My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 496: A Dream


This energy came and went quickly, but it did not completely disappear, but was distributed all over Duanmurui's body. In an instant, a layer of blackness appeared on the skin outside Duanmurui's body at a speed visible to the naked eye. Something like mud, and exuded an unpleasant smell, filling the entire room. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel

Duanmurui also gradually came back to his senses, only to feel a bright light in front of his eyes, a feeling that the world became clear in an instant. In order to protect the eyes in the room, even though the night lights were only dimly turned on on purpose, she could still see everything clearly at once!

Colorful colors, colorful world! Duanmurui suddenly felt that her life had become more colorful!

This world is so beautiful!

With a look of surprise on her face, she shouted excitedly: "I can see it now, brother, I can see it now, I... ah... it stinks..."

Houdiqiu Keku's investigation by Yueji is the most troublesome

Before he finished expressing his excited emotions, Duanmurui suddenly realized that his body was abnormal at the moment, and he didn't have any other thoughts, so he directly covered his blushing face and got into the bathroom.

"This is, washing the essence and cutting the marrow?!" Qin Hao was shocked. He didn't think this thing was so rare. For every innate warrior with a high level of cultivation, this is a necessary process, which makes him The real surprise is Duan Murui's physical talent.

You know, it took him nearly a year to do the step of washing the essence and cutting the marrow, and it was still with the help of the old bald donkey's various medicinal baths, plus the Marrow Washing and Yi Jin Jing.

And Duanmurui didn't know any martial arts at all before, and she didn't have any real energy in her body. She was just a weak little girl. Successfully washing the essence and cutting the marrow, it is really more popular than others!

In this regard, Qin Hao had to lament that Duanmurui's weird physique with yin and yang eyes is really blessed by nature. It is said that the world is not benevolent, and he treats everything as a humble dog? God is really eccentric!

Obviously, Duanmurui is in a nervous mood now, she quickly washed off the stains on her body, and couldn't wait to put on a nightgown and rushed out of the bathroom, but when she really came in front of Qin Hao, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous again.

For Qin Hao, Duan Murui had fantasies more than once in his heart, the handsome and extremely gentleman Prince Charming in fairy tales, and the handsome, suave and super warm man in novels. Anyway, no matter which one it is, in a word, it is the perfect image of Gao Nuanshuai.

So, when she really wants to meet Qin Hao, whom she has imagined countless times in her mind, she feels like an ordinary little fan meeting an idol who has been worshiped for a long time. The messages for are inconsistent.

"Brother, is that you? Are you my brother?" Looking at the handsome fair face in front of him, Duanmurui stretched out his hand tremblingly, rubbing it, his voice trembling.

Qin Hao didn't answer directly, and turned his head to look at Song Yao with a surprised expression on his face: "Are you actually a man? Is the surgery so advanced now? A man can pretend to be so like a woman, and he has kept it from me for so long. Ah, I'm going crazy..."

Song Yao was also a little dazed, and Monk Zhang Er was confused by Qin Hao's sudden crazy behavior: "What nonsense are you talking about..."

Duanmurui almost had the same expression as Song Yao, and was equally confused.

The next moment, Qin Hao decisively gave an explanation, and changed his name to detective in seconds: "Isn't it? There are only the two of us in this room except for Xiaorui. If it's a man and a woman, it's obvious who is her brother, but she doesn't know, so really?" ~ There is only one phase, that is, both of us are men!"

"Ah! Qin Hao, are you courting death?!"

Enemy Yuan Ke Qiu Du Sun Shu Takes Leng Ke Sun Ke

"Brother, you are bad, I didn't mean that..."

Di Yuan Ke, Qiu Du, Sun Shu, and Leng Ke, Sun Ke.

Firmly holding Qin Hao's small hand in one corner of his clothes, all of them made people feel pity and love.

There are two voices almost at the same time, one is extremely angry roaring, the other is full of joyful coquettishness, the other is clacking and clapping with palms, the other is touching~touching~kneading cautious love, this is the state of old married couple The difference between a woman in the next stage and a woman in the ambiguous period!

Man, what a pain!

With Qin Hao's deliberate gag and jokes, the atmosphere that should have been sad seemed a lot lighter, especially Duanmurui, except for a little excitement, he didn't have any negative emotions. I thought that once he faced it squarely, he would definitely be a little Shy, but now she always feels that everything is so natural.

The enemy does not hate the lone back, the ball catches the ball and makes no trouble

Qin Hao hugged her in his arms with a smile, put her on his lap, and said cheerfully: "Okay, let's stop making trouble, how about it, isn't it fun to see the world with your own eyes? From now on, you will be a Real normal people, don’t have to worry about those messy things anymore, right? Haha!”

Duanmurui nodded happily, twisted her body in Qin Hao's arms, and found a comfortable position to lean against. She was so tired that she refused to get up.

Naturally, Song Yao was also happy for Duanmurui, and it was a great joy to be in this temporary family. Besides, the so-called brother and sister were so tired that she couldn't stand it anymore, so she quietly exited the room and put Space and time are given to themselves.

Duanmurui regained her eyesight, and it was considered an important matter in Qin Hao's heart, and her mentality was inexplicably relaxed. However, at this moment, he couldn't relax. The little girl was happy, and she writhed back and forth seeking care in Qin Hao's arms. But she didn't think about it either. After taking a bath, she put on a nightgown and rubbed it in the arms of a man who was full of blood, had just tasted the sweetness not long ago, and was in a state of physical and mental hunger.

Sun Buyuan Ke Du

Is this unaware of his own attractiveness? Or is it deliberately training Qin Hao's self-control?

Qin Hao said that the pressure is huge.

Does Duanmurui really know nothing? Of course not! Under the influence of Sister Song Yao, who is a very serious adult, Duanmurui has long been poisoned. For example, now, she can clearly feel that the place where she is sitting seems to have a bit of a hard foreign body sensation.

At the same time, she was also very clear about where she was sitting. As for what that thing was, although she couldn't see it, she couldn't stand Song Yao's dictation, so she couldn't help blushing slightly.

However, she didn't shrink back because of this, instead she deliberately pretended not to know, her little hand was intentionally or unintentionally on Qin Hao's chest, brushing against her lower abdomen, the soft and tender butt rubbed even harder, and her head kept pushing Drilled into Qin Hao's arms.

What consequences will this bring? That was Qin Hao's shortness of breath and panting, Duanmurui could also feel that the thing was getting harder and hotter, so hot that she almost burned her whole body.

The future will not hate the troubles caused by the cool ship technique

Qin Hao couldn't bear it any longer, and the remaining rationality told him that the one in his arms was not his woman, but his sister, the little girl trusted him so much, and the brothers kept shouting, if he only thought about that kind of thing , then what the hell is worse than a pig or a dog!

"Xiaorui, I know that you are very happy now that you have recovered from your illness, but, brother is a man after all, it's not good for you to be a big girl in the arms of a man, what if you can't get married in the future? "Qin Hao decided to persuade her earnestly. It is understandable for the little girl to be excited and happy for a while.

Jiedi Branch is not a ghost, hates Youyang and fights Branch

"It doesn't matter, brother is not an outsider anyway, even if he really can't get married, then it's better for brother." Duanmurui said half-truth, like a joke, but also like the truth.

Normally, Qin Hao would have laughed and scolded "The little girl is talking stupid things", or knocked Duan Murui on the forehead, but this time, he did nothing, and fell into a rare silence.

Because, he seemed to be moved. At the moment when Duanmurui said that cheap brother is good, although he didn't want to admit it, he did have such a vision in his mind, which he had never had before!

He suddenly thought of something, he often said that you will marry sooner or later, but because of Duanmurui's eye problem, he might put it on hold for now. But now that his eyesight has recovered, if he really wants to fall in love and get married, can he accept it?

After a long distance, a single enemy, a cold game, a cold star

Qin Hao hesitated. Although he is an older brother, he is not a relative after all~ Brother, they are not real relatives, there will always be a time to separate, when that time comes, can he let go? Can you safely hand over Duanmurui to another man?

I have to admit that I am a greedy and playful man. Obviously Song Yao's side, not only Song Yao, but some of his women will face future problems that have not been resolved, and he still wants to hold on to other women. This kind of thinking is a bit too selfish and selfish!

If you want to be a player, none of this is a problem, just play around, just like Qiu Lin, who goes around in nightclubs every day and makes sex at will, but Qin Hao still has a bit of emotional cleanliness, and he can't do this kind of thing. He has created a contradictory view of emotions. He wants to follow his desires, but his reason tells him not to act recklessly.

Seeing that Qin Hao hadn't spoken, Duanmurui couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and didn't dare to move anymore, and asked cautiously, "Brother, are you angry?"

Qin Hao, who had been immersed in his own thoughts, came back to his senses now, seeing Duanmurui's worried and pitiful appearance, couldn't help but feel distressed, smiled, picked her up, and put her on the bed~ , patted her head: "little girl, how can brother get angry so easily, how about you, lie down obediently, and I will get you medicine."

Duanmurui nodded obediently.

Walking out of the room, Song Yao was lying on the sofa bored~ fiddled with the remote control of the TV, changing the channel every few seconds, no matter how she looked at her back, she looked a little lonely.

Qin Hao naturally saw this scene in his eyes, walked over, put his arms around the woman's shoulders, kissed her on the forehead, and said softly: "I have wronged you, I should have stayed with you tonight ,But……"

"Tch, you really think you're a sweet potato. I don't care about what's so great." Song Yao pretended to be disdainful, and then asked: "That girl Xiaorui's eyes really healed. Is it? To be honest, when I saw those eyes just now, it was really scary, but now, the two colors look pretty good."

"Don't worry, it's really all right. It's just that Xiaorui's eyes are really weird, and I've never seen them before. I've only seen them in ancient books before, and they're just very brief descriptions, which can't serve as a reference. Moreover, I don't know why, Xiaorui's eyes seem to be related to my master, but unfortunately I can't contact the master for the time being, and I can't know the reason."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao paused: "Anyway, you and Sister Shan usually pay more attention to the condition of Xiaorui's eyes. Logically speaking, there should be no major problems, but it's better to be cautious."

As for the color of Duanmurui's pupils, Qin Hao is not worried, not to mention that it is very common for young people in the streets and alleys to wear cosmetic contact lenses to get these trendy gadgets, and there is another medical disease called heterochromia.

"Okay, I know, this girl Xiaorui is not my sister just because you are your sister? But to be honest, that little girl thinks you are more than just a brother and sister, why don't you consider accepting it? Look, She has a good personality, is pitiful, and cooks good food, a typical virtuous girl, how about I help you..." Song Yao kept talking happily regardless of Qin Hao's darkening complexion .

"Help your sister!" Qin Hao rubbed his swollen temples, "Who is worrying about the future in front of me today? You are doing well now, and you think things are not messy enough?"

"It was to help my sister. Anyone who is not blind can see that little girl Xiaorui's thoughts on you, but she dare not say it herself, so it's not easy for us to speak." Song Yao squinted at Qin Hao, all the time. She looked reasonable, "Besides, I'll be the mistress anyway, it doesn't matter if it's chaotic or not, it doesn't matter if it's too much or not, it's something that the princess in the palace should worry about. As long as Xiaorui is happy As for me, I don't mind helping her, don't you dare to say that you really don't have any feelings for Xiaorui?!"

Qin Hao immediately retreated and couldn't say anything, so he got into the kitchen and brought the soup and medicine that he had prepared into the bedroom.

At this moment, Duanmurui was already sitting by the bed, her two little white feet were shaking slightly, watching Qin Hao holding the steaming soup, the smile on her face could hardly stop, it was enough to show how happy she was at the moment .

"Brother, I want you to feed me." The little girl put her hands behind her back, refusing to take the bowl.

Qin Hao smiled. As an older brother, he naturally wouldn't mind his sister's acting like a baby. He scooped up a spoonful of it with a spoon, blew it on his mouth, and then slowly sent it over.

Duanmurui opened his mouth happily, and swallowed the decoction contentedly, feeling extremely happy, as if even the bitterest and most unpleasant Chinese medicine didn't seem so bad to drink anymore.

After Duanmurui finished drinking the medicine, Qin Hao looked at the time. It was almost ninety o'clock, and it was time to go home. After all, Mu Qianxue was still in a low mood at this time. It's not bad, I've become more and more depressed these days, and I hardly even talk.

Qin Hao had no choice but to stay by her side silently.

However, Duanmurui obviously didn't want Qin Hao to leave, Qin Hao just got up when Duanmurui grabbed him.

Although the little girl didn't speak, her drooping little head, her depressed expression, and her small hand firmly holding Qin Hao's clothes corner made people feel pity and love.

For women, especially those who are close to him, Qin Hao has always been easy to soften his heart. Seeing Duan Murui's appearance, how could he be so cruel as to leave. Furthermore, today is another happy day for the little girl's eyesight to recover, and he doesn't want to make her unhappy. As an older brother, he is incompetent.

Lovingly touching Duanmurui's little head, Qin Hao sat down by the bed again, and said dotingly: "Okay, don't worry, I won't be leaving today, so you can rest assured and sleep well." , to welcome the new beginning of your life..."

"Thank you, brother!" As soon as Qin Hao said that he couldn't leave, Duanmurui jumped up excitedly from the bed~, and jumped into Qin Hao's arms, wrapping his arms around Qin Hao's neck, unable to restrain himself Kissed him on the cheek.

Qin Hao made a disgusted expression on purpose, and wiped the place where he was kissed with his sleeve: "Hey, the dirty girl who doesn't pay attention to hygiene, made me drool..."

Duanmurui was not angry either, and rolled in Qin Hao's arms. After a while, he dragged Qin Hao to lie on the bed~, turned his head and said seriously: "Brother, you can sleep with me tonight!"

This time, Qin Hao couldn't calm down anymore, he was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses, sat up suddenly, his face was not very good-looking, and said in a deep voice: "Nonsense, you are not a child, how can lonely men and widows sleep together?" ?!"

Normally, Qin Hao wouldn't listen to what Duanmurui said, but he would definitely not be angry. But today he happened to be indoctrinated by Song Yao, a big sister, and he was a little sensitive. Listen again At this point, I couldn't control my emotions immediately.

Because, he is afraid, he is afraid that his self-control is not good enough, and he will do things that he shouldn't do. You know, even brothers and sisters will not sleep together when they grow up, let alone they are not related by blood, which is even more impossible.

Duanmurui obviously didn't expect Qin Hao to react so violently, and wanted to say a few more words. Who would have thought that Qin Hao would never give him a chance, and got up to go out: "Stop talking, this is impossible, there is no need to discuss it!"

However, before he could take a step, Duanmurui grabbed him again, and at the same time, a low sob came from his ear.

Sun Buqiu is not affectionate, enemy Shumo is cold and affectionate

Qin Hao softened all of a sudden, turned around and looked at Duanmurui, who had two tear marks on his face, and said helplessly, "Xiaorui, it's not that my brother doesn't love you, it's just that your request this time is really too much, be obedient ,OK?"

"No! I don't!" Duanmurui refused with tears, still refusing to let go of Qin Hao's hand, raised his head and looked at him tearfully, "Brother, don't leave me, okay? I'm really I'm so scared, I'm afraid that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll be the same again, the world has turned black again, I can't see your face again, I'm still alone, I'm afraid it's all like a scene It’s like a dream. Brother, please, please don’t go, please stay with me and let me watch you, okay? Otherwise, I really dare not sleep, I’m so scared... woo woo woo..."

PS: The 5,000-word chapter is here. I got my passport today, and I will apply for a visa tomorrow. This chapter is written for "Hubei Sunshine" book friend, he is blind like Duanmurui, but he can't have Qin Hao to restore his light like Duanmurui in the novel, but I hope he can be as strong as Duanmurui Life, the world is beautiful, although you can't see it, but life still has to go on. . . . . . . . . . .

PPS: Thanks to "APP_24788835", "Evildoer", "Talk about divination - I can't let it go", "Mr. Noble", "Little Dolphin_25916469". "Falling in love with your tenderness" and so on, the flowers of the children's shoes, thank you "Your Great Aunt" children's shoes for the reward of 100 Zhulang coins, okay. . . . . . . .

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