My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 708 4 Grand Sky

If it were two months ago, Qin Hao might have made up his mind to reject Hua Ximeng, but now, he can't do it.

He said that he owed Hua Ximeng those favors, and Hua Ximeng's love for him, which he could not refuse. Not to mention that after what happened to Mu Qianxue, Concubine Luo Mi, and Song Yao, he is now very fragile, and what he needs is company.

Although Hua Ximeng didn't know what happened to Qin Hao's body, given her current relationship and identity with Qin Hao, no one would tell her what happened to Qin Hao's body, but even so, she could still feel it from Qin Hao's body. Unbearable sadness and gloom.

Originally~ After these two months of precipitation, her thoughts, which were about to give up completely, were revived again. This may be a good opportunity for her to walk into Qin Hao's heart and narrow the distance between the two.

As a businessman, what is needed is a keen insight into the timing and decisive courage. The opportunity is already in front of her eyes, and she can't let it go in vain.

Diyuanke is not a ghost, learns the art of conceiving the moon

Di Yuanke is not a ghost after learning the moon-connecting technique. After the two walked back to the villa, Qin Hao looked around and forced a smile and said: "Sister Meng, your house is still the same, why don't you invite more people for such a big house?" There are a few servants, so it seems a bit popular."

The Enemy and the Enemy

Sure enough, Qin Hao really agreed to her request, which made Hua Ximeng, who was ready to be rejected, very happy and a little flattered.

However, Hua Ximeng was happy, but Xiao Wu's expression turned bitter, and she hurriedly said: "Madam, the second young lady and the eldest young master..."

Before Xiao Wu could finish speaking, Hua Ximeng rolled her eyes and stared at him, and Xiao Wu stopped abruptly.

Qin Hao naturally also noticed this small detail, and couldn't help asking; "Sister Meng, if you have something important to do, go ahead, there will be a chance in the future, besides, don't you have my phone number, we will contact you later That's fine too."

"It's okay, it's just a little thing at home, I don't mind if I don't go, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why bother to lose interest because of this little thing. Xiao Wu, you call the tow truck to come over and solve this problem, As for Feifei, you can make arrangements. By the way, don’t let her act like a young lady, otherwise, you can just send them back where she came from!”

After finally getting a chance to get close, Hua Ximeng would carry it with Qin Hao even if the sky fell, and if she was willing to give up, she sent Xiao Wu away with a few words.

The two walked back to the villa,

Qin Hao looked around, forced a smile and said: "Sister Meng, your house is still the same, why don't you hire more servants for such a big house, it seems a bit popular."

Hua Ximeng shook her head and brought Qin Hao a cup of tea; "I think so too, but since that incident happened last time, my family dare not recruit any more people, who knows if those people are not clean at all, what is their origin. By the way, there was news a while ago that the nanny set fire to the hostess and several children for money. Now, except for Xiao Wu and Jiang Ma, I really can't trust anyone else."

Qin Hao nodded. It seems that Hua Ximeng was a little worried about being attacked several times before, so that he didn't dare to invite people at home. He was also considering whether to bring a group of people from the security company. Since It's a security company, so naturally there are female employers and female bodyguards, which can be regarded as the favor of Hua Ximeng.

However, at the same time, he was also a little annoyed, why did Hua Ximeng and Mu Qianxue be in danger? Isn't it because of that lab project! Those guys in Jiangnan used them up and killed the entire Yan Futi. Now even the ghost king died in Qin Hao's hands. He got all the credit, but he didn't care about the ending at all, and didn't even give the necessary protection. Is it really him? Not a thing!

Seeing that Qin Hao's complexion was getting worse and worse, Hua Ximeng didn't know whether she was confused for a moment, or she was a little panicked, and she said stupidly: "Hao, are you really okay? Your complexion is really bad. How about you go to my room and lie down for a while?"

ah? Qin Hao was stunned for a moment. Although he knew what Hua Ximeng thought of him, is such a direct invitation really good?

Sun Diqiu alone boat Shu Mo Gu Kao Gu Yu

As soon as she finished speaking, Hua Ximeng also realized that it was wrong, and immediately her face became shy, and she quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong, I just think your complexion is bad, maybe you didn't rest well ,so……"

Some things become more difficult to explain the more they explain them. There is a saying that yellow mud falls into the crotch—it is not a matter (shit) but also a matter (shit).

Seeing Hua Ximeng, such a calm, rational, mature, and intellectual elder sister of the president, rushing around and blushing because of such a sentence, Qin Hao's heart suddenly felt warm for no reason, and at the same time, he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Qin Hao holding back a smile, Hua Ximeng was even more ashamed and annoyed, but at this moment, she froze all of a sudden, as if she had been immobilized, unable to move. With a shocked expression on her face, she slowly lowered her head, only to see a big hand holding her soft and boneless little hand at some point.

Unrequited love, enemy, hatred, month and me

Hua Ximeng now feels as if she has come to heaven, she is full of happiness and happiness, just like ordinary people who won millions of dollars in lottery tickets, she is so excited that she can't even speak.

"Sister Meng, what about Guoguo, didn't you say to come and see her? To be honest, I miss this cute little girl a lot since I haven't seen her for so long." What kind of impact did it bring, asked.

The surprise on Hua Ximeng's face froze for a moment, and she glanced at Qin Hao with some unease; "Hao, I actually lied to you, Guoguo went to the capital and hasn't come back yet. But don't be angry, I... I just want to See you, I am afraid that I will miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to see you again next time, I really did not intend to deceive you..."

"It's okay, Sister Meng, I knew earlier..."

Seeing Hua Ximeng's panic and anxiety, Qin Hao suddenly felt a little sad and blamed himself, and even more distressed. He really didn't know what he could do to make so many women like him and make Hua Ximeng love him. Such a woman with independent thinking in Meng was so cautious and became so humble that she was worried that her words and deeds would anger herself.

This made him think of Song Yao again, the humble, unwilling, heartbroken Song Yao.

Enmity Yuanke Complex Cha Zhan Yang Motong

That's right, the reason why he rejected Hua Ximeng at the beginning was to stop causing more love debts.

But now he realizes that he has been deceiving himself and avoiding others all the time. In fact, he also has a good impression of Hua Ximeng. Even if he refuses, the debt of love still exists, and emotional matters are never alone. Calculated.

As the scriptures he once read said, Buddhism emphasizes that the four elements are all empty, what is empty? Why empty? It's all about obsession.

Because there is no emptiness, because of obsession, there will be troubles, attachments, pain and helplessness, but in the end, everything goes around in a circle like reincarnation, and returns to the original point. Looking back at this time, everything is just illusory. The persistence, persistence, pain, and helplessness in the past are all meaningless things, so ridiculous.

Therefore, in Buddhism, only when you are empty, and only when you let go of your obsessions, can you become a Buddha, have no worries, and be blissful.

But Taoism is different. Life is like a Tai Chi, black and white, half and half. If there is no such line, the extreme white will turn into black, and the extreme black will also be the beginning of white. Easy to control and satisfying.

These two thoughts lead to two meanings, one is that life is hard and tiring, it is better not to do anything, only if you don’t do it, you will not be tired. The other is that it must be done, but what level must be achieved and how to grasp this level.

At that time, he didn't quite understand who was right and who was wrong between the two, or whether both were right and wrong, and he still couldn't feel it, but now, he seemed to understand a little bit.

In the matter of Hua Ximeng, he followed the Buddhist thought at the beginning, rejected the other party, then did nothing, put it aside and ignored it, hoping that time would erase everything, but he failed.

Because he suddenly understood that giving up can be free of worries, but if everything is replaced by emptiness and becomes truly desireless and selfless, then what is the point of living in this world?

Isn't life supposed to be enjoyed? Enjoy its sweetness, its sourness, its bitterness, its spiciness, the combination of all these is the real life, isn't it?

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