My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 497 The Hateful Man


At four o'clock in the morning, the nights in early winter tend to be much longer than usual. At this time, the sky is still dark. Qin Hao slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the little girl's sleeping appearance, and couldn't help showing a heartfelt smile on his face. His eyes are full of doting. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel

Duanmurui's sleeping posture is not very good, but it can be seen that she is very relaxed and her expression is very comfortable. She is almost lying in Qin Hao's arms, with her white arms like lotus root on his waist, a pair of white~tender The tender thighs were pressed against Qin Hao's thighs, and there was still a little bit of saliva at the corner of his mouth.

Turning his head to look at the dark night outside the window, Qin Hao gently removed Duanmurui from his body, got up quietly, kissed the little girl's smooth forehead lightly, covered her with a quilt, and then walked out of the bedroom.

However, what he didn't know was that the moment he closed the door, Duanmurui's big eyes suddenly opened, and a happy smile filled the corner of his mouth, rolling around in the bed.

Coming out of the apartment, Qin Hao drove to his home. At this time, there were no pedestrians or cars on the road except for some early street vendors who were already preparing, and Qin Hao was also unimpeded all the way.

Just as he was about to arrive at the Banshan Villa, a car was parked at the fork in front of him, and there were two figures standing beside it. He would park here at this time, probably either it broke down or the car had some kind of malfunction.

Seeing a car approaching, one of the figures ran two steps towards the middle of the road, waved at him, and signaled him to stop.

Qin Hao slowed down, and when he got closer, he saw the figure who stopped him, and frowned slightly. There was a beautiful woman in front of him, and she was a mature woman wearing an urban ol skirt and work clothes. However, compared to that face, this beautiful woman The two peaks on the chest are more eye-catching.

Qin Hao can conclude with just a glance that this size is definitely G, and it can be said that she is the largest woman he has ever seen.

The handsome man in front of him kept staring at his chest, squinting, Ren Han couldn't help feeling disgusted, but there was nothing he could do about it, this was a wealthy area, and there were hardly any taxis, let alone This is still the point.

The most important point is that the person following her has a special status and cannot stay here for too long, so she had to suppress the disgust in her heart and said indifferently: "Sir, our car has broken down and cannot be started. Can you give us a ride? Of course, we can pay you."

Qin Hao hesitated for a moment and asked, "Where do you live? It won't be far away, right?"

"The villa area in the middle of the mountain is not far away. It takes about half an hour to drive." Ren Han was afraid that Qin Hao would not agree, so he said hastily.

Seeing that the other party is a beautiful woman, Qin Hao obviously agreed and nodded: "Okay, you guys get in the car, I happen to live in a villa in the middle of the mountain, and I will drop by, maybe we are still neighbors, beautiful woman."

"Really? That's really a coincidence..." Ren Han smiled perfunctorily, but he thought in his heart that if she was really a neighbor, she would immediately apply to the company for a house change. How could there be such a pervert~wolf living next door? Can get up safely. Fortunately, her professionalism is high enough, and she has experienced such scenes a lot, and she is very good at talking to people, talking nonsense to hell.

At this moment, the man in the back was wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed down extremely low, and a pair of toad mirrors on the bridge of his nose that could almost cover most of his face. The well-dressed girl followed and threw the key to Ren Han said carelessly: "Sister Han, the door is locked, is this the car you stopped?"

"Yes, Yiyi, let's leave in this gentleman's car first, and someone from the company will take care of the car after dawn. By the way, sir, what's your last name? May I see your ID card?" Ren Han Asked cautiously, to be honest, they are riding in a stranger's car in the middle of the night, especially since they have special identities, and just because of the way this man stared at his chest just now, he is not a good person. To be on the safe side,

She decided to take a look at Qin Hao's ID card first, and then take pictures and send them out. Even if something happens, at least she can leave clues.

Enmity Yuanke Fang Sun Xueyou Guku Chaji

Qin Hao was stunned at first, and then instantly understood Ren Han's intentions, and immediately became upset; "I said beauty, I know your breasts are big enough, but don't just focus on the development of your breasts, but also give your brain some nutrition, okay?" ? It was you who stopped my car and asked me to take you. I reluctantly agreed, but you still need to see my ID card? Since you are worried, then you can’t take it. It’s the middle of the night, I But I don’t want to be mean there! Bye bye..."

As he said that, Qin Hao was about to roll up the window and leave. Are you kidding me? If you ask him for help, but you don't trust him, you really think he's so cheap, why don't you give them a ride?

Ren Han also knew that his request was a little too much, but the world is not so safe now, and there are many bad people. It is necessary to be careful. He ignored Qin Hao's foul language and quickly explained: "Mr. , I’m really sorry, everyone is an adult, I’m sorry to bother you, but it’s necessary to verify your identity, how about this, can I pay you more? How about a thousand yuan?”

"Hehe..." Qin Hao sneered, pointing to his car, "Do you think I can afford to live in a half-mountain villa and drive this car, so I will be short of your thousand yuan? I won't carry you, you love me?" What the heck!"

When he went out yesterday, he casually found a car parked outside the garage, and drove out Mu Qianxue's Bentley no matter what.

Ren Han was speechless, because he didn't sleep all night because he was in a hurry, and he went straight home after getting off the plane from Japan. Who would have thought that the car broke down again on the way, it was really not going well, and he was so restless that he committed this kind of crime. She would never make a mistake at all.

Judging the situation is the most basic quality of her profession.

Just when Qin Hao was about to leave and Ren Han was anxious and annoyed, the girl who had been hiding behind and carefully sizing up Qin Hao suddenly jumped to the window of the car and was about to pat Qin Hao on the shoulder: "It really is You, what a coincidence, we meet again!"

"Who are you? I know you?" Qin Hao's expression froze for a moment, but he didn't realize it all at once.

"It's me, didn't we run together before?" The girl pulled up the brim of her hat, pulled off her huge toad glasses, and pointed at herself.

Far away ghosts hate Mo Lengchagang

"It turned out to be you, let me just say, what kind of psychopath packs himself so tightly at night, okay, since it's you, I'll be a good person once, and get in the car."

This time, Qin Hao saw it clearly. It turned out that this girl was none other than Cai Yiyan, the big star who sprained her foot while running last time.

"Yi, do you know each other?"

Ren Han was very surprised, and looked at Cai Yiyan with strange eyes. To be honest, Qin Hao has not given her a good impression so far. She is a pervert, vulgar, unqualified, and stingy. How could such a person know Cai Yiyan? Woolen cloth? The most important thing is that, as Cai Yiyan's manager, he is also the kind who eats and lives with him, and is almost inseparable. How could he not know the little girl's social circle? This person is obviously not among them!

Cai Yiyan smiled and pushed Ren Han into the car: "Sister Han, I will explain to you later, anyway, this is my friend and lives in a villa in Mid-Levels, so you don't have to worry."

The two got into the car, Qin Hao started the car and continued to drive towards the villa in the middle of the mountain.

Ren Han also finally learned about her entanglement with Qin Hao from Cai Yiyan, and she was speechless. After all, she just met once, and the other party helped her once, and she didn't even know the other party's name, so she can be called a friend, so you can rest assured up?

Of course, Ren Han would not say these words in front of Qin Hao, but no matter what, she has made up her mind, and she must keep Yiyi away from this guy in the future, who knows if this guy is playing hard to get? , deliberately pretending not to know Yiyi and playing tricks.

"I said, is this big breasted lady your manager? Cauliflower, with the IQ of your big breasted lady, can she really do a good job as a manager? I've heard that, the people in that circle The water is very muddy, don't make it so that you can't get along in the end!" Qin Hao obviously despised Ren Han's IQ, and he said earnestly and kindly while driving.

When Ren Han heard it, she immediately became furious. She admitted that she was indeed a little too much at first, and she also said things that shouldn't be said, so she tolerated Qin Hao's saying that she had big breasts and no brains. But she is also a woman anyway, can you, a big man, be so fussy about it?

"Mr., please listen clearly. I have a name. My name is Ren Han. Can you please call me by my name?! Otherwise, I will sue you for violating my reputation!"

Regarding Ren Han's protest, Qin Hao directly ignored, and continued to say to Cai Yiyan: "Look, I found another shortcoming. Just this temper, and you still want to hang out in the entertainment industry? Isn't this making enemies for you everywhere? Caihua, listen Let me advise you, quickly change your agent..."

Ren Han was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, his face was terribly dark, Cai Yiyan, who had already figured out Ren Han's temper, knew at a glance that Ren Han was about to lose his temper, and quickly said: "Don't talk nonsense, Sister Han is the most important person in our company. She's a great manager, she has worked for several popular kings and queens in the entertainment industry, she's very capable..."

Qin Hao curled his lips in disdain: "Cut, it's the most powerful just like this? Can you still lead the king and queen? Then it's okay if I go."

Ren Han said that if she had a knife in front of her now, she would definitely stab this nasty guy to death!

PS: The 3,000-word chapter is here, and there will be another update tonight. . . . . .

PPS: Thanks to "AI yo!", "APP_29871194", "Little Dolphin_27074709", "Little Dolphin_30132863", "Know how to cherish you", "Poet??", "A wife sounds better than a wife*", "APP_29760591" and so on for the flowers of children's shoes, thank you for the 100 Zhulang coins rewarded by "Little Dolphin Everyone Loves" children's shoes, and thank you for the 588 Zhulang coins rewarded by "Hubei Sunshine" children's shoes. . . . . . . . .

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