My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1153 Suzaku God

Qin Hao, a Qi trainer, naturally knows that it is a title for practitioners, more than in ancient times. He often sees these three words in ancient books. Can also guess some.

It is rumored that in ancient times, although the earth had already experienced the decline of aura at that time, it was not nearly exhausted like it is now. Many inheritances still existed at that time, just like the academic thoughts at that time. It was also a grand event at that time.

It's a pity that at the end, due to changes in the environment, the resources have decreased sharply, so that various inheritances have been lost, and it has become more and more difficult for Qi practitioners to survive. From prosperity to decline, and finally almost extinct, it only exists in legends, like Qin Some decent sects such as Hao Hao or Zhao Guohua are basically self-proclaimed practitioners, not Qi practitioners.

"I once read from the library of the Dragon Guardian Clan that Qi practitioners in the pre-Qin period used to be a group of very powerful monks. The most famous representative should be Xu Fu." Su Yanran said softly.

Qin Hao frowned slightly: "Xu Fu? The sorcerer who led thousands of boys and girls to overseas fairy mountains to find medicine for Qin Shihuang? Doesn't it mean that what he went to look for should be the legendary Penglai fairy mountains, and there is also the origin of the Japanese people?" Waiting for the explanation, how could it have anything to do with this place?"

Su Yanran smiled: "That's just a possibility that modern humans have analyzed and speculated from a scientific point of view. As a practitioner, do you think it is credible? In the era of Qi practitioners in the pre-Qin period, it is conceivable that Xu Fu could be a representative How terrifying is his cultivation, would such an existence need to travel on the vast sea? It is estimated that he can run back and forth several times a day."

Qin Hao thinks that this is really the case, let alone Xu Fu, even if he is now crossing the ocean, it is not difficult. With Xu Fu's cultivation, it is conceivable that there is no need for such a big fanfare, and modern people cannot judge whether it is Because their thinking is limited, they don't think about myths and legends at all.

Su Yanran continued: "According to my speculation from various ancient books left over from ancient times, what Xu Fu was looking for was not the Penglai Fairy Mountain at all, but the road to the stars, or the road to hope, the road to survival. At that time, the whole world Reiki has shown signs of decline. Although it will not have much impact on Qi practitioners in a short period of time, it is really hard to say what will happen in the future. These people plan ahead, and it is gradually impossible for Qi practitioners to leave if they want to leave. The living earth is looking for a way to survive, so there is such a plan."

"In other words, Xu Fu is a representative elected by these Qi practitioners? Is it a pioneer? An existence like Magellan?" Qin Hao didn't know that there were such secrets left in the distant era. Although this is only speculation, it is true. Reasonable, not impossible.

"By the way, why are there thousands of boys and girls?" Qin Hao asked again.

Su Yanran replied again: "I don't know much about this, but I guess it should be a better seedling. After all, the starry sky and the universe are too vast. I don't know how long this trip will take, and I don't know if I can find a way out, but if If we can find them, these children are the new force of pre-Qin Qi practitioners."

Qin Hao nodded: "Your conjecture is indeed very open, but it seems that it is not impossible to contact this ancient road. After all, we have seen too many strange things before. Now I don't feel that I see or know anything. How surprised. By the way, do you recognize these pre-Qin characters?"

"Just a little bit, it's useless."

Qin Hao continued to ask: "How much, what does it mean? Would you like to teach me?"

"Just a few words,

how to teach? "Su Yanran said helplessly, "The words "pre-Qin Qishishi" are the annotations I read in an ancient book. "

Well, the five characters are really not very useful. After all, there are very few things from the pre-Qin period after so many years, and most of them are objects. The long river of history has disappeared, and it is not easy to be able to recognize five characters. For example, Qin Hao, he is an illiterate.

The two continued to walk forward, with the magical medicine hanging continuously, Qin Hao didn't have to worry too much about Su Yanran's body, and walked slowly forward with her on his back. The road was dark and damp, eerie, cold and dead silent, like Walking on the Huangquan road of hell, it doesn't feel very good.

After walking for a whole day, Qin Hao became a little impatient. This ancient road seems to never end. Eternity is its theme. Walking here, you can hardly feel the passage of time and the change of space. Walk a repetitive path.

However, just when Qin Hao began to think about whether the road ahead would be endless like the one he had experienced, if so, it would be better to refine the magic medicine for Su Yanran now, after all, who knows how long it will take, and so The long section of the road is almost exactly the same without any danger, and it is estimated that there will be no danger, but it is quite qualified.

A bright light appeared in Qin Hao's eyes. Qin Hao speeded up and followed the light for about ten minutes. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, as if he had come to heaven from hell, and they walked out of the ancient road so abruptly. go outside.

The fresh air mixed with the fragrance of soil, flowers and plants poured into their nostrils. Both of them couldn't help taking a deep breath, feeling the vitality of the outside world, and their mood naturally improved a lot.

The scene outside and the scene inside can be said to be two extremes. The inside is extremely dark and empty, while the outside is green mountains and green waters, like a fairyland on earth.

What surprised Qin Hao the most was that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating in the air, so thick that it was almost liquefied, blocked Qin Hao and Su Yanran's eyes like layers of fog, making them unable to see too far away.

This place is ancient and vicissitudes. Every big tree is 100 meters high, and even a small flower is half the height of a person. Obviously, it is not the same as the earth.

But Qin Hao didn't think it was strange either. With so much and rich aura of heaven and earth, it's not surprising that these flowers, plants, trees, and trees would become spiritually intelligent under the nourishment of it, let alone just because of their huge size.

Walking forward for a short distance, Qin Hao saw a lot of strange crystal-like stones all around. Qin Hao recognized this thing, which was exactly the same as the food it ate in the cave of the big witch cat. Contains a strong aura of heaven and earth, obviously, it is very likely that this thing caused the changes in the immediate environment.

Of course, it is also possible that this place was born because of the changes in the environment and the rich aura of heaven and earth. It is like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, which is difficult to answer.

Just as Qin Hao and Su Yanran were observing the surrounding environment, suddenly there was a bird song resounding in the sky. When they looked up, they saw a huge flying bird that was covered in red and faintly burning with flames not far from the sky. Hovering, each of its feathers is like a burning blood-red flame, shining extremely brightly.

"Could it be, the divine bird Suzaku?" Even Qin Hao, who is well-informed, couldn't help being stunned. He had seen this divine bird before in the city of the dead. Whether it was a dead body or a tomb, there was this divine bird. figure.

Su Yanran was also dumbfounded. The divine bird in front of her eyes did fit the description of the divine bird Suzaku in ancient books. It was unimaginable. What they had seen before were all dead corpses, which could not move, but they didn't want to be here, but it was true. I really saw a living Suzaku bird.

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