My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1143 Returning to the Ruins

At the headquarters of the South China Sea Fleet, Bi Lei, the highest officer of the South China Sea Fleet, was inspecting the subordinate fleet. Suddenly, the calm sea surface was filled with waves, as if a violent earthquake had occurred on the bottom of the sea, and even the land under his feet trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the wind and clouds gathered in the sky and the earth, and I raised my eyes to look towards the center of the sea, only to see that in the distance, a huge beam of light shot up into the sky, straight into the sky, and then the sky was pitch black, revealing dazzling stars.

Bi Lei's heart tightened, and the source of the huge beam of light seemed to be in the direction of the Skynet base.

He hurried back to the headquarters, and before he could enter the door, he happened to meet a soldier rushing out, and the two of them almost collided. Seeing this soldier, Bi Lei's heart was almost in his throat. He knew that this communications soldier was one of the soldiers who maintained 24-hour uninterrupted contact with the Skynet base. Impatient, apparently something went wrong.

"Report to the chief!" The communications soldier saw Bi Lei and wanted to salute.

Bi Lei waved his hand and pushed open the door to enter. The communication soldier followed closely and reported to him: "Chief, just now, the communication with the base has been completely cut off, and all contact methods have not received any response."

Sure enough, Bi Lei's expression was extremely solemn, and he made a decisive decision: "Activate the special authority and use Dean Su Yanran's personal emergency contact method."

The subordinate immediately complied, but the subsequent response made Bi Lei's heart sink: "Chief, our signal has been intercepted, and the other party cannot receive it!"

So far, Bi Lei is almost 100% sure that something happened. Whether it was due to a problem in the experiment or an enemy attack is unknown.

"Notify the First Fleet, the Second Fleet is ready to go, and is on standby immediately, ready to attack at any time, and wait for my order! I will ask the chief for instructions!" Bi Lei did not dare to slack off in the slightest. The Skynet base is in the South China Sea, which is the area he guards. He will also be affected by the accident.

Soon, Bi Lei got permission from above, and dispatched almost half of the entire South China Sea Fleet to the Skynet base.

When they rushed to the area where the Skynet base was located, they found that the huge beam of light that had been seen shooting straight into the sky before was gone, and the sky was full of stars. That gorgeous scene, but when we got to the scene, we didn't even see a trace of it.

What's even more frightening is that not only are these traces gone, but even the small island where the Skynet base is located has disappeared, as if it had evaporated out of thin air. How could an island suddenly disappear? And there is no trace of man-made explosions or natural phenomena, which is too exaggerated!

Not to mention that Bi Lei hastily reported the survey results to his superiors, Qin Hao and Su Yanran were sucked into the sea eye, it was said to be absorbed and devoured, but in fact it was more like teleportation, he did not fall from the sky like he did in the Shiwan Dashan Wu Clan before Entering Chi You's sealed small world, it is described as if consciousness paused for a second at that moment, and then found himself in a completely strange place.

Qin Hao and Su Yanran were not the only ones facing the same situation, including Xu Fanghua, Cao Hong, the leader of Iron Man, and several subordinates who escaped in time, but the transmission mode seemed a bit random, they were not in the same place .

The operation to seize the astrolabe this time can be said to be a heavy loss for the Holy Gate. A nuclear submarine with super weapons, many new alloy armors and masters have all died. Only five or six people in front of the 20th and 30th people are left. Rao is the Holy Gate Being rich and powerful can't help but hurt the flesh.

Coming to a new environment that has never been marked on the earth, the opposing sides have almost forgotten their respective positions,

First observe the scene in front of you. It stands to reason that the sea eye gathers all the water in the world, but there is no drop of water in front of it, instead it is a vast and incomparably ruined land.

This place is extremely vast, unlike the Xiaoqian world I saw before, it seems that there is no boundary at all here, the ruins in front of me are extremely dilapidated, there are ruins everywhere, broken bricks and tiles, and even huge cracks appear on the ground. But it can still be vaguely distinguished that the original body of the ruins should be a huge ancient city.

Even though this ancient city has gone through countless years of erosion and has become dilapidated to the extreme, the dark ~ black metal stones still faintly exude faint aura in the gaps in the dilapidated buildings, and there is even a faint aura. There is a hint of divinity. Obviously, the stones that do not belong to any material on the earth were not ordinary iron rocks. Even though they are now like scrap copper and iron, they are still indestructible and cannot be easily broken.

Qin Hao was terrified. This ancient city had been turned into ruins for an unknown number of years, but even if it was a ruin, he couldn't break through its solid defenses. It can be seen how terrible the defenses of this ancient city were when it was brilliant. The ancient city is by no means an ordinary existence.

He couldn't help but think of the legend about the records of Haiyan. Haiyan is the return to the ruins. The world is unreal, if we talk about the opposition between the real and the illusion, then the physical world can be seen as illusion, and the ancient meaning of the real character is to regard the world under the form as unreal) and the heart of the middle universe (earth).

Perhaps this is not the residence of the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor, as in the myths and legends, but at least it is a dojo for a truly powerful person, otherwise it would not have such a scale and skill.

In the ancient city, in addition to these dilapidated buildings, there are also dilapidated weapons, such as knives, axes, or swords. In short, eighteen kinds of weapons are available. Moreover, these weapons are all made of some unknown special materials. Even though thousands of years have passed and the rust spots on them are still shining with a faint cold light and releasing a little evil spirit, it can be seen how many people's blood they drank at the beginning. blood.

Looking around the ancient city, some mountains and rivers were pulled up from the ground, some were split into two sections by a sword, some smashed the mountain with a punch, and some land was completely torn by violence. Now, those ancient fist marks, sharp sword intent, and the sliding trajectory of the giant ax that can split the world, each has its own power and influence, and the years cannot be completely washed away. The incomparable power of the world is extremely terrifying, and it is so powerful that people dare not use their spiritual sense to observe it carefully, and they can't even get close. Once they get too close, they will be strangled.

It's hard to imagine what kind of existence the masters who left traces here are. Their cultivation level is completely beyond Qin Hao's imagination, almost making it impossible for him to even try to figure it out.

At this moment, Qin Hao can already be sure that this towering and majestic ancient city should have been destroyed in the war of a group of big men, and this war is enough to destroy the world.

"What the hell is this place? It's too exaggerated!"

The scene in front of them made everyone in a state of shock for a moment. They didn't know why they were suddenly brought to such a strange space, and they didn't know what the ruins in front of them represented, let alone what happened here. What, leaving the original world and coming to a bizarre and completely unfamiliar environment, all they have is fear.

The leader of the Iron Man was obviously much calmer than the average person. He first said: "This place should be different from the earth we lived on before. It should be another space. The signal of the armor has been completely cut off. I just tried to use the armor to log in. The instrument analyzed the surrounding environment, and it can be said that it is very different from the earth, whether it is the structure of the sandy soil layer or the composition of the air, it is reasonable to say that this place should be a place where human beings cannot live, but this does not seem to be the case.”

If it is said that there is spare oxygen in Iron Man's armor, then Xu Fanghua and Cao Hong can completely rely on the air here to survive. Seeing that their breathing and survival do not seem to be affected, it is obviously not in line with common sense.

Xu Fanghua was a little anxious and restless: "No matter where it is, what we need to do now is to leave here. The astrolabe is too mysterious. No one knows the meaning of the powerful energy contained in it, but what is certain is that we will appear Here, it should have something to do with the power of the astrolabe. I don’t know if that little bastard Qin Hao and that woman Su Yanran have come here like us. If there is anyone who is most familiar with the astrolabe, it is Su Yanran , if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be so unlucky and suffer heavy losses! If this woman is here, maybe we might still know what happened. "

Her thoughts were good, but what she didn't know was that Su Yanran herself didn't know why this happened. She just used external energy to stimulate the astrolabe, so as to achieve the goal of destroying everyone out of control. As for why it appeared in the land of the ruins, she had no idea.

And here, Qin Hao is also discussing with Su Yanran, if according to the legendary records, Guixu is actually equivalent to a natural teleportation array, teleporting them to this unknown world. Returning to the Ruins is near the island of the Skynet base. Qin Hao learned about it from Long Jiu. The researcher was obviously Su Yanran, so it was not revealed that it was in the bottom of the sea before. Su Yanran sent people to search the bottom of the sea. I didn't find out why, but after the energy of the astrolabe went berserk, it took the initiative to reveal its true body and brought them here with the function of teleportation.

According to the two people's speculation, it is very likely that the energy of the astrolabe rampage activated Guixu, causing it to activate the function of teleportation. Since the astrolabe can show signs of recovery of the aura of the entire earth, since it is a mythical relic from ancient times, it seems reasonable to be activated by the aura.

However, it is useless even to infer the reason for coming here. They cannot stay here forever. They still have their own families and missions on the earth. I don't even know if the astrolabe is still there after the rampage, or was it taken away? Still missing? Or what.

All in all, they have to find a way out of here.

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