My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 709 Friend's Story

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Qin Hao also read a story. .

There was a man who was particularly afraid of death, and was always looking for ways to prolong his life, and finally one day he found an expert in health preservation.

The expert told him that if you want to keep healthy, you must first not smoke, drink, or stay up late. You must set a time to go to bed and get up every day. You are not allowed to be late or stay in bed. Abstinence, food and drink must be precisely matched. Certain things are not allowed to be eaten, and certain things are not allowed to be touched. Anyway, there are many restrictions.

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After the expert finished speaking, he told him that this is just the most basic requirement that must be fulfilled, and even if you do it, it may not guarantee that you will prolong your life. Ask him if he can really do it?

The man didn't hesitate much, so he nodded heavily and agreed, saying that he can definitely do it, and the expert spoke again, if you really do these things, but you can't do this, you can't do that, the work is so tiring , so boring, what's the point of living so long?

Of course, Qin Hao is not afraid of death, and there is no such thing as health preservation. The point of this story is that life is meaningless.

Like Qin Hao, if you don't do many things, you will have a lot less trouble. If he doesn't think about avenging the brothers of Team Zero, he won't experience several near-deaths, and he won't become who he is now. If he doesn't get in touch with Hua Ximeng, he won't provoke each other, and he won't worry about this or that. But, if he really did this, is this him still the real him? What's the point of living like this?

Not to mention how much you want to live, at least, you have to choose a degree.

Qin Hao suddenly changed his attitude and showed his intentions, which made Hua Ximeng a little unexpected. Of course, she was more happy and excited. This little child wanted a toy. Parents have always refused to agree, but they didn't. Thinking of returning home one day, with toys on my bed~, that kind of pure surprise.

However, before she could be happy for a while, she suddenly found herself being hugged by Qin Hao like a princess, and walked towards the bedroom.

This time, Hua Ximeng was completely panicked. She did not deny that she liked Qin Hao, nor did she deny that she wanted to get his mind, but she never thought of handing herself over like this. Was this progress too fast? a little bit?

Seeing that Qin Hao had carried her into the bedroom, Hua Ximeng couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Qin Hao, I...I'm not ready...or..."

Qin Hao stuffed her into the bed,

At the same time, he himself got in and hugged her like he was treating a puppet toy.

"Don't think too much, I'm here to sleep, you hold me, let me lie down for a while..."

Qin Hao's voice was neither too loud nor too soft, just enough for Hua Ximeng to hear clearly. At this time, he rested his head on Hua Ximeng's soft belly, and put one hand on her thigh. He didn't mean to make any trouble. Come out quietly.

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Sun Qiu Keke ghost ship ball catches Lonely Feather and Choudu Qin Hao stuffed her into the bed, and at the same time he got in himself, hugging her like he was treating a puppet toy.

Hua Ximeng didn't understand Qin Hao's meaning, she was so close to him all of a sudden, her body became extremely stiff, and it took a long time for her to get better, she gently took Qin Hao's head and hugged him.

She looked at Qin Hao in her arms in a daze. This man hugged her like a child. She suddenly felt a little dumbfounded in her heart, but also a little distressed. She could feel the man's pain and sorrow. It seemed difficult. Imagine that a man as strong as a king would have such a fragile side.

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However, she didn't seem to hate this feeling, instead, she felt very warm and comfortable when she hugged Qin Hao so lightly with pure sensuality, as if she had saved the whole world.

She moved her body slightly, adjusted a more comfortable posture, pressed the button at the head of the bed, turned off all the curtains and lights, leaving only a dim night light, and then quietly looked at the woman in her arms. man.

Although Qin Hao had snored slightly and regularly, she knew that he was not asleep. In fact, she also finds it quite strange. At her age, she thinks she knows enough about men. Heh, men are all animals who think about their lower body and are controlled by hormonal desires, but Qin Hao seems to be an exception. Sleeping really sleeping, at a certain moment, she even hoped that Qin Hao would do something to her, so as to prove that she still has seductive power.

"I don't know what happened to you recently, but I should be able to guess some of it. It should be trapped by love, is it President Mu?" Hua Ximeng gently stroked Qin Hao's stubble, which didn't have much length. asked aloud.

She could clearly feel the body of the man in her arms trembling, obviously she had said it.

"How about, how about I tell you a story? This is a story that happened to me... a friend of mine. If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence." I don't know what is wrong with Hua Ximeng. , suddenly proposed to tell Qin Hao a story, seeing that Qin Hao didn't respond, he started telling the story on his own.

"My friend, she was also born in a wealthy family. People like us seem to be aloof. They have obtained all the things that ordinary people dream of and pursue things that cannot be obtained in a lifetime, but the sad thing is that they can't even control their own lives. Our own hands. Since we have enjoyed all the superior resources given by the family, we naturally have to pay a certain price. It is a pity that she loves someone who should not be loved. Poor bodyguard.

People who love are irrational, they are all fools. Knowing their identities, they are destined to be unable to be together, but they still fall in love. At the beginning, they acted very at odds on the surface, but in fact, they were completely underground couples behind their backs. But the good times didn't last long, because the protection mission was completed, and the bodyguards were about to return to the army. My friend couldn't bear to be separated like this, and the truth exploded for a while.

This time, there was an uproar in the whole family. The dignified lady fell in love with a soldier who was born in the countryside and had no background. My friend is also stubborn, and love has already made her lose her eyesight. No matter how hard and soft the family members are, they ask them to sever the relationship, but she does not agree. In the end, she even gave up her identity and all the privileged life, just to stay with him forever and be truly together.

What's ridiculous is that at this time the man suddenly found my friend and proposed to break up. My friend is almost on the verge of collapse. She is a girl, she has withstood the pressure of the family, she would rather give up everything, turn against the family and be with him, for what? Isn't it because of love? However, when she made such a decision, the man backed down, so what is it?

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My friend has a bad temper and doesn't believe that a man will suddenly change his mind, so he keeps clamoring for an answer. The man couldn't stand the trouble, and told the truth, he was going to get married, and the object of marriage was the teacher's daughter. In his capacity, it was nonsense to be with my friend, or in other words, if it wasn't for their family No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't marry the teacher's daughter. That is to say, men abandon love for the sake of future and reality.

My friend almost collapsed. Anyone who encounters this kind of betrayal will probably not get any better. She asked the man, is the future and power so important to him, so important that he can completely abandon those vows?

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She said; I love you so much, why are you doing this to me?

But he also said: because I love you!

Perhaps, in our eyes, this man is a scumbag, who is clearly following others, has abandoned love, abandoned his lover, and is ashamed to say love, my friend thought the same way at the time, she never thought that the person she loves would be so shameless, Frustrated, she returned to her family and locked herself at home for almost a year. When she had already buried this experience and pain deeply in her heart and regarded it as a shame, she suddenly and unexpectedly learned that he was gone and sacrificed. "

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