Su Yanran took a deep breath: "Finally, as she grew older, her physical development revealed her gender. Even though she was always raised as a boy, she was still a girl after all. On that day, the adoptive mother suddenly went crazy. She first vented her anger on the items in the house, yelling those indistinct words, and then attacked her with all the items she could use like crazy, torturing her. If the two maids of the adoptive mother hadn't discovered it early, The girl probably died at the hands of her adoptive mother.

The girl knew that her mother didn't do it on purpose, and she couldn't help herself. When the other party woke up and knew what she had done, she desperately begged the girl for forgiveness. The girl originally wanted to escape, but seeing her mother's pitiful and sad appearance, After all, she still couldn't bear that heart. After all, in the past few years when she started to remember, her mother really treated her like her own flesh and blood. The two hugged each other and cried. The girl thought that this matter would just pass, but she didn't know how terrible the obsession in the adoptive mother's heart was.

Not long after, the adoptive mother fell ill again, each time more serious than the last time, and the violent emotions made the girl miserable. She cried and asked other members of the family for help. She wanted to leave. She couldn't bear the oppression day and night, the mental and verbal humiliation, and the physical persecution. She didn't blame her adoptive mother. She knew that her adoptive mother didn't want this either. A delirious patient cares? I can only blame myself for my bad luck! She just couldn't hold on.

It seemed that the family couldn't bear to see her suffer so much and decided to take her down the mountain. However, less than a week after she left the mountain, news came that her adoptive mother had fallen ill and cut her wrists and committed suicide. The adoptive mother needed her and needed a spirit. sustenance. On the second day, the old man who was over seventy years old knelt down for her. He was her grandfather, and his grandfather begged her to go back to the mountain. Without her, her adoptive mother would not be able to live.

The girl was caught in a dilemma. She valued and cherished this hard-won family relationship very much. She couldn't bear to watch the mother who rescued her and raised her die in pain. She suffered for several days. In the end, she still gone back. Perhaps because of the loss and recovery, the adoptive mother's spirit was stimulated again, and the frequency of illnesses was much higher than before. However, she no longer regarded the girl as her son like before, and rarely used force.

She began to squeeze the girl desperately. From all aspects, she wanted to cultivate the girl into an excellent woman, because she regarded the girl as her son's child bride-in-law, and dreamed that one day she would find her son and marry the girl to him. I instilled my thoughts into the girl, and even asked the girl to continue to find the whereabouts of her son even if she died. The girl was in great pain. She could hardly feel any warmth from her adoptive mother. She felt that she had become a tool. Although she gained the continuation of her life, she lost her free life.

The girl grew up slowly day by day in pain. She thought about running away and committing suicide, but she persisted in the end. In the end, she was numb. She accepted the cruelty of fate and the cruelty of life. Isn't that how people are? Living is already very difficult, and I thought to myself, let’s do it this way, at least I’m still alive, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little bit hard, just treat her as doing it for my own good? He wasn't being beaten anyway.

The mother and daughter lived day after day in their own painful lives,

This has been going on for more than ten years. It is said that time can kill everything. Perhaps because of this, as time goes by, the adoptive mother seems to gradually become normal. In addition, the family members tried their best to treat her, and the adoptive mother was really sick. Fewer and fewer, until the end has not been sick for several years. Unfortunately, the light seems to have come too late, the girl has grown up and become independent, she finally left, however, she no longer seems to be her. "

Qin Hao opened his mouth. It is self-evident who that girl is. The reason why Ye Linghua and Su Yanran are so indifferent is because Su Yanran suffered abuse and oppression when she was a child.

In this matter, both Ye Linghua and Su Yanran were victims. As Su Yanran said, Ye Linghua could not be blamed, but fate. How could Su Yanran hate a poor woman whose son was robbed, her husband disappeared, her family was almost destroyed, she became insane, her spirit was severely stimulated, and she even committed suicide at the expense of self-mutilation? Not to mention that this woman took back her life, raised her, and gave her excellent resources that most people in this world can't enjoy. She has no right to hate her.

However, not being able to hate does not mean that Su Yanran can treat those past experiences as if they never happened. How can the psychological trauma caused by the treatment she has suffered be easily erased. That's why she treated Ye Linghua with such indifference, which is already extremely benevolent, if it were someone else, she might not even be willing to come to visit her. Ye Linghua was also tortured by this. She knew that she was sorry for Su Yanran, so even if the other party was indifferent, she still wanted to restore the old relationship and endured it alone.

Seeing Qin Hao's surprised expression, Su Yanran said again: "You know what? I really hate you. I've been snatching you since you were only one month old, but you can touch everyone's heart. Let that woman miss you for the rest of her life, at the cost of my life and freedom, and drive her crazy. Is it just because you are her child born in October, and the Qin family's blood flows in your body? Bloodline, and I'm just an adopted child?

You know, it is me who has been by her side all the time, and I have been doing my best to treat her as my own~ I am also the mother. I was inexplicably taken away by a guy who has never met, whose whereabouts are unknown, and who even does not know whether he is alive in this world. The free life that should belong to me has taken away the care and love of my family members, it is ridiculous! I thought that I had found a good destination and a group of people who could be regarded as family members. However, the facts told me that a real person is not as good as a thought. "

Qin Hao's heart was filled with irritability. At this point, Su Yanran clearly confirmed Qin Hao's and Qin Tian's conjectures. Now he really realized that when Yun Shan found him--\u003e\u003e

What kind of feeling did the clansman feel in his heart afterwards? He hesitated decisively all along. He couldn't accept this sudden identity and the sudden appearance of many family members. He suddenly became at a loss as to how to deal with himself.

He does not deny that he has fantasized about his family and what his parents are like countless times before, and he has also imagined the circumstances under which he will meet them, hugging and crying bitterly, lamenting fate? Or do you hate them for abandoning themselves and severing ties with them? Even if he thought about it countless times, he still couldn't figure out why.

But today, just so suddenly, he was suddenly told of his life experience. This unexpected change made him unable to remain indifferent, and even wanted to escape subconsciously.

For him, when he didn't know how to face the news, escaping was indeed the best way to deal with it, even though it might seem a bit useless.

He can understand Su Yanran's hatred for him, just like many children will encounter this situation when they were young. There is a neighbor who is about the same age as him, in the same school, in the same grade, and even in the same class. After each exam, parents will always use this child to reprimand their own children and compare the two.

After a long time, the child who is often reprimanded by his parents will naturally feel uncomfortable or even disgusted when he sees that outstanding peer.

Su Yanran is much more serious than this. She clearly wants to do her best to be her mother's daughter, but she finds that in her mother's heart, she is just an adopted child after all, and she will never compare to the seemingly illusory blood relationship!

Having suffered such abuse and injury, Su Yanran couldn't hate Ye Linghua, so the resentment she suffered could only be blamed on Qin Hao. She might think, since you have disappeared for so long, why are you still here? Want to live in this world to bring pain to loved ones? It's better to die, at least it can stop them from looking for you!

Both Shengyu and He Shengliang!

However, Su Yanran is contradictory. She has been instilled and subtly influenced by Ye Linghua since she was a child. She not only hates Qin Hao, but also looks for Qin Hao. The result of psychological suggestion like hypnosis.

Without Qin Hao, the suffering she suffered in those ten or twenty years seemed to be a meaningless joke.

That's why Su Yanran acted so extreme that she wished to kill Qin Hao, but it was her first time to save Qin Hao, and she even had to compete with Mu Qianxue for the position in the palace at Skynet Base.

This woman, like Ye Linghua, has the same duality as schizophrenia.

Qin Tian sighed: "Yan Ran, don't say any more, our old Qin family is sorry for you, you are a good boy, if you hadn't been with my sister-in-law these years and given her spiritual sustenance, she might have disappeared long ago. Qin Ye Neither of the two families could withstand this blow. The old man suddenly became much older due to the accident in his family. If his sister-in-law had another accident, the old man would definitely not be able to hold on. You saved two lives. What our old Qin family owes you will never be repaid in a lifetime It's clear, what's more, you found Qin Hao for us, we..."

"Wait..." Qin Hao suddenly said, stopping Qin Tian from continuing to be sensational, he looked at the two of them, "You may have misunderstood, I thought about it carefully, this is really a coincidence, after all, he has disappeared After more than twenty years, how can you judge me so easily?"

"The half dragon pattern jade pendant around your neck is a family heirloom of the Qin family. The dragon head is given to the newborn child, and the dragon tail is kept by the mother. When the child gets married, the dragon tail will be passed on to the daughter-in-law. This pair of jade pendants This is how it has been passed down from generation to generation." Su Yanran said.

Qin Hao's expression remained unchanged: "I don't have any memories of my childhood. I don't even know whether I have always worn this jade pendant or where I got it later. Just based on this dead thing, you all think I am a jade pendant. The child lost by the Qin family is too arbitrary!"

"Let's do a paternity test!" Qin Tian took a deep breath and said.

Without waiting for Qin Hao to answer, Su Yanran shook her head: "No, Qin Hao's blood is very special. He has a super recovery ability, which is far from ordinary human beings. It is estimated that the DNA gene chain in his blood is already It does not belong to the category of human beings, and the paternity test is invalid for him."

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment: "So there is no way to confirm this relationship?"

"No, it just depends on whether you are willing to believe it or not. After all, they are the flesh and blood of the ten-month pregnant, and there is still a connection between the blood. At least, after seeing him, she fell ill again after she hadn't fallen ill for several years. This is the flesh and blood. The connection between them, this feeling is mysterious and mysterious, without any scientific basis. Originally, not everything in this world can be explained by science." Su Yanran said seriously, "In fact, I wasn't sure it was him, but she After the illness, I can be sure that it is him."

"Ridiculous!" Qin Hao didn't seem to believe it at all, "Since there is no evidence, don't just admit it. I, Qin Hao, am an orphan, and I don't mean to admit my relatives casually! I'm going down the mountain first, and there are still things waiting for me to do. Before that, I I'm about to say goodbye to you, but I don't want this to happen, and it's not good to continue to disturb me, so let Aunt Ye rest well."

After finishing speaking, he didn't pack up his things and flew away, like a streamer, disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Qin Tian still wanted to stop her, but Su Yanran shook her head: "Whether it's true or not, how can he not feel it in his heart? Since she will get sick, I don't believe Qin Hao will feel it at all. He wants to escape, so you can stop him." Useless."

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