My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1201 I want flowers

Vertex Fiction Network

Duanmurui has been feeling a little uncomfortable recently. I don't know why. Since three or four months ago, her eyes have been itchy~itchy and dry from time to time, and sometimes even accompanied by a slight tingling feeling. She couldn't help shedding tears. The whites of the eyes around the eyeballs were slightly bloodshot and scarlet, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

She wondered if she had an eye disease like pink eye disease, so she went to the hospital with Yun Shan, but she concluded that there was no problem. In fact, at the beginning, the doctor thought that she wore too many contact lenses on weekdays, and she might have been infected with germs because she didn’t pay enough attention to hygiene. After all, a pair of eyes with very different colors can hardly make people feel that they are born with it.

Later~after she tried her best to explain it, involving various fields such as genetic mutations, the doctor comrades understood that her eyes were really born, and she had never worn any contact lenses or colored contact lenses.

Seeing that Duanmurui seemed really uncomfortable, the doctor had no choice but to prescribe some medicine to relax and soothe the eyeball nerves. The effect is not significant in the sense, and it took several days to feel that the reaction was not so serious.

What Yun Shan and Song Yao meant was to let her rest at home, but after lying down for a few days, her eyes didn't recover. Duan Murui felt that her bones were going to rust if she couldn't lie down. No, she went to the flower shop again. .

Today's business seems to be pretty good. Someone came to the door as soon as the door opened. The man was not very old. He was probably a student from a nearby university, but he didn't look like a student. He was dressed in a formal suit and walked around in front of the flower basket. , Look at that again, seems to be worried about how to choose.

Duanmurui greeted her with a smile: "Sir, are you going to pick flowers?"

"En..." The man nodded, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Boss, I had a quarrel with my friend, and I want to send some flowers to express my apology to him. Can you help me find out which one is better?"

"Is it a girlfriend?" Duanmurui asked with a smile. He has opened a shop near the university town for so long, and this kind of thing happens several times a month. The couple quarrels, and the man wants to apologize when he buys flowers.

The man nodded embarrassingly: "Ex-girlfriend, I quarreled yesterday because of a small conflict. I have been busy with my internship recently, and I broke up in a fit of anger. I regret it a bit. I want to reconcile, but I don't know how to deal with it." She said, I heard from my classmates that the flowers here are very beautiful, boss, so I wanted to buy some."

It turned out to be a senior intern. No wonder he was wearing a suit, leather shoes, and a bag during school. He was about to leave the ivory tower. The senior year graduation season, every this time, is a good season for these student couples to part ways, and Duan Murui will meet each other at this time every year.

Before her eyes could not be seen, many students were still weeping and weeping while picking flowers in the flower shop. Now that her eyes have been healed, those students are probably too embarrassed to do this.

"Brother, you are asking the right person. Flowers are the language people use to express people's feelings and desires. Flower language is a recognized form of information exchange. Some people have emotions that are difficult to express. It’s best to express it through the language of flowers.”

Duanmurui said with a smile, and scanned the surroundings: "In your case, in my opinion, you can have a bunch of purple hyacinths. The flower language is sadness, apology, and regret. If you feel too heavy, You can also come with eight perfume lilies, which represent deep apologies, please forgive me. Of course, yellow roses are also possible. The words of yellow roses are generally happy, beautiful, noble, cherished blessings, infidelity, jealousy, lovelorn, fading. Love, apology. If there are eight flowers, it means apology, make up, deep apology, please forgive me. It would be even better if there are eighty-eight flowers, which means making up for apologies and making up for all mistakes with your heart. It can perfectly interpret you sincerity."

The man is a student,

I don't know anything about flowers. In the understanding of ordinary people, roses are probably the most common. When it comes to problems between lovers, whether it is a confession or something else, the first thing that comes to mind is basically roses.

After Duan Murui's emphatic introduction, the man was very impressed with the roses, and he no longer hesitated, and immediately made a decision and paid for it: "Boss, just eighty-eight yellow roses, please help me fix them, I will use them before night." ,Can you make it?"

Duan Murui smiled and said: "Don't worry, the matching of flowers and the like will be done very quickly, I'm sure it will be perfect for you, just come and pick it up in the evening."

Watching the man leave, Duanmurui sighed. Seeing these students who were trying to save their relationship, she couldn't help thinking of Qin Hao. She hasn't seen Qin Hao's brother for four or five months, and she doesn't know how Qin's brother is doing recently. , how are you doing, when will you come back, I miss you so much...

After a busy day of sullenness, although the business is good, Duanmurui is not happy at all. She is different from Song Yao and Yunshan. Yunshan always takes Qin Hao as the benchmark. If Qin Hao wants to eat people, she can Immediately prepare pots, pans, pans and chopsticks. Other women may be jealous, but it is absolutely impossible to come to her.

Song Yao is not as brainy as Yun Shan, she is like a fan of brains, but she is a woman who understands the general situation, even if she feels sad or uncomfortable in her heart, she will not show it, of course, even if she wants to show it, Qin Hao will come back and come to the door The time to plead guilty. In private, she has never been an easy-to-handle woman, but she is also very stubborn. Thinking of Qin Hao being punished at the beginning, this generally does not conflict with knowledge.

The only one who is more moody and angry is Duanmurui, the little girl has no heart, she is relatively simple, she has whatever she thinks on her face, she can't hide things, she is an emotional girl.

The sky was getting dark gradually, Yun Shan and Song Yao came to the flower shop one after another after get off work, and Mu Qianjun also came together. The world is not peaceful recently, because of the blockade of news from above, ordinary people may not be able to understand the meaning of this sentence, but they, as Qin Hao's women, naturally have channels to know about it, Mu Qianxue specially went to Daliang Mountain to give her sister to her. brought back.

After staying there for half a year, Mu Qianjun has almost finished handling important affairs such as construction and is on the right track. She basically just appreciates life and works as a supporting teacher. Most of the charitable fund projects have the following staff She has nothing to worry about other than signing and reading it.

It happened that Mu Qianxue was here in person, and Mu Qianjun would not fight with his sister on the issue of right and wrong, not to mention that Mu Qianxue had made concessions and agreed to her teaching for so long, so he returned to Tianhai obediently and continued to complete his studies.

The school is very close to Duanmurui's flower shop, so she would come here whenever she has nothing to do.

"Xiaojun, you can't go home like this every day. Your sister has been looking for me today, asking me to persuade you, don't float outside all day long, it's not safe." Song Yao picked up the cup and drank it Taking a sip of water, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's so strange, the rainy season hasn't arrived yet, it's almost too hot, it's too hot this year!"

While helping Duanmurui clean up the flower pots, Mu Qianjun said dissatisfiedly: "What's unsafe, I'm with you, if it's unsafe, it's still unsafe for me to go home. Let Mu Qianxue do it, she must I want to take that guy Mu Xiaofei to live with him in the old house. I feel annoyed when I see it. How many days has my brother-in-law not come home? Sister Tinghua--\u003e\u003e

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