My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1142 Swallowing Heaven...


"What the hell is going on? Didn't you say that all obstacles have been removed? Why is he still alive?!" Xu Fanghua roared angrily at the Iron Man leader. He thought that his enemy had fallen into the trap as planned. The hatred was avenged, but unexpectedly, she saw the other party appearing in front of her intact. The feeling of falling from heaven to hell made her almost go crazy.

The leader of Iron Man also seemed surprised, his tone of voice changed slightly from before, but generally there was not much change, the ghost knows what kind of expression his face hidden under the mask is now.

"I can be sure that he was 100% imprisoned at that time. Not only me, but also my subordinates can prove it. The subsequent attack task was handed over to Leon. How did he escape and what happened? You ask me and I don't have an answer, I just cooperate with you to carry out the task!"

Xu Fanghua's explanation was not convincing, or rather, this guy was not an explanation at all, and his tough attitude didn't mean to compromise and admit his mistakes at all, which made Xu Fanghua who was already furious even worse.

However, no matter how annoyed she was, she didn't dare to speak to the Iron Man leader. The situation now is quite different from before. In the past, Su Yanran was the fish on the chopping board and let her be slaughtered, but now, with Qin Hao joining, she has changed from active to passive, and she still has to rely on the force of the Iron Man warrior, otherwise she will surely die, Qin Hao will not let go pass her.

"Qin Hao, you are really fateful. You have escaped by chance many times! If there is a next time, I will definitely make you die without a place to bury you, and avenge Yongnian!" Xu Fanghua glared at Qin Hao, her eyes full of tears. It is deep hatred.

" woman, maybe you have a relationship with Xu Yongnian, and you want to avenge him? But, you won't have another chance." Qin Hao said with a sneer, "It's just me One thing I really don't understand is that Cao Hong is also a general after all, but a mere civilian general can mix his qualifications and military achievements in the Skynet base. No matter how you look at it, the forces behind him are not small. How could he choose to give up his good future and join you? This is A road of no return, could it be that you have caught something?"

Speaking of this, Xu Fanghua showed a strange and unpredictable smile on his face: "Speaking of it, it seems to have something to do with you, but so what? Do I need to explain something to a dying person? Do you think you will show up right now? Can we hold the astrolabe? No matter what, we must take the astrolabe..."

However, before she could continue talking, the entire island suddenly trembled violently. Qin Hao suddenly felt the spiritual power behind him turbulent. At the same time, the leader of Iron Man also felt the huge energy fluctuation ahead. They all looked in their direction, and saw that the surface of the astrolabe in the glass booth next to Su Yanran was covered with a layer of milky white chaotic brilliance, and the strong light illuminated the entire laboratory.

"It's too late, it's too late..." Su Yanran, who had been so shocked by Qin Hao's sudden appearance before and kept silent, suddenly muttered softly.

Qin Hao frowned slightly, and his heart was clouded: "What's wrong? What's going on here?"

Su Yanran glanced at Qin Hao calmly, and said calmly, "The energy in the astrolabe has completely gone out of control, and we can't leave."

"Why did this happen? Didn't you say that you won't lose control for the time being? The mistake is..." Qin Hao was also stunned for a moment, but seeing that there was no sign of fluctuation on Su Yanran's face, he suddenly understood something, and asked again: " Did you do it?"

Ke Kefang Cha You Leng Qing Gang Gang

Su Yanran nodded: "If you could show up a minute earlier,

No, just thirty seconds, maybe things will not be like this. My original plan was to use external energy charging to stimulate the interior of the astrolabe, thereby accelerating the runaway energy inside the astrolabe early. In this way, no one can win the astrolabe, and everyone will pay for it and be buried with it! "

Qin Hao is very clear that Su Yanran's words are not exaggerated in any way. Given the huge energy source inside the astrolabe, once it goes berserk, the huge energy will get out of control. It is conservatively estimated that the energy intensity is equivalent to millions of nuclear reactors. Even more so that it is impossible to estimate the value.

You know, it was not empty talk to say that once this thing gets out of control and its energy goes berserk, it will destroy the earth.

However, the good news is that due to concerns about destructive power, Su Yanran took a little control when charging. This is mainly due to her research on the astrolabe, otherwise, the world might be destroyed. But even so, at least half of the South China Sea, or even the entire sea area, would be destroyed by the big bang and razed to the ground.

Since Xu Fanghua and the others want to seize the astrolabe, they naturally know a general idea about it, not to mention that there is Cao Hong, an insider. As the general manager of the Skynet base, he may not know the in-depth information, but he still knows the basic information. If they didn't value the huge value in it, they wouldn't spend such a high price to capture it.

When they heard from Su Yanran that the energy of the astrolabe had gone berserk, Xu Fanghua and others were a little confused like Qin Hao. They thought it was a bit strange from the very beginning. Su Yanran stood up to protect the astrolabe as if she was at home, but she didn't see any signs of resistance. , and waited to die with her eyes closed, no matter how she looked at it, she seemed to have deliberately sent her to die, which did not conform to her IQ at all.

Now, they understand that they should be the ones who are really low in IQ. Su Yanran has already calculated everything. She didn't brag. Although she doesn't have any force, she can use her knowledge to fight. She really He is qualified to protect the astrolabe and avenge his subordinates!

"You lunatic!" Xu Fanghua yelled hysterically, and fled out of the base.

Enemies are not ghosts

At the same time, the entire island trembled more and more violently, like an earthquake and a volcano erupting. The mountain that wrapped the base inside appeared to be similar to a mudslide. The mountain collapsed and collapsed, exposing almost all the outer shell of the base on the island.

A large number of boulders, sand and soil rolled down almost instantly, Qin Hao didn't care to think too much, he rushed out with Su Yanran in his arms, just after running out of the base, he heard a roar behind him, looked back, I saw a huge light beam breaking through the base from the position of the laboratory, breaking through the mountain, straight into the sky, and dispelling the surrounding clouds.

The next moment, a huge black hole appeared in the cloudless clear sky as if it had been pierced by a beam of light. destroy.

Qin Hao didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and escaped from the island at high speed before the island was destroyed, galloping on the sea, the beam of light expanded very fast, some soldiers who couldn't escape and the steel men of the holy gate were touched by the beam of light, and almost died instantly , not even a single cry was left behind.

However, even though Qin Hao tried his best to escape, the danger still came one after another. First, the towering beam of light sprinkled beams of light like a celestial girl, and each beam contained extremely terrifying energy. No survivors, no bones left.

At the same time, waves rose from the calm sea surface, the waves were violent, and the undercurrent surged. The sea water contacted the light beam and disappeared as if it had been evaporated. Moreover, there seemed to be a force pushing the sea water from the inside out in the deep seabed. With the emergence of power, the sea water opened in all directions, revealing the whole picture of the seabed.

According to Qin Hao's estimation, the height below is at least five or six kilometers, and the ground exposed on the seabed is not a gully as oceanographers say, but a huge spherical deep pit. The bottom of the pit cannot be seen at a glance. , all the sea water is flowing and absorbing inside, it looks like an eye in the sea.

It is said to be a pothole, but it is more appropriate to describe it as a black hole. It is almost the same as the hole where the beam of light breaks through the sky. It looks very similar. Moreover, the two just echo each other up and down. Under the action of the beam of light, it seems that the sea and sky are connected together.

Over the entire South China Sea, it was clear that the sky was clear and cloudless just now, but it was already pitch black at the moment. If there was not that towering beam of light that supported the sky like a mythical Nuwa mending the sky and chopping a giant tortoise's leg, it would have seemed like it was about to fall. Seems like.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was filled with starlight almost instantly. Qin Hao frowned slightly. The scene in front of him looked very familiar. Thinking about it carefully, it was very similar to the cosmic starry sky map he saw inside the astrolabe. Even the details of the planets are exactly the same.

Before he could take a closer look, the eyes that had traveled through tens of thousands of light-years flashed away, and then the starlight burst out. The strong and dazzling light made it almost impossible to look up. The next second, the starlight fell like a meteor, and the rays of light seemed to be captured The potholes on the bottom of the sea fell like attracting, and countless lights were absorbed and filled by the potholes, but the potholes seemed to have no reaction at all, and they were still pitch black and bottomless.

"Is this the Eye of the South China Sea?"

Both Qin Hao and Su Yanran were shocked by the scene in front of them. The location of the Skynet base was just above the Eye of the South China Sea. However, most of the legends about the Eye of the South China Sea were recorded in ancient books. No one knew whether it really existed or not. Described like a legend.

Looking at it now, it seems that this legend is not just a legend. The Eye of the South China Sea is bottomless, and it is difficult to fill it with all the water in the world. According to the myth, all the rivers in the world and the universe, even the water in the Milky Way in the sky, finally converge into this primitive and mysterious bottomless pit.

While this may be an exaggeration, it is by no means entirely nonsense. Even if there is no water from the Milky Way flowing in, the scenes of starlight falling from the sky are no worse than the descriptions in myths and legends.

However, just as the two of them lamented the legend of the Eye of the South China Sea, the black hole on the bottom of the sea mutated and regenerated, and a huge suction force came from inside the black hole, pulling Qin Hao and the two of them downward. Resistance, even if Qin Hao tried his best to control his body to get rid of this pulling force, it was of no avail in the end. He abruptly absorbed the two of them, just like a wild beast opened its huge mouth, and pulled the two of them together. swallow.

When being swallowed by the black hole, Qin Hao seemed to see that it wasn't just him and Su Yanran who were swallowed by the black hole, the whole world around here was swallowed by it, the sun, moon and stars were all silent and dim inside!

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