"Guilty, in my opinion, is one of the most useless forms of emotion. If guilt is useful, maybe there will be no such word as regret in this world!" Qin Hao said with a sneer, "Yes, what you said is, maybe my Subconsciously, I still have nostalgia for the army and the desire for the highest honor of soldiers, but my heart is dead. This army is not the army I want to join, this soldier is not the soldier I want to be, this person is not what I want People to protect! Let me continue to work hard, give up my current life, to protect the rights of those dregs and scum, and let those beasts step on my efforts and life to climb higher, this is absolutely impossible!

Father, have you ever thought that when our brothers fought bloody battles at the forefront of the battlefield, abandoning our lives, families, and future to fight against the enemy, we found that it was not those violent and ferocious enemies that defeated us, but the ones we always wanted To protect, to defend one's own people! Have you ever imagined how desperate we were at the beginning? We are soldiers, obeying orders is our bounden duty, and defending our home and country is also our bounden duty, but we are also human beings, and we are all made of flesh and blood and will die. We will also be disappointed, and we will be disappointed. There is also hatred! "

"I can understand your feelings." The old man sighed, his expression slightly tired, "I have been a soldier all my life, and I think I am the commander of the three armies, but you know, this is what I fought for back then. And Not to mention those comrades who died on the battlefield back then, just take my old Qin family as an example. Everyone knows that my old Qin family is thin. Why is my old Qin family thin? My father gave birth to us sisters There were eight brothers in total, all of them died on the battlefield except me, and only the youngest died at the hands of Japanese pirates, and the rest died at the hands of our own people.

Moreover, when the Japanese pirates entered China, countless Chinese people were used as puppet soldiers. They were made to be the vanguard every time a war started. Are you going to back down? If we back down, who will guard those innocent civilians? How can you live such a good life now? How can the people be the masters of the country?

I don't deny that you are sad and painful because of the death of your comrades-in-arms, but is it right to impose resentment on those who care and love you? Will your comrades be able to come back from the dead? You hate those scum, moths, and even want to take revenge and uncover the murderer. I have no objection at all, and I even agree with you to do it. You find one, kill one, find a pair, kill a pair, no matter how many you kill, as long as The evidence is solid, I am still alive, so I will bear the consequences!

Don't think this world is unfair. There has never been any fairness in this world. I only know that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. A hundred years ago, we were backward, so we were invaded and beaten. You are the same, why do you think those little guys dare to ride on your head? Isn't it because you lack background, you have no foundation in Huaguo? Although your gang of brothers are all good players, and they are also a big force in Tianhai, but they are only limited to Tianhai. The land of Huaguo is so vast and vast. If you just rely on a few of you to develop, you can surpass others who have taken root for a hundred years , or even thousands of years, is there still a law of heaven?

People, if you have no selfishness, can you still be called people? In any case, human beings have bad roots. But you have to understand that there is something called principles in front of selfishness. Some people have principles, even if they have selfishness, it is not a problem. But some people are too selfish and have no principles to limit, and eventually go further and further. To put it bluntly, this kind of people is no longer a minority. Whether it is inside the system or outside the system, you will encounter more, but I just want to ask you, because such a small number of people, you have to abandon all person? If we had stopped fighting because of this reason, what do you think the Chinese Congress would look like now?

Do you think our Chinese descendants can still stand up? "

Qin Hao was silent. Facing the old man's questioning, for the first time, he didn't know how to respond. Some people said that fear is caused by people scaring themselves, and sometimes troubles and hatred are also found by themselves.

In fact, these truths that the old man said are not difficult to understand, and even many children who are still studying hard every day understand it, but why doesn't Qin Hao know it? It's not that he didn't know, but that he chose to ignore it. It was just because of his anger and hatred, his brain was not rational, his eyes were confused, he got into a dead end, and he came out no matter what.

Just like when he was taking a political class in the army, the instructor chatted and asked him a question, what is to revitalize Dahua, and what is to serve the country and the people.

Qin Hao was speechless. He was only fifteen years old at the time. Let him fight with people, let him kill people is a good hand, let him answer these questions involving the outlook on life and the world, his mind is full of muddleheaded.

He still remembers what the instructor said. He said that doing practical things, doing good things, doing things that are beneficial to the people, the country, and the society is to revitalize the country and the people. For example, doctors save people and treat diseases, police catch thieves, maintain social order, and wealthy celebrities do charity and fight for popularity. Don’t look at these as if they should be done, and some even make people sneer at them, feel disgraceful and ugly. Things are actually for the country and the people. Because of their existence, society can operate stably. Think about it, even if the hospital is black-hearted, doctors are mixed with dragons and snakes, many unscrupulous doctors, even if many people look down on serious illness, but if there is really no hospital, no doctor, this society , can this country still be stable? A country is a country, where there is a country, there is a family, and when there is a family, there are people. Many people form a small family, and countless small families form a big family. Just like their soldiers, defending the people, defending territorial sovereignty, and going to the battlefield to kill enemies is also for the country and the people. Only when everyone does their jobs well can the country develop better.

It seems that this is still a great principle, but it is a necessary rule for the operation of the whole society and an indispensable part.

The old man saw that Qin Hao hadn't answered, and his eyes were blank for thought. He smiled and closed his eyes. He believed that if Qin Hao had a pure heart, he would understand what he meant. After all, some roads need to be walked by himself. , Others can guide you in one direction at most, and how you go depends on yourself.


The desolate red sand that can't be seen at a glance is not like any area on the earth. A monk wearing a tattered monk's robe and surrounded by Buddha's light is walking in this land of death. Gong Yuan No. 6 recruited a monk who failed to suppress Qin Hao.

Since he left the capital without saying goodbye, no one except Zhao Guohua knew where he was going. Unexpectedly, he came to this kind of place where no birds lay eggs, and there is not a shadow of turtle hair.

The great monk stopped and walked, and the golden colored dharma wheel in his hand was shrouded in Buddha light, and it was spinning slowly, as if looking for the direction for him. Suddenly, he stopped at the same spot, raised his head and looked ahead, and a dazzling golden light shot out from his eyes. In an instant, he seemed to see some unimaginable scene, and his face showed shock. leave.

However, before he could leave, the surrounding space suddenly encountered a great resistance, as if time and space were frozen, and all his actions were frozen. The whole body of the figure is shrouded in black air, without revealing any clues, even the great monk's Buddha's light can't shake the black air in the slightest.

"Zhao Guohua is really brave. He even dared to send people here to investigate casually. It seems that he is impatient and wants to kill himself? But great monk, you are not small. Don't you know Is this place the place of death for cultivators?" The black figure let out a strange laugh, the voice was sinister and strange, just listening to it made one's scalp tingle, and the monk had to use Buddhist skills to resist , I was extremely shocked.

Just laughter can shock people's hearts and souls, almost making the monk feel as if his soul is struggling to leave his body, which shows how high Black Shadow's true cultivation is. The great monk had already sensed that something was wrong, and knew that catastrophe might be inevitable. In desperation, he tossed the golden color dharma wheel in his hand into the air. Immediately afterwards, he cast the secret mantra of Buddhist skills, and the Dharma image appeared behind him. A huge golden Buddha greeted him with supreme power The shadow suppressed the past.

"Hahaha... What a shameless bald donkey, who raised his hand without saying a word and used it to magnify his moves? Well, since you want to die, I will help you!" As soon as he finished speaking, the black energy surrounding the shadow suddenly rose. Like a burning black flame, it covered the entire space in an instant, dyeing the already dark sky almost completely black.


In the next second, a loud shout resounded through the sky, the great monk's expression froze, his eyes widened, and his figure paused. The Buddha's golden body was shaken in the air and shattered instantly. Trembling violently, with a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, this top Buddhist artifact exploded, shattered and destroyed!


The great monk spewed out several mouthfuls of blood in a row, and the seriously injured body was no longer able to fight. Before he could react, the black shadow came to the great monk in one breath. out.

The black sword body is very dazzling in the black mist that covers the sky and the sun. It is as black as jade, revealing a trace of evil spirit, and at the same time, it has a simple and simple feeling of Taoism and nature.

"This sword...is...you are..." The great monk had an expression of disbelief on his face, and there was a crackling sound in his throat. Obviously, he seemed to have discovered something.

The black shadow smiled grimly, and pinched the head of the great monk with five fingers like claws. With this pinch, a dazzling golden Buddha's light burst out from the surface of the great monk's body, and he was sucked into the black mist by the black shadow in an instant.


Before the great monk could tell the clues, he felt that the vitality in his body was gone in the blink of an eye, and he could no longer support his body, so he closed his eyes unwillingly.


With a cold snort, the black shadow turned into a black light and disappeared between the sky and the earth. With his departure, the black mist dissipated in an instant, and everything seemed as before, as if nothing had happened. A dry corpse with a long sword in it!

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