My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1152 Pre-Qin Practice

Chapter 1152

Pre-Qin Qi Practitioners

Qin Hao didn't care how immoral his behavior was in the eyes of others, and he didn't care what would happen to Xu Fanghua and others. What he wanted now was to quickly find a place to heal Su Yanran. Please search ( to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

With the help of Xu Fanghua and his group to attract hatred and share the pressure, the number of pursuers on Qin Hao's side dropped by half at once. With the effect of the magic medicine, his wounds have gradually healed and have stopped bleeding, and the number of dead bodies pursued no longer increases. He undoubtedly saved a lot of trouble.

If Qin Hao were to carry Xuanyuan Sword and fight with the dead bodies chasing after him in twos and threes at this time, he probably wouldn't be afraid, but he still didn't do it after all. Swelling is not a good thing, even though the strong ones lying in these tombs The victim can't leave the tomb, even if he is asleep, he won't take the initiative to attack people, but if he is disturbed, he will die.

Qin Hao doesn't know what the conditions are for alarming the other party. Think about the two things he did before, digging people's graves and stealing life medicine, each of which is equivalent to taking food from a tiger's mouth. Woolen cloth.

However, even though Xu Fanghua and others had already attracted most of the firepower of these dead bodies, Qin Hao still couldn't get rid of these dead bodies. The ghost knows what kind of existence is in front of these guys. He speeds up, and the other party also speeds up. He When he slowed down, the other party also slowed down, as if the other party didn't really intend to kill him, but was driving him forward.

It’s not that he hasn’t guessed this before, and even to confirm this conjecture, he boldly stopped, but just as he stopped, several magic weapons behind him hit his head, almost hitting him into a concussion, so he could only continue road.

Qin Hao's anger, he Qin Hao is a majestic master of god transformation, he is also a first-class existence on the earth, he is a figure at the top of the pyramid, when did he suffer from such anger? Being forced to flee by a group of dead bodies like cows and horses, even if he wanted to be a hob!


After running like this for another half day, Qin Hao stopped again. This time, he didn't intend to do this, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the sky in front of me seemed to be torn apart, a huge crack in space was lying in front of my eyes, and it was completely dark inside, as if it was still spraying out blue thunder light, surrounding the surrounding space, the entire space pulled by that force was shattered. Twisted, folded.

What's more important is that those dead bodies actually stopped, did not continue to chase, and did not hit him with a magic weapon. The ghost knows whether it was a conscience discovery or something, and Qin Hao was almost moved to tears.

However, upon closer inspection, it seemed that these dead bodies were not discovered by conscience at all, but pure fear.

That's right, the huge black space crack seemed to be very effective on these dead bodies. They didn't dare to move at all, and the rotting corpses couldn't help trembling because of fear and fear.

Qin Hao now has two options, either change direction and continue running, but it is estimated that without the suppression of this huge crack, these dead bodies would still have to follow, almost the same as before.

The second option is much simpler, that is to enter this void crack and have a look, although it is not difficult to do, but the risk is a bit high, who knows what will be in the void crack, what if you lose your life?

Of course, this is the worst plan, and there may be better possibilities. For example, maybe this is the exit, and the outside is connected to the earth?

Although Qin Hao himself felt that this idea was a bit too naive, but it is also a good thing to have dreams, without dreams it is a salty fish.


Qin Hao didn't think too much about it. What he was most worried about now was Su Yanran. When it came to running a race, he wasn't afraid of these difficult corpses, but Su Yanran didn't have so much time to wait. Bleeding, the injury is getting worse and worse, there can be no further delay.

Instead of watching Su Yanran die like this, why not go in and have a look, maybe it's not that scary?

Qin Hao could only comfort himself in this way, the aura revealed by that crack was indeed a bit too ancient and heavy to bear, and it even came from the fear and uneasiness deep in his soul.

But even so, he still had to gamble!

With Su Yanran in his arms, Qin Hao rushed directly into the huge black void crack, and outside the crack, those dead bodies were at a loss as if they couldn't feel the other party's breath after seeing Qin Hao enter the crack, and looked around. , then return according to the original road.

As soon as he entered the crack, Qin Hao's first impression was that it was dark, very dark. It was pitch black in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see his fingers. Fortunately, he didn't need to experience a free fall and stepped on the ground directly.

Trying to move forward a few steps, Qin Hao seemed to feel a faint light, and forced himself to look at the light with wide eyes, but didn't want his pupils to suddenly turn golden as if they had been stimulated for no reason, and Two groups of golden flames danced in the eyes, which was the real fire of the sun.

Qin Hao didn't understand the intention of the real sun fire at all, and suddenly ran into his eyes, and he didn't have the mood to care about it, because the real sun fire brought a painless burning sensation to his eyes, as if his eyes were almost being burned It was burning, and it seemed that there was smoke and smoke, tears were streaming down, and he almost rolled on the ground in pain.

However, this kind of pain came and went quickly, and it only took a few minutes, no more than ten minutes at most. Qin Hao felt that the pain had gradually subsided. When he opened his eyes, there were two golden glows from between the pupils shoot ~ out.

If you want to describe it, it’s like a searchlight in the dark night. Although Qin Hao himself doesn’t like to describe it this way, the originally pitch-black space is no longer invisible, or in other words, it can no longer affect his vision. It's not covered.

Although he doesn't know where this place is, at least it doesn't look dangerous for the time being, Qin Hao took out a magic medicine and stuffed it into Su Yanran's mouth, letting her swallow it. After all, the environment here is still an unknown area. You need to find a safe place to help her refine the magic medicine with peace of mind.

Su Yanran is an ordinary person, without Qin Hao's help in refining, it will definitely be counterproductive, even if there are no side effects, most of the medicinal properties will be wasted and cannot be absorbed by the body to transform the body.

This is an ancient road. Qin Hao looked around carefully with Su Yanran on his back. They seemed to have fallen into a closed space, like a tunnel or a cave. Obviously, someone else has walked this road.

Moreover, this is not just an ancient road that was simply excavated, there are still some inexplicable characters and symbols carved on the surrounding stones.

Its calligraphy style is between the ancient seal script and the Qin seal seal script.

Qin Hao looked very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a word from the pre-Qin period." A faint voice sounded from behind Qin Hao, it was Su Yanran who woke up at some point.

The reason why the magic medicine is called a magic medicine is that the energy contained in it is naturally immeasurable. Just by holding it in her mouth, Su Yanran's injuries were suppressed and slowly repaired, and she gradually regained consciousness.

"Are you awake? How is your body? Can you hold on? Hold on for a while, and find a safe place, and I will help you refine the magic medicine to heal your injuries." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief, Su Yanran woke up really let him A lot of relaxation, the nerves are no longer so tense.

Su Yanran is still very weak at the moment, but at least she can hold on, rubbing Qin Hao's back: "How long have I been in a coma? Your injury..."

"About a day. My injuries are all minor problems. With the magic medicine, they have almost healed. You don't have to worry too much." Qin Hao roughly talked about her coma period, and said, "You I just said that this is a word from the pre-Qin period, so could it be that someone came here in the pre-Qin period, and then tore apart the space to dig out such an ancient road?"

Su Yanran nodded: "Is this possible? I don't know if you have heard of a group called Pre-Qin Qi Practitioners."

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