My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1139 Particle Decomposition

Without too much delay, Su Yanran was escorted by Xu Fanghua and others to the research institute area under the pretext of being escorted. The touch here was even greater than the outside.

The scientists who work here are in a sense Su Yanran's direct subordinates. Apart from sleeping and resting, it can be said that she spends most of her life with these people in research and development. She is both a teacher and a friend. , not to those soldiers who fought and died, and they didn't have much contact with her life.

However, a few hours ago, those who came to her alive and even beaming to tell her that some of the research had progressed, or came to her with a sad face to say that the research was stuck, now they turned into cold, stiff corpses.

There is still a trace of inexplicable doubt, panic, and fear on their faces. They are not soldiers, not soldiers, but a group of ordinary scholars engaged in scientific research. They don't understand the real cruelty of war, and they don't understand or have never thought that death will come to them so quickly one day. They may still be entangled with their research results in their hearts, and they may still be thinking about their research direction What should be the next step, but they don't want disaster to come to them suddenly.

Even if they learned about the consequences of the war from TV, newspapers, and some official channels, they were just a series of numbers in black and white, not the bloody and inhuman massacre before them.

"Why kill them! They are also excellent scientific researchers with rich experience and abilities, and they can also help you. You can obviously give them a way to survive. Why..." Su Yanran stopped and turned around suddenly, with a pair of eyes. His icy eyes stared at Xu Fanghua, unreservedly releasing his hatred.

Xu Fanghua didn't care about Su Yanran's enmity. One of them was a prisoner and the other was a winner. She could completely control Su Yanran's life. Even the other party's life was in her own hands. What else should she care about?

Xu Fanghua's expression didn't change much, she still had a faint smile on her face, as if everything was under her control, but her eyes were contemptuous, and she swept across the corpses indifferently, and said calmly: "The research institute under the Holy Gate There are also many scholars, and even many world-renowned scientists are working for us. The reason why you, Su Yanran, can be regarded highly is because you have the most and most comprehensive research data on the astrolabe so far. Without you, the follow-up There will be significant restrictions and delays in carrying out work.

They are different, they can be easily replaced, and even perform better than them, otherwise, how do you think the alloy armor was developed? I see that you have not developed a combat weapon comparable to it since you knew it. Since it can be replaced, why should I keep these burdens by my side? I can't completely control your names, but they are just a matter of my words.

Of course, Miss Su, you can also choose not to cooperate with us. However, if you choose not to cooperate, you are no different from them. I'm afraid I don't need to say more about your fate when the time comes. "

Su Yanran stared at Xu Fanghua expressionlessly for a long time, just looking at her so deeply, Xu Fanghua didn't care to look at her at all, and the atmosphere was very dignified for a while.

However, at this moment, three iron men in black alloy armor at the end of the corridor flew towards them rapidly. The leader saw the two people who were faintly confronting each other, and his face hidden under the mask couldn't help frowning slightly , Shen Sheng asked: "What's the matter? Haven't got the astrolabe yet? Xu Fanghua, do you think this is playing house with you?"

"With Su Yanran here, are you afraid that you won't be able to get the astrolabe?" Xu Fanghua replied confidently, and then asked,

"How's the battle outside? You have the time to come and join in the fun."

Iron Man said in a cold voice: "We have already dealt with the most threatening nuclear submarine. At most, there are only some miscellaneous fish still resisting. Killing them is no different from trampling to death a group of ants. Don't worry at all. It's you, hurry up." Get the astrolabe, this is what you should do, don't delay too much time, to avoid any mishaps, I don't want to spend so much effort in the end, the plan fails, and you and I can't afford the consequences!"

" are so indifferent, you don't have the slightest demeanor." Xu Fanghua shook his head dissatisfied and said, then looked at Su Yanran, "Miss Su, should you finish your work? Don't force me to do it. That would hurt."

Su Yanran withdrew her gaze, stopped talking, and strode towards the research room. The protective measures and devices of the astrolabe were developed by her alone. In addition to her authority, she opened almost all the checkpoints with almost no obstacles, allowing everyone They all walked into the laboratory to see the whole picture.

Before entering the door, Su Yanran suddenly stopped again, and said seemingly unintentionally: "This is my laboratory, please come in and don't touch it casually, if you destroy any materials, don't look for me then."

Everyone didn't pay attention to this, but focused on the environment in front of them. From their point of view, Su Yanran just wanted to show her importance. After all, she was under the control of others now. If she wanted to save her life or show her role, she could only rely on the astrolabe.

This is a completely modern and mechanized place, full of sophisticated and expensive instruments, large computer screens almost covering the entire wall, and above the glass booth in the center, there are several mechanical arms that can quickly changes into various states, which is convenient for research.

In the center of the glass booth, a simple and vicissitudes of stone about the size of an ordinary millstone is exuding strands of seemingly slight energy fluctuations, but as soon as you get close, you can feel the terrifying breath overflowing from it.

Everyone was overjoyed, and they all admired the amazing nature of this thing and the super-huge energy source contained in it. It may not be felt by ordinary people, but the source of power for scientists and the alloy armor itself is a small nuclear reactor. In the eyes of the Iron Man, this is simply equivalent to the collection of countless nuclear reactors, which is shocking.

An Iron Man reached out to take the astrolabe, but he didn't expect that his hand had just touched the edge of the booth. Layers of blue light curtains suddenly lit up around the seemingly calm glass platform, and Iron Man's arm had just touched the edge of the booth. When it touched the blue light curtain, a sudden change occurred.

The iron man let out a scream, and the iron arm under the blue light curtain began to annihilate from the fingertips, dissipating like sand and dust, without a drop of blood, or a bit of broken limbs, completely dissipated and decomposed, and still felt He didn't feel the slightest pain, so scared that he hastily withdrew his arm, which was only left in half.

The reason why it is called is just because of fear and astonishment. Seeing one's own body decompose and dissipate in a very mysterious and incomprehensible way in front of one's own eyes, anyone will feel very horrified and frightened.

But what is even more frightening is that even if he withdrew his arm, the dissipating trend did not stop. It was like a virus that could parasitize and spread, from the arm to the chest, to the big crotch, to the legs, In the end, a living person dissipated like sand and dust, no matter how frightened and fearful his screams and howls contained, he still couldn't stop the trend of dissipating, just like that, he was destroyed in front of everyone's eyes , disappeared, ceased to exist.

"What the hell is going on?!" The leader of Iron Man glared at Su Yanran and Xu Fanghua, his cold voice concealed murderous intent, obviously dissatisfied with the death and disappearance of his subordinates.

Where did Xu Fanghua know what the blue light curtain was? How could she explain the weird scene in front of her eyes? All she knew was that the instigator of all this must be Su Yanran, who turned all the grievances of being blamed on women.

Su Yanran, on the other hand, had a calm and composed demeanor, and she didn't mean to explain to the other party, as if everything in front of her had nothing to do with her, and said calmly: "I reminded you before entering the door, don't touch casually, once you touch something , even I can't change anything."

Fortunately, Xu Fanghua brought not only fighters, but also a scientist. He carefully looked at the blue light curtain covering the glass platform, and first showed a look of surprise on his face, and then he was very surprised, and asked cautiously: "Su Miss, this is the particle decomposition ray, right? We have also dabbled in research in this area, but how much energy is required for so many rays that are almost like a light curtain, how did you accomplish it?"

Su Yanran didn't answer. She doesn't need to answer anyone's questions now. With this thing, no one can take away the astrolabe except her. Who can decipher this kind of super killer?

"What is the particle decomposition ray?" Xu Fanghua and others are not professional scientific researchers, how do they know these terms, and asked aloud.

The scientist immediately explained to them: "The particle decomposition ray is a weapon that exists in science fiction movies. The principle is to use energy to convert objects into elementary particles through fission and decomposition. It is theoretically possible. In practice, it is not cost-effective. The energy required is huge. The general substance is composed of molecules, even if the molecules are decomposed into the atomic state, a lot of energy is required. Even copper sulfate, a compound with a simple structure, is electrolyzed to extract elemental copper, and the production of copper is very expensive. More polymers Needless to say, the most critical issue is not money, but not so many energy sources to use, which is the real crux. And the danger is not small, which lies in the process of decomposition and recombination at the atomic level. In fact, it is often called: nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. That is, the explosion principle of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs."

The leader of Iron Man and Xu Fanghua were not interested in any theory. What they really cared about was the astrolabe and the degree of completion of the mission. They immediately asked, "Is there any way to crack it? Could it be that we can't take out the astrolabe? "

The scientist nodded: "The particle decomposition ray is very powerful. Any object will be decomposed into elementary particles as long as it touches it. It is impossible to take out the things inside."

Speaking of this, he looked at Su Yanran: "Since Miss Su can develop particle decomposition rays for practice, there must be a way to close this device."

After all, all the sources came to Su Yanran again. The particle decomposition ray device is indeed terrifying, but it cannot be used for real practical purposes or as a weapon. As the scientist said, this thing consumes a huge amount of energy, which has never been possible and difficult to break through problem.

The reason for the success here is mainly to rely on the astrolabe to provide energy and use the astrolabe as an energy source, but because the energy stored in the astrolabe cannot be extracted and used, it cannot be used for weapon manufacturing. Otherwise, if the base or If a nuclear submarine can be equipped with such a weapon, even if the Iron Man attacks, the entire army will be wiped out!

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