My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 923: An Army Group

A farce finally came to an end. Except for Qin Hao, the Xu family who suffered a great loss, and the frightened children of the aristocratic family, the ending is quite satisfactory. As for the follow-up finishing and the control of the news, there are naturally special people in charge. As early as when Xu Yongnian made a big move against Qin Hao, the entire Gongyuan No. 6 was blocked and surrounded, and people within a few kilometers were even more blocked. Empty, on these issues, those people in Jinyiwei are experts.

The Xu family, including the children of these aristocratic families, lost all face in this accident, so naturally it would not be so easy to forget. Xu Yongnian died, so Qin Hao became the object of these people's venting their hatred. Before, Qin Hao ignored their safety and insisted on killing Xu Yongnian! Based on this alone, these young masters and ladies gritted their teeth at Qin Hao, filled with resentment!

However, with Mr. Qin, a group of military bosses, and Qian Duoduo, who has a reputation as rich as Li Tianxia, ​​and others to protect him, this group of people can only keep their hatred in their hearts, and they cannot and dare not look for Qin Hao on the spot. attack.

"It's time for you to disperse, all of you should disperse, this matter is over, don't make any more noise." Once Mr. Qin Wudi spoke, who would dare to disobey the juniors present? Even Xu Da was a son in front of Mr. Qin, he didn't dare to be presumptuous, and he just went there without saying a word after suffering a big loss, let alone these little guys, naturally walked away with resentment and unhappiness and lingering fear .

He gloated and wanted to see Xu Yongnian or Qin Hao's jokes, but in the end he left with embarrassment and was seen by others. Thinking about it, he thought it was a joke!

Calm down the matter calmly but forcefully, the old man said to Qin Hao again: "I haven't been back for three years, come with me to the military headquarters."

Qin Hao knew that it was not Qin Wudi who really wanted him to go back, but the group of former subordinates behind the old man, his old bosses. After all, the old man has been retired for many years. At his age, unless the country is really in danger or determines the overall future of the country, otherwise this figure of the three dynasties veteran level will not be disturbed.

It's just that these bigwigs are still struggling with the past festivals and misunderstandings with Qin Hao, and they are ashamed of Qin Hao, so they can't say this all the time. The old man is different. The old Qin Hao couldn't refuse, not to mention that the old man brought a large group of people over to support him. Based on this alone, it is impossible for Qin Hao, who knows how to repay his kindness, to refuse.

Qin Hao nodded without saying a word, followed the old man and his party into the car obediently, Qin Tian volunteered to be the driver, and Qin Hao sat in the back row with the old man.

"Xiao Qin, you did a good job this time. You are what a soldier should look like. It seems that even after a few years of rest, the blood and wolfishness that a soldier should have in you still exist. If you can be flexible It will be better at once." The old man said with a smile, very amiable, "This time you are indeed a bit noisy, although the Xu family has two unfilial descendants, but it will not affect the status of the family. You've lost your legs, so I probably can't tolerate you. Those little fellows obviously hold grudges against you. You're in serious trouble this time. Although Qin Fen deserves his own fault, you really did too hard. Well, fortunately, I don't care much about the younger generation's affairs. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. If Qin Fen met you, he should have such a fate, but if I really don't express it at all, that's not appropriate. Like this Come on, hurry back later, I will ask Qin Tian to see you off at that time, stop for a while, and don't go to Beijing again."

"I don't want to thank you for your kindness. Qin Hao is very grateful for your help this time. If there is something useful in the future, please feel free to speak up. I don't like to owe favors because of my personality." Qin Hao has always been Others respect him a foot,

He respects others, and the old man does his best for him, so he naturally has to repay the other party. If the Qin family doesn't repay, he will still feel uneasy.

In fact, he was full of doubts now, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Master, maybe I don't know what to say, but I really feel uncomfortable if I don't know. I just want to know, You and I are neither relatives nor relatives. We are just ordinary people who go back to China to eat and die. Why are you willing to help me? Even if I have a good relationship with Brother Tian, ​​there are old people in the army who speak for me , but I don’t think they can move you. I hope you can tell me the truth, no matter what the reason is, I can accept it.”

It is normal for those old bosses to want to protect him. First of all, during the two years in the army, he has made more contributions than most soldiers have in their lives. At that time, he was the king of soldiers without any water , is the pride cultivated by those big bosses! Furthermore, the zero team was completely wiped out because of an internal intelligence error and was betrayed by an inner ghost. They have been guilty of this until now, and they want to find a chance to make up for Qin Hao. It is precisely because of this reason that the higher-ups are so tolerant of Qin Hao's attitude, not only because of Qin Hao's meritorious service, but also because the higher-ups don't want to get into trouble with these big bosses in the military.

But the old man Qin Wudi was different. When Qin Hao joined the army, the old man had retired for several years. He didn't know each other at all, and he didn't have any contact with him. How could he suddenly come forward for his affairs?

Although he didn't know Qin Wudi, he had heard about Qin Wudi, and even the pillar of the Hua Kingdom. It is said that since he retired, he basically didn't take care of things anymore. When I rushed to Qin's house to invite the old man out of the mountain, the old man was not interested.

In fact, Qin Hao can understand the old man's approach. After all, he is still old, and the Qin family has no successors. At this age, he continues to occupy a high position and holds the power of the three armies. Not only can he not bring the Qin family any benefit, but he will also attract people's hatred After he returns to the west, the end of the Qin family can be imagined. Don't think that No. 1 and No. 2 invited him to come out of the mountain because it was really kind. Maybe it was just a test. Whoever is the ruler will have a gap in his heart.

If the power is not in his own hands, can the king sleep? Which of those jealous families doesn't want to get a share of the pie?

No matter how brilliant the Qin family is, no matter how much they have made great contributions to the country with bloodshed and sacrifice, they will not be able to withstand the attack of both the aristocratic family and the high-level!

However, such an old man who has abdicated for more than ten years and enjoyed his life at home, made an exception for himself. Qin Hao really can't figure it out. It's really not a good thing for those people who are about to forget about the threat of the old man to remember him again!

"Haozi, what are you talking about? Although we haven't known each other for a long time, we are still brothers. If something happens to you, the Qian family boy and Liu Qingsong will run for you. The old man can't stop us from tossing around, so he came forward. You, you, this suspicious person, who rescued you and doubted us, really hurts..." Qin Tian turned around and said while turning the steering wheel in front of him, The hasty and abnormal behavior seems to be pretending to hide something.

Qin Hao didn't pay attention to Qin Tian's trickery, let alone accept Qin Tian's explanation and accusation, but he still said, "I don't mean that, I just want to hear the truth, the truth that has nothing to do with emotions."

He still doesn't feel that there is pure emotion with these so-called high-ranking people, maybe with Qian Duoduo, Liu Qingsong, and Qin Tian after getting acquainted, but with Xu Da, Xu Lai, and even the old man. Character, he doesn't believe it! Moreover, Qin Tian's performance just now told him intuitively that there must be something wrong with it.

"You want to hear the truth?" Father Qin Wudi didn't get angry because of Qin Hao's inhumanity, and asked frankly.

Qin Hao nodded: "The truth. I don't think I'm worth so much from you, kid."

Qin Wudi smiled: "The truth is, you are a good soldier with the heart of a child. I can't bear it, and I don't want you to be ruined by those messy things. At the same time, I don't want to be a soldier who was once a soldier. You have become a victim of political struggle interests, they are far less important than you, not worth your life! This is the truth, the truth is true. Also, don’t say that you are not worth so much, I just You are an old man who is about to rot, and half of your body has been buried in the ground. You are now in the prime of life, just based on your age, no matter how you look at it, it is worth it, not to mention your ability, your character, and your identity. Since I am Soldiers, is there any problem in standing up for you? Let alone me, even if it costs one division, two divisions, or even an army group, I will do so!"

Qin Hao was stunned, and stared blankly at the old man, feeling a sense of warmth and pride in his heart for no reason, Qin Tian was also stunned, but he still had to drive, so he didn't dare to miss it for too long, so he quickly turned around Continue to control the steering wheel.

Although they were both shocked, their points of view were different. Qin Tian was shocked and didn't know when his old man became so good at fooling people. If he didn't know the real reason, he probably took it seriously. You know, from childhood to adulthood, in his impression, the old man has always had a violent temper with a gun and did nothing. After all, he has actually been on the battlefield and commanded the three armies in battle. What a fool!

Qin Hao was shocked because he didn't expect that he had such a heavy weight in the old man's heart. Just like what the earthworm said earlier, he never forgot the past, and never abandoned his identity as a soldier. Heartbroken. It's like a man who couldn't catch up but was heartbroken by the goddess and left in a fit of anger, no matter how determined he was, he still cared about the goddess in his heart.

What the old man said made him feel the love, as if he had returned to the time when he first joined the army, the love of his comrades, the love of his old bosses, and it was precisely because of this love that he was always obsessed with defending his family and the country. Obsessed with the military uniform I once dragged down!


Qin Hao didn't say thank you anymore, he felt that thank you was enough to deal with this emotion, and only a military salute could express his respect for this old general and generalissimo who had spent his life as a soldier and created a peaceful and prosperous China. He is not stupid, he knows, maybe this is not the whole reason, but the sincere emotion in the old man's words cannot be faked, as long as there are these, it is enough, as for the others, he does not need to know.

The old man smiled gently, his eyes almost narrowed into slits. It can be seen that he loves Qin Hao from the bottom of his heart, especially when he looks at Qin Hao, his eyes become more and more loving, just like It's the old man who looks at his own grandson, but unfortunately, he doesn't have a grandson.

"Come back, kid. As soon as I saw you, I knew that you were not an easygoing winner. You were born to be a leader on the battlefield. The life of an urban white-collar worker is not suitable for you." The old man said slowly, " I also know what happened to you back then. At that time, it was indeed the army that was sorry for you. They were all good soldiers who served the country loyally, but they died in vain because of some scum who cheated on the outside and betrayed the country for glory. This is the tragedy of the country. However, I also I want to tell you that perhaps your old superiors have done something wrong, but they are also working hard. Hatred can be the driving force for progress, and it can be a reason to become stronger, but you must not be blinded by hatred like this. You also It should be seen that they, who are burdened with guilt, have not had a good life these years, and they have been working hard."

Referring to the events of that year, Qin Hao's mood suddenly dropped from a peak to an underestimation. A violent, cold, and emotionless murderous aura emanated from his body, thus filling the entire space in the car. At this moment, the car Nei Mingming turned on the air conditioner, the old man and Qin Tian actually felt a chill coming from their bodies, as if the temperature had dropped several degrees.

Fortunately, when the old man was young, he fought in the South and the North for more than ten years, and later fought against the Wa Kingdom and South Vietnam, so he was not surprised by Qin Hao's murderous aura, but he couldn't help but marvel at Qin Hao's power. The former soldier king, even after resting for a few years, is still as hostile as before. This is more than the strength of a group army?

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper a little bit." Qin Hao also noticed the problem of his state in time, and quickly stabilized his mind, put away his murderous aura, and apologized to Mr. Qin.

The old man waved his hand and smiled lightly: "It's okay, it's understandable, if it were me, I probably wouldn't be much better than you."

Qin Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, showing an ugly smile, but the attitude in his words was much colder. It was not aimed at Qin Wudi, but at the latter who wanted to be a peacemaker, so that Qin Hao could resolve the conflict with the group of military forces. The knot between the big bosses, said indifferently: "I understand what the old man means, and their discomfort has nothing to do with me. As a person who has personally experienced a narrow escape, I suffer a thousand times, ten thousand times more than them! As for In my opinion, their sacrifices are meaningless, and their sacrifices will not save the lives of my brothers. There are two old sayings in our country, it is too late to make up for it! Even if they help me, I don’t appreciate it !"

The author Mo Wang Chu Xin said: The 4,000-word chapter is here, and there is another update. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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