation with only such a small amount of information. There may be inaccuracies in some details, but in general It is true that this level of ingenuity is indeed a genius, a woman taught by a woman from the Ye family, which is shocking and disturbing.

Therefore, Xu Fanghua didn't dare to gamble, she didn't dare to let Su Yanran continue talking, could she know if Su Yanran could really guess who was standing behind her? It might be okay if she guessed wrong, but if she guessed right in front of these people and publicly exposed the identity of the Holy Son, she might not be enough to die ten thousand times.

Mainly, Xu Fanghua was still shocked by Su Yanran's miraculous performance, she lost control of her emotions after being panicked for a while, but after she calmed down a little, thinking about it carefully, she is still taking the initiative, there is no need to do so The big reaction, the other party made it clear that it was just an inference, but her reaction indirectly confirmed the other party's guess.

Xu Fanghua calmed down, and a calm smile resumed on his face: "Su Yanran, there is no one worthy of fame, and none of the women from the Ye family taught her to be weak. But, do you know that you violated that taboo, you Are you not afraid of the murderer?"

"Hehe...Of course he won't. He can penetrate people's hearts so clearly. That Dingdang is also a master of mind tricks. From the fact that he worked out an almost perfect main plan but let you people fill in the details, it can be seen that he is enough. Proud, disdain to shoot with all your strength. Otherwise, if that person is comprehensive, this plan will be truly seamless. With his character, he will never care about my inferences. On the contrary, he should be very happy. After all, his opponent There might be one more. If he doesn't kill me, based on the connection between me and Xingpan, you don't dare to kill me, do you?" Su Yanran said calmly.

Faced with Su Yanran's aggressive questioning, Xu Fanghua nodded: "Yes, you are exhaustive. However, you are still too confident. Although I dare not kill you, it is okay to do some tricks in private."

"Will you? Is it necessary? Or are you simply trying to prove me wrong?"

"I won't." Xu Fanghua shook his head, "You woman, you are simply a monster. The more brilliant you are, the more you know, on the contrary, it is impossible for us to let you go. There are only two things in front of you now. There is no way, either join us, or join us after suffering! Unless you die!"

"I have a choice?" Su Yanran asked back.

Xu Fanghua smiled and said: "It's easy to talk to a smart person, and it's best to understand. Su Yanran, please, the war is basically over, and it's time for you to take away the astrolabe."

Su Yanran stood up slowly. As the core of the entire Skynet base, the astrolabe had more than one layer of protective measures, and there was no authority or key to open it. Perhaps those protective measures could not stop it by force, but the energy surge of the astrolabe itself would be released. Due to the unstable state and the base's self-destruct mode, even Xu Fanghua and the others did not dare to act rashly and had to rely on her.

However, what was unexpected was that when Xu Fanghua asked to take Su Yanran away and open the astrolabe, Han Yu, who was almost as stupid as an idiot, fell into self-blame, and rushed towards Xu Fanghua like crazy, while yelling : "Treason, shameless scum, pay back my brother's life!"

"Han Yu, don't!" Su Yanran didn't expect Han Yu to be so excited all of a sudden. The way he kept muttering in his mouth just now doesn't look like a normal person. It's obvious that his spirit has been stimulated. He wanted to use this to ask Xu Fanghua to give Han Yu a way out, but he didn't expect him to pounce on him.

Xu Fanghua didn't need to speak, the ghost had already made a move, and the arm that was as dark as a dry bone and gleaming with a cold and evil spirit blatantly struck out, and the five fingers easily penetrated Han Yu's body as if piercing white paper.

The next second, You Ghost pinched Han Yu's shoulder with the other hand, and pulled his arms to both sides. With the sound of tearing cloth, Han Yu was torn in half by You Ghost, and died on the spot. .

Su Yanran closed her eyes gently, maybe this is Han Yu's real destination. Let him live a foolish life immersed in the pain of losing his brother. Isn't this torture to him? It's better to die for the country and free yourself.

As for herself, no matter how clever she is, she still has no way to solve the dead situation in front of her. She has no one to use, and she has no reinforcements to help her. How could she be able to defeat the master of the Holy Gate in front of her just because she is a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken and relies entirely on her mind?

The current strategy is to take one step at a time.

Perhaps, in her heart, like Han Yu, she also hoped that Qin Hao could defeat the other party's conspiracy, "The Return of the King", but since the other party has set up such a plan, what awaits Qin Hao must be an even more terrifying trap. Needless to say.

So, after thinking about it, she had no choice but to bury all her thoughts and hopes in her heart and try her best to delay the time. If Qin Hao was really killed and couldn't come back, she could only use her own way to solve it.

Han Yu's sudden attack did not have any effect on Xu Fanghua, not even a scare, she coldly glanced at Han Yu's body torn into two pieces, and said contemptuously: "You idiot who wants to die! You ghost, this person rewarded you! But don't let me see your dirty look, and eat after we leave."

After finishing speaking, she turned and looked at Su Yanran: "Miss Su, please."

Walking out of the combat command room, Su Yanran saw the tragic situation of the war in the entire base. There were bloody limbs, broken arms and organs and internal organs everywhere. You can see the corpses of dead soldiers within two steps, and all of them were disemboweled without exception. The belly was broken, the dead body was incomparable, the cruelty was so hot that it was almost a massacre, and the eye sockets were red.

Living with so many people in the big family of Skynet Base, even though I don’t meet many people, even many people don’t know each other, and I can’t name them when I see them. I only know that he is a soldier of the base, but after all these years, To say that they have no feelings at all is pure nonsense, even Su Yanran can't help but feel sorry for them, wishing to avenge them by defeating the enemy.

It's a pity that she can't protect herself, so how can she help others?

Only put away the hatred and wait for the opportunity!

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