My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 829: The Big Star's Call

Qin Hao drove away from Tianhai University, and it was already noon. Recently, he has been busy with the cooperation between Mu's and Longteng. Except for returning home at night, he basically never went to Mu's during the day. Today is finally a sneak peek. After thinking about it, it wasn't long before he reconciled with Mu Qianxue, and he was still in the so-called probationary period, so he had to show more.

Arriving at Mu's Group, Qin Hao carried the meals prepared in the company's canteen, and went all the way unhindered, leisurely into the CEO's office. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a familiar figure that he hadn't seen for a long time. It was Song Yao who had been on vacation for nearly a month. .

At the moment, the two of them are summarizing their work, and Qin Hao is not in a hurry. He puts the food on the coffee table with a happy face, and lies on the sofa to play mobile games. To be honest, being able to see Song Yao again in the company, his depressed mood suddenly improved a lot. At least, this showed that Mu Qianxue's original insistence had loosened a bit and gave in.

The two girls had the character of some strong women, but they didn't have any strange emotions because of Qin Hao's intrusion, and they continued to work seriously. After about half an hour, the conversation finally ended, and Song Yao will lead After tidying up the documents that came, he was about to leave, with the same expression on his face.

"Song Special Assistant, it's getting late, let's stay and have dinner together." Mu Qianxue put down the documents in hand, said lightly, but raised her eyes to stare at Song Yao.

Song Yao paused, turned around with an unchanged expression and said neither humble nor overbearing; "No need, Mr. Mu, I'll just go to the cafeteria to eat something by myself, and I won't bother you and your wife here."

It sounds like there is no problem, but it is obviously different from Song Yao's mouth, husband and wife, this is not only telling Mu Qianxue, but also telling Qin Hao that you and Mu Qianxue are husband and wife, I don't want to do it Light bulb, don't bother me anymore, we can't.

Qin Hao naturally understood the subtext of the words, and his heart was inevitably a little bitter, because his selfishness made Song Yao very painful, and even wanted to escape him and Mu Qianxue, although she came back under half-threats and coercion. , However, they can't go back to the way they were before.

"Song Yao, my best friend for so many years, do you know what I admire most about you? It's not your ability, not your knowledge, let alone your desperate spirit, but your cleverness. You always understand what's going on What to do at the right time can also fit my ideas very well. The most important thing is that you know how to separate work from life. You should know that if you only start from a personal point of view, any one Woman, I probably won’t let you come back. But I didn’t do that, not only because of someone’s request, but also because I believe in you. Relationships or some personal matters affect work. In the company, I am the president, Mu Qianxue, and you are Special Assistant Song. Other than that, I have no other identities."

Mu Qianxue's tone has always been so calm, and she looked at Song Yao with cold eyes; "Song Special Assistant, it's just a work meal, can I understand that your current behavior has personal emotions in it?"

As long as anyone can hear it, Mu Qianxue's words are clearly beating Song Yao. As for the purpose of the beating, it is unknown, maybe it is to let Song Yao retreat, or it may be other purposes ?

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, and the two women are fighting, whether it is Mu Qianxue or Song Yao getting hurt, it is not a situation he wants to see, so at this time, he has to come out to smooth things over. Of course, it’s not without some selfishness in it. It’s not that Qin Hao didn’t want to see Song Yao in the past these days, but firstly, he was really busy, and secondly, Song Yao was deliberately avoiding him. Now Mu Qianxue wants Song Yao to Yao stayed to eat,

Qin Hao didn't mind helping out, maybe Song Yao would be angry, but at least he could get along with her for a while.

"Yaoyao, you can stay for dinner. When I ordered, I was afraid that it would not be enough, so I ordered more. You also know Xiaoxue's appetite. The two of us definitely can't finish it. Since there are ready-made ones, why bother?" " Qin Hao untied the bag and took out the food, while seemingly careless, but always paying attention to the movements of the two daughters.

One of these two people sang red faces and the other sang bad faces. After all, they had finished talking. If Song Yao persisted, she would appear as if she had surrendered. If it is said that Song Yao is the person who is most unwilling to expose her vulnerable side in front of others, it should be Mu Qianxue and Qin Hao. To escape, it seems to be a cowardly side.

Song Yao put the documents aside and nodded; "Okay then, it's just a working meal, as long as you don't think I will disturb you, I don't care."

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the sofa in front of the coffee table, without changing his face, and sat upright.

Qin Hao can naturally see that Song Yao is pretending to be calm. After all, it has been almost ten years since he and Mu Qianxue were in college. In terms of their relationship, Mu Qianxue has always taken the initiative, no matter in terms of identity or other aspects. She was in a relatively strong position, and Song Yao's long-standing relationship mode destined Song Yao to be naturally weak when facing Mu Qianxue.

However, being able to dine together in the same room with the three of them is still a good progress when their relationship is fully exposed. Qin Hao is in a good mood. They went into the kitchen to get tableware for the two of them, and happened to find a bottle of Lafite in the wine cabinet, so they took it out together.

Seeing the red wine, Mu Qianxue couldn't help frowning. It wasn't because she felt sorry for the money for a bottle of Lafite, but because she had a clear rule that drinking was not allowed during work hours. Do you slap yourself in the face?

She was just about to speak, but she didn't want Qin Hao to block her words back, and said firstly; "I just saw a bottle of Lafite in the wine cabinet, we are lucky, Mr. Mu is treating guests today, let's have a drink and relax one time."

Song Yao suddenly said, "Okay, a lot of things have happened during this time, since we've already sat down, there's no need to worry so much, and it's good to have a drink. However, Mr. Mu has made rules in the company , You are not allowed to drink alcohol during work hours."

"Small things, rules, rules, these are not decided by people? Since they can be set, they can be changed. Besides, he is a boss anyway, who would dare to trouble us?" Qin Hao said indifferently, " You don’t know that drinking a little wine is actually good for your body, it can promote blood circulation, and it also has a diuretic function, which can relieve physical and mental fatigue and relax completely. I see that you are so tired from work, it’s good to relax , A combination of work and rest. Besides, Lafite wine doesn't have a lot of alcohol, so there won't be a situation where you get drunk and affect your work, right?"

"Since that's the case, let's have a drink for each of us. Anyway, let's leave it alone. It's easier to drink." Mu Qianxue could naturally hear that Song Yao's mention of the company's regulations was a counterattack to her beating just now, but she She doesn't care, it shows that Song Yao still regards her as the former her in her heart. If Song Yao really starts to behave like other people, she will only treat her right and left. On the contrary, she still can't guarantee that she can continue to trust Song Yao as before and let Song Yao go. In such an important position by your side.

The three of them drank and ate, and the atmosphere seemed awkward for a while. Qin Hao wanted to find some topics, but he was dragged into work in a few words. As I said, the company is purely a subordinate-subordinate relationship, and all the discussions are about work matters, private matters are not discussed at all.

After eating, Qin Hao felt that he had cleaned up the remaining traces, and then Mu Qianxue started to chase people away in the name of work. Qin Hao wanted to stay longer, but unexpectedly received a call from Cai Yiyan.

As soon as the connection was made, Cai Yiyan's crying and chaotic shouts came from the other end of the phone.

The author, Don't forget the original intention, said: 2,500 words, that's all for the time being, and I will continue to write when I get up in the afternoon. . . . . . . . . . .

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