My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 968 I Found You

"Since you keep talking about God, I'll send you to serve him!"

Qin Hao killed decisively. Relying on his monster-like body, he carried the long swords of several templar knights like white practice. He swung his sharp claws again. Before they could react, his head and body After saying goodbye, the blood spurts out like a fountain~ come out!

This is Qin Hao's method. If he can't find Concubine Luo Mi, he has to risk himself. Since Concubine Luo Mi doesn't want him to know her whereabouts, then he just doesn't know. As long as Concubine Luo Mi knows that he is there Which is fine.

In this way, no matter where Concubine Luo Mi is in the Vatican at the moment, no matter whether she is ready to make a move or has already made a move, as long as he makes a move, she will definitely know his location! Even, even if she failed to act and was arrested, as long as he went in, he could still see her!

If you don't let me find you, then I will let you find me!

This was Qin Hao's only solution. He believed that if Concubine Luo Mi hadn't made a move, she would definitely appear by his side.

As expected of the newly-promoted emperor of the underground world, the level of horror of strength has completely exceeded the imagination of these Templar knights. Only now did they understand why the Holy Grail was taken away by this man in front of them, and why those colleagues were all buried in the Paris, why did the Holy See suffer such a great humiliation!

It's just because the man standing in front of them is one of the most powerful people at the top of the world's pyramid, a terrifying existence standing on the top of the world!

A group of existences with average strength that even innate mid-stage fighters can't reach, in front of Qin Hao, they are like ants, they can crush two to death with a move of a finger, and even a group of them can be crushed to death by stomping their feet!

However, in just two or three minutes, almost half of the 100-member Knights Templar had been massacred by Qin Hao. The ground was covered with stumps, broken arms and broken armor and long swords. Blood stained the entire St. The bright Holy See sanctuary was stained with a layer of filth.

The Templars, who were supposed to regard death as home, finally began to feel fear. After all, people are still people. Even if they are thoroughly brainwashed and poisoned, they still cannot get rid of their bad nature. The so-called not afraid of death is just The shock of fear was not enough.

A cruel and cruel smile appeared on Qin Hao's face, he fixedly looked at the Templar knights who dared not step forward, panicked, fearful, and even retreated towards the gate of the palace, and sarcastically said: "What? Aren't you arrogant and confident just now? Come on, let your God, your God, give you strength, I want to see if they can save you!"

"The devil...the are a devil, a devil! You blaspheme the gods and disrespect God, a heretical devil like you should go to hell and be punished for eternity!" A Templar looked at Qin Hao tremblingly, Terrified, he let out a cry of grief, accusing Qin Hao of his cruel and brutal actions.

Then, he ushered in the end of his life.

Because, Qin Hao came to him in a flash, chuckled and said with extreme disdain: "Then, let your God appear quickly and cast me into hell, but even if I go to hell, I will climb up again." Come out, grab your God, and go down together!"


Qin Hao's berserk true energy poured into the opponent's body, and the templar knight struggled in pain, his body exploded in pieces, and blood and flesh splattered everywhere, even hitting Qin Hao's face.

He didn't use his true energy to block it, on the contrary, he enjoyed it a little bit at the moment,

This is what he really looks like. The three years of retiring life have been depressing for too long.

Qin Hao, who was spattered all over his body, brought them a more intense visual stimulation in the eyes of everyone. Right now, he looked like a butcher who just came out of the slaughterhouse, with a terrifying appearance. people.

It's just that the butcher slaughtered livestock, but he slaughtered people!

The butcher who was once the number one black list really lived up to his name!

The howls of misery still echoed in the square. These Templar knights, whose fighting spirit had been wiped out by Qin Hao, almost completely lost their due resistance, dropped their helmets and armor, and fled in all directions. The massacre was clean between waving hands and throwing feet. It only took Qin Hao five minutes, or even less than five minutes, for the Knights Templar with more than a hundred members!


Qin Hao exhaled a long breath. After killing people and venting, he didn't seem to have much fluctuation in his heart, and there was no relaxation. On the contrary, he became more nervous.

He made a lot of noise, how can there be little noise in a battle of more than a hundred people?

But even so, Concubine Luo Mi still did not show up. The more this happened, the more worried he became, and even a bad thought came to his mind. Why didn't Concubine Luo Mi appear? It is absolutely impossible that she is not aware of the movement in the square, or, to put it another way, if she is free, she should appear. Of course, there is another possibility, which is also the last possibility Qin Hao wants to see. Concubine Luo Mi has already made a move before him, but unfortunately failed. Now she is either dead or imprisoned.

Stepping on the corpses of more than a hundred Templar knights, Qin Hao continued to move forward, and finally, he came to the gate of Zongzuo Palace. This door is thick and huge, and it has been tightly closed all the time. From Qin Hao's stepping into the Vatican, until the funeral of more than a hundred Templar knights, the door has not opened a single gap from the beginning to the end.

He could have flown directly into the palace, but he didn't choose to do so. Instead, he put his hand on the wide, huge and thick city gate in front of him, and suddenly exerted force!

Immediately, a dazzling holy light radiated from the door, as if covered with a layer of white veil, resisting Qin Hao's brute force.

Qin Hao snorted coldly, a sarcasm and playful smile slightly curled up on the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, he uttered a soft drink, and his true energy rushed towards the huge silver door emitting holy light like a rolling river.


With a loud bang, the giant gate collapsed directly, and the holy light was completely extinguished without any muddle.

Stepping on the giant gate into the palace, there is another square surrounded by several angel statues, and behind the square is the main building of the palace, which is also the residence of the Pope and others.

Right in the center of the square surrounded by angel statues, a woman was tied to a cross, her clothes were covered in blood, her short black hair covered her forehead, her drooping eyelids, and her pale face showed that the other person's current situation was not clear. Not very good.

However, after Qin Hao saw her, his heart felt at ease, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said softly, "Luo Luo, I found you."

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