My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 136 Leaking? ...

After Qin Hao left, Mu Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly slumped in front of the dining table, as if she had lost all her strength and was hollowed out at this moment.

Sun Di Ke Ke Gui Sun Qiu received Leng Yang

It would be nonsense to say she wasn't afraid, she just didn't want to hurt Qin Hao, so she pretended to be calm.

She was really scared. The man sitting opposite her was a guy with blood on his hands and countless lives on his back.

Even if he does have difficulties and reasons, but this is not his right to deprive others of their lives. In Mu Qianxue's sound three views, she cannot understand such terrible things.

It's true that she fears Qin Hao's past, but she accepts his present and looks forward to his future.

A man who is willing to kill for her and his sister, what is there not to be satisfied with? Who in this world would dare to do this for their sisters?

She has to accept Qin Hao, whether it is rationally or emotionally, this man is beneficial to her and can protect herself and her sister. At the same time, she will not give up on him. She wants to bring him into the life and circle of ordinary people. She knows that How painful it is to be betrayed.

She didn't know if her mentality was pathological, and she didn't even know what her feelings for Qin Hao were?

She has never felt love, she doesn't understand. Family, it seems that it hasn't reached that point yet.

But no matter what it was, maybe she didn't realize that a big crack was opened in her already frozen heart tonight. This man, who obviously had no possibility but just took advantage of each other, had already stepped on one foot. .

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


In the Palace of Bliss, Wan Xiong's birthday banquet is in full swing.

You Lan was wearing a black off-the-shoulder dress, tulle, and a pair of crystal-colored high-heeled shoes. The originally lazy and charming woman looked more noble and dignified at this moment, and she couldn't be played with from a distance.

Feng San in a Tang suit and Feng Yang with an expressionless face followed behind him, like two door gods, keeping a group of young masters away who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get close.

Not far from here

Not far behind, You Lan sighed softly,

Talking about the hair drooping in front of my eyes, I said firmly: "Uncle Feng, I said, don't get him involved, I will take responsibility for anything. In fact, none of you should follow today. Pay the price, my own willfulness, you should not pay for me."

Enmity with local enemies

"Miss, don't you really need to inform that kid? Tonight is the deadline Wan Xiong gave us." Feng San hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.

Youlan sighed softly, chatted with the hair drooping in front of her eyes, and said firmly: "Uncle Feng, as I said, don't get him involved, I will take responsibility for anything. It should follow, there is a price to be paid for self-willedness, and my own self-willedness should not be paid for by you."

"How can this be done?" Feng San blew his beard and stared at You Lan, "Miss, Feng San is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I, Feng San, deserved to die for not going to hell with my master back then, and I regret it so much No matter what, today I want to accompany you, miss. The big deal is death, if Wan Xiong wants to hurt miss, he has to step over the corpses of our father and son!"

"Alas..." Youlan was full of helplessness, she was determined to bear the death of Li Junxiong and his son to protect Qin Hao, but she also didn't want Feng San and Feng Yang to die with her, which made her very embarrassed .

"Master Xiong is here!" At this moment, an angry voice exploded in the hall.

Wan Xiong's appearance pushed the upcoming birthday banquet to a climax, and the guests greeted him at the gate one after another, congratulating him with smiles on their faces, in harmony.

"My lord is here, let's go too." You Lan said softly, without any intention of avoiding it, what should come will come after all, since she came to the banquet, it means she has already been mentally prepared.

Tonight's banquet is said to be Wanxiong Wantai's birthday banquet, but it is actually more like a Jianghu meeting in Tianhai City. Even though all the big brothers on the road are wearing expensive suits and Tang suits, it is difficult to conceal their hostility and vulgarity, and it is difficult to be elegant.

Not far away

However, there are definitely not only people on the road here, but also a small number of people from various families in Tianhai, collaborators on the Eagle White Road, Lord Xiong is talking and laughing loudly with a few prominent people at this time.

"Master Xiong, I wish you blessings like the East China Sea, the sun and the moon are prosperous. Songhe Changchun, spring and autumn are not old, old and new, joy will last forever." You Lan said with a smile on her face.

"Hahaha...Okay, it's good that you're here," Wan Xiong laughed heartily, "Youlan, go and sit for a while, if you have anything to do, we'll talk about it when the banquet starts."

Everyone looked at the two in surprise. The reason why they came so actively tonight was because they wanted to watch a show. Everyone knows that Youlan of the Youyun Society had a conflict with Li Junxiong of the Feihu Gang. That night, Li Junxiong and his son were wiped out. Bring out the murderer, or give an explanation, and today's banquet is the deadline.

Qiu Yuan Ke Fang Hou Xue Mo Gu Jie Gang Gu

Many people were paying attention to this matter, and even sent people to inquire about it. They knew that You Lan didn't seem to have found the murderer. Unexpectedly, at this time, You Lan really dared to come to celebrate her birthday. Isn't she afraid that Wan Tai Sui will do something to her?

While dealing with the congratulations of the crowd, Wan Xiong walked towards the main table. He walked for more than ten minutes with only a distance of tens of meters, which showed his prestige.

"Everyone, today is Wan Xiong's birthday. Brothers and friends are willing to give me Wan Xiong a face to congratulate. I, Wan Xiong, are very grateful!" Wan Taisui raised his wine glass and toasted everyone very boldly. Standing behind him, still dressed in gray cloth.

"Tonight, everyone, just eat and drink well, we won't go home until we're drunk!"



Everyone stood up one after another, applauded loudly, and drank the wine in their cups.

"I think everyone knows that a few days ago, my adoptive son, Zhang Junxiong and his son of the Feihu Gang, were murdered in the villa at home! Today's birthday banquet, in addition to wishing me my 60th birthday, is also a gift for my unspeakable death." The adopted son's family will explain one by one, and I hope everyone will be a witness!" After drinking, Wan Xiong suddenly changed his face and said loudly, with a look of righteous indignation.

"You Lan, today is the deadline, can you bring your birthday present?"

All eyes were on Youlan's table. Youlan was still calm and calm, but the people at the same table felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, neither standing nor sitting. far away.

"Master Xiong, please forgive You Lan for being incompetent and not finding the murderer within the time limit. But You Lan can still responsibly say a word in front of you, even though I had a conflict with your adopted son, it was just a petty incident. It’s just a small misunderstanding, his death has nothing to do with me, Youyunhui, Youlan! It’s even more impossible for me to send someone to do it.”

You Lan stood up slowly, and said softly: "Please mourn, I am also very sad about Zhang Junxiong's death, but this is really not what I, Youyun Club did. You weak woman, put this crime on me."


"You are so courageous! How dare you come to celebrate my birthday without catching the murderer?" Wan Xiong's face turned cold, "Forcing? Weak woman? No one in Tianhai knows that you, Youyun, can do Miss Youlan's tricks. If you A weak woman, how many people in this world are worthy of being called men?"

"Furthermore, I have found out that you and Junxiong were already discussing life and death, so this is a small misunderstanding? You Lan, no matter whether you did this or not, you must give this explanation. I'll give you another chance, tell me the truth, is it because you didn't find out the murderer, or didn't you know about it?"

Wan Xiong obviously meant something, and You Lan was taken aback. Could it be that Qin Hao was exposed somewhere else? Who else would know about this besides her?

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