It was late at night, and at some point, Yue pushed aside the gray clouds and shyly revealed half of his body. The stars around him flickered, and the cold moonlight cast a layer of hoarfrost on the entire palace square.


A sound of clashing armor and orderly footsteps sounded from the back of the square, the palace gate opened, and four teams of templar knights rushed out from four directions to guard the four sides of the square, encircling Qin Hao in the center.

Six figures slowly walked out of the crowd, and stopped until they reached the cross that imprisoned Concubine Luo Mi. The leader of the figure was wearing a bishop's uniform trimmed with gold. The only difference was that the color he was wearing was silver instead of white. Cardinal red.

This is an old man with white hair and youthful appearance, maybe the youthful appearance is a little exaggerated, but compared to his sixty years old, there are not many wrinkles on his face, except for his white hair and beard, he looks like a forty-year-old Middle-aged people actually look much younger.

Behind him stood five knights who approved armor and held long swords. One of them was the guy who commanded the Knights Templar to besiege and kill Qin Hao outside the palace gate. In the palace, he really deserves to be a paladin!

Yes, Qin Hao has already guessed the identities of the six people in this group. If he guesses correctly, the person headed by him is the previous Inquisition Inquisitor, the former leader of the Knights Templar, equivalent to the Templar The military soul of the Knights, one of the seven kings, the Holy King, Ulysses. And the five Templar knights behind him as guards should be the legendary five powerful members of the Templar Order, the five great paladins! And the knight swords they hold in their hands are the five holy swords that have been passed down for thousands of years and absorbed the divine power of the altar!

According to legend, there are twelve holy swords in total. It is the sacred weapon that St. Peter, the first pope of the Holy See, asked from God to defend the faith, crusade against heresy, and defend the believers! It was consecrated on the altar, and when its holder died, it was returned to the altar, and the search for the next owner continued.

For the twelve holy swords, twelve knights were selected, corresponding to the twelve disciples of Jesus, which is the origin of the original twelve holy knights.

Of course, when talking about the Twelve Holy Knights, one person has to be mentioned, that person is Charlemagne, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and the first Pope St. Peter Crowned him "Emperor of the Romans".

The Twelve Holy Knights followed Charlemagne to conquer the east and west, conquer the north and south, and finally conquered the whole of Europe. The Holy See also became powerful at that time, and the monarchy was granted by God!

However, with the passage of time, the legend of the twelve holy knights has gradually disappeared in the long river of history. The Holy See has undergone several changes, and in the end it only lives in a place the size of a palm in the Vatican, and only the holy sword is lost. Five, the twelve paladins also had only five due to the sharp drop.

They are: Roland's Holy Sword, Durendal, and Eternal Sword.

Archbishop Tobin's holy sword, second only to Merlin's magician, Almace, the sword of sincerity.

Hogil's holy sword, Courtain, the sword of mercy.

Hogil's other holy sword and the holy sword borrowed by Estofol, Sauvagine, the sword of justice.

Malajiji and Rinaldo's Holy Sword, the Sword of Flame.

The five holy knights not only inherited the five holy swords, but also inherited the five first-generation holy knights. No, it should be said that they are the inheritance of the five holy knights of the past. Their strength is definitely not weak!


In Qin Hao's eyes, it's just not weak, not strong!

"The Knights Templar, the five great paladins. Hehe, Ulysses, I'm already standing in front of you, but you let these ants come up to die, what's the point?" Qin Hao stared at him coldly, his expression unchanged. Seeing Ulysses, the Holy King, the murderous aura crazily spread from his body to the surroundings, and suddenly the wind howled, making everyone's faces turn pale.

"Do you think these people are enough for me to kill?"

Ulysses looked at Qin Hao with a calm face, and said lightly: "Human Emperor, since you are here today, don't even think about leaving, kill people in my Holy See, and take away things that should belong to my Holy See , damn you!"

"Who will die and who will live, especially unknown, Ulysses, don't talk too much, and be careful to be slapped on your face by my big ear!" Qin Hao responded disdainfully, and then he looked at the person tied to the cross. Concubine Luo Mi, who was in a coma, had a soft look in her eyes, and said again: "Old man, you have tried your best to arrest Luoshen, and even took the lives of many templar knights, just to lure me into the bait. Now I have already come, and I don't intend to leave before the matter is over, Luoshen is just a pawn, you let her go, the grievances between us have nothing to do with her."

"I have the final say on what is irrelevant, Qin Hao, you don't have any right to bargain with me now." Ulysses said coldly, "The Holy Grail is destroyed in your hands, and if anyone knows the secrets in it, only It will be you. Hand over the Holy Grail, obediently accept being purified, Luoshen, I will let you go, otherwise, die!"

The Secret of the Holy Grail!


When the Holy See was waiting in full force, and when he had already made a move before he made a move, Qin Hao discovered that something was wrong.

From the very beginning, Qin Hao doubted the possibility of Concubine Luo Mi's attacking and killing the Templar Knights. In his heart, Concubine Luo Mi had always been a stubborn but rational and calm person. In some respects, she and Mu Qianxue were somewhat different. Similar places, but compared to Mu Qianxue, she is more pure, and her lack of emotion is more serious.

When they met for the first time, Concubine Luo Mi was alone, until now they have known each other for so many years, she is still alone, including her background, her past, her family and friends, Qin Hao doesn't know anything about it, Although he also asked about it, the other party was just silent, and it was inconvenient for him to ask again.

She seems to have jumped out of the stone like Sun Wukong, even if it is an orphan like Qin Hao or Yunshan, there will be an old bald donkey, Xiang's family, but she seems to be so lonely all the time, except for killing people, Apart from becoming stronger, her life at that time seemed to have no meaning, she was simply like a robot that didn't know how to think, repeating things that seemed terrifying to most people.

Therefore, it is really hard for Qin Hao to believe that Concubine Luo Mi killed the Templar Knight for no reason. Even if it is really possible, there must be something hidden in it, and it is definitely not the intention.

But now, the attitude of the Holy King Ulysses speaks for itself. Why is his attitude so tough and intimidating Kyle? Why did he want to arrest Concubine Luo Mi? Is it really to avenge the few Templars who were killed?

How can it be! A guy who can watch more than a hundred Templars being slaughtered by Qin Hao, will he care about the lives of a few Templars?

After all, what he wanted was to use Concubine Luo Mi to lure him into the bait. Everyone knew that the relationship between Luoshen and Renhuang was unclear. During the three years when Qin Hao disappeared, he kept the family business for Qin Hao, and was even killed by Qin Hao. The loyal dog that people jokingly called Ren Huang was unmoved, and when Ren Huang reappeared, he gave up everything at his fingertips and left. If there is nothing between them, the devil would believe it!

Ever since his trip to Paris, Qin Hao had guessed that there would be a battle between himself and the Holy See. Whether it was the destruction of the Holy Grail or his heir who died in Paris, how could the Holy See let go easily?

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