Qin Hao met Cai Yiyan in the emergency ward of the hospital. The girl was already in tears, sitting on the side of the hospital bed, looking at the bed with tears in her eyes~ the girl on the bed had her head tightly wrapped in gauze bandages from her neck woman.

This scene really made Qin Hao a little confused, he didn't know what happened, the ambiguous words on the phone only made him understand a little bit, something happened to Cai Yiyan and Ren Han, he didn't know exactly what happened.

Now in the ward, seeing Cai Yiyan so sad, the woman on the hospital bed with her head tightly wrapped can hardly guess that it must be Ren Han.

Qin Hao forced Cai Yiyan's body towards him, stared at her tear-filled eyes, and asked with a serious and eager expression: "What's going on? Didn't you say that you were shooting an advertisement? Why did you get injured and went to the hospital? How is she doing?"

For Ren Han, Qin Hao has never been able to find an accurate position, from hating himself to falling in love with himself, clinging to himself, and then being ambiguous, although Qin Hao has never chosen to accept it, let alone how to treat her , but after all, he is also a good friend who has experienced life and death together, and will be Xiao Yuanyuan's manager in the future. He is annoyed that she was injured, and even, there is a trace of distress in his heart that he may not be aware of.

However, Cai Yiyan only knows how to cry, or in other words, the kind who is still immersed in grief and unable to extricate himself, crying until he is completely out of breath and almost suffocating, how can he answer Qin Hao's question.

"It's...it's all my fault. If I didn't let Sister Han...she...she wouldn't be hurt...I should be the one who got hurt..."

Seeing Cai Yiyan like this, Qin Hao became even more angry and anxious. He let go of Cai Yiyan, and in a fit of anger grabbed their accompanying team who were also employees arranged by Longteng. The make-up artist shouted like a powder; "Tell me, what's going on?!"

The make-up artist felt Qin Hao's terrifying aura, everyone was frightened, and he stuttered, illogical; "It's... a gift from a fan, Han... Sister Han helped take it apart, Then...then he was stabbed in the face..."

"Speak clearly!" Qin Hao was irritated by these people, and couldn't help raising his voice an octave.

"What's the use of forcing them like this? They didn't do this. If you want to ask, let me tell you."

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door, Qin Hao suddenly turned his head, and the person who came was the heroic Lin Xinyi in police uniform.

"You know the whole process?" Qin Hao calmed down his anxiety a little, let go of the makeup artist, and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know the specific process yet." Lin Xinyi shook her head, took out a USB flash drive from her pocket and shook it in front of Qin Hao, "However, I know this thing. I rushed to the matter as soon as I received the report." I got the first-hand video data, which completely records the whole process.”

In today's era of the Internet, even the police have begun to use notebooks to take notes. Lin Xinyi directly inserts the USB flash drive into the notebook and plays the videos in it.

The picture should be a temporary composition used as a room like a dressing room. Cai Yiyan is putting on makeup, presumably preparing for the shooting of commercials. At this time, Ren Han walked in with a beautifully packaged box.

The two laughed a few words, and then Ren Han took the box to the side of the table and opened it. The moment the box was opened, a cold light suddenly shot out from the box,

The speed was extremely fast, flashed by, and in the next second, Ren Han covered his face with his hands and fell to the ground, blood spilled from the gap between his five fingers, and then a large group of people surrounded him.

The follow-up content is not important anymore, Lin Xinyi raised her hand and pressed pause, started to rewind, and said at the same time; "Ren Han should have been injured by the thing that just shot~, but the speed is too fast, and the quality of this video is not good enough. It's poor, I didn't see what it was. And, strangely, we didn't find the murder weapon at the scene of the crime, because the situation was busy at the time, and I didn't notice it. I suspect that the murderer should Just near the scene of the incident, while everyone was busy sending the victim to the hospital, they took the murder weapon away."

"It's the Triangle Army thorn." Qin Hao said in a deep voice. Although the cold light in the image shot out very fast, how could it escape his golden pupils? small portion.

"Are you sure?" Lin Xinyi knew Qin Hao's ability, and she believed in his statement in her heart. She waved to her subordinates and took out a box exactly like the one in the video. "This is the box that launched the murder weapon. If it is true If it is a three-edged army thorn like you said, then Ren Han's injury... Moreover, the other party obviously wants to kill someone. With such an ejection device, coupled with the power of the three-edged army thorn, once it gets stuck in the head, even a god can't save it. Live..."

As we all know, the three-sided military stab is a knife with a prismatic blade and three sides, and the requirements for the material are lower than those of the bayonet. In addition, it also has a blood groove, which usually causes a square wound when it is inserted into the human body. Once it is pulled out, it will continue to bleed. Even if it is only a slight scratch, the skin is difficult to heal .

Although Ren Han was not pierced into the head, he was stabbed in the face by this thing. In the high-speed state of the ejection, coupled with the high-injury weapon of the Triangle Army Thorn, the injury was obviously serious. The most unacceptable thing is that as a woman, Ren Han is also a beautiful woman. If her face is stabbed like this, the scars will never escape. Can she really accept it?

Now, the general situation is clear. Someone wanted to kill Cai Yiyan and pretended to be a gift from her fans. Cai Yiyan was putting on makeup and had no time to take it off, so he asked Ren Han to do it for him. hurt.

"Huh..." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Although the current situation makes people feel very heavy, but optimistically, if the triangular army stabs into the face, even the center of the eyebrows, or the eyes and other important parts, then it will be the real pain. disaster.

Qin Hao asked himself that his medical skills were good, but he was not a god after all, and he couldn't bring the dead back to life.

Lin Xinyi also stood up and said, "I just asked the doctor about it. Because of the anesthesia, Ren Han may not be able to wake up at night. I will come back then. I plan to go to the crime scene again and investigate the filming crew. After all, Currently, there are very few clues available, but I still suspect that the murderer has always been at the crime scene, and may not even be in collusion with the internal staff."

"I'll go with you!" Qin Hao said without hesitation, exuding an extremely terrifying and terrifying aura all over his body, "No matter who it is, anyone who dares to touch me, I will kill them!"

The author Mo Wangchuxin said: There are updates in the early morning, please flowers, please flowers, please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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