My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 972: Punishment

Using shadow clones to save people is a brilliant idea that Qin Hao came up with when he was at a loss. This trick originally originated from the Hua Kingdom, but the secret technique carried forward by the Japanese ninjas is actually not as powerful as imagined, like a certain Japanese manga It is simply impossible for the main character to exist almost as a bug!

In real use, the shadow clone technique is similar to illusion, but it is more powerful in comparison. Illusions basically affect the mental power, which is what Hua Guo often calls the power of the soul, and the illusion created by it is an illusion, just like the avatar technique, which can only be used to confuse the opponent, but has no actual combat ability.

The shadow clone technique is not painful. The shadow clone has a physical body, which is constructed of energy and has actual combat capabilities. Generally, Japanese ninjas are used for reconnaissance and detection. Compared with the two, the natural shadow clone is a little higher. .

However, the shadow clone technique is not without limitations.

First of all, the shadow clone cannot be too far away from the main body. Generally, the shadow clone can only be maintained at a distance of several hundred meters to a few kilometers, but this is not absolute. Depending on the level of cultivation, the distance between the shadow clone and the main body can indeed be shortened, but this kind of The consumption will be even greater, after all, it is constructed with energy, and the energy that maintains his existence comes from Qin Hao's body.

Secondly, although the shadow avatar is an entity, it generally lasts for a short time. Even if it is a super powerful Japanese god ninja, it only lasts about ten minutes. Of course, this is also limited to the strength of the cultivation base.

Furthermore, although the shadow avatar and the main body look exactly the same, they are only energy bodies after all, and those whose mental power is higher than the main body, and whose cultivation base is better than the main body, can still be distinguished. Trying to hide it from the other party is tantamount to fantasy.

The reason why Qin Hao was able to deceive Ulysses with the shadow clone was that Ulysses thought he had cast the barrier and relaxed his vigilance. He never thought that Qin Hao, who is highly skilled and bold, would use the shadow clone while he was casting the barrier Because of his preconceived idea that the one staying in the enchantment is Qin Hao's body.

Secondly, let’s talk about Qin Hao’s own cultivation. After he entered the realm of transforming gods, his cultivation has improved a lot. His soul has not only been baptized and tempered by Tianlei, but also comprehended by a passage left by the scholar in white. It is used to enhance the state of mind and the power of the soul.

For him now, not to mention Ulysses who only practiced light magic, even if he met a mage who practiced spiritual magic, that is, a mage who specialized in soul magic, he would not be inferior to the other party. Therefore, with his cultivation base and It is normal for Ulysses, who is deceived by the power of the soul to relax his vigilance and is anxious about the secret of the Holy Grail.

Taking advantage of the fact that the shadow clone was talking to Ulysses in the barrier to delay time, Qin Hao's main body touched without anyone noticing~ he arrived near Concubine Luo Mi, but after all there were still five paladins guarding him, so he didn't dare to act rashly. Only then did he choose to let the shadow clone take the initiative to attack to distract everyone's attention, and the main body took the opportunity to save people.

Even Ulysses was deceived by Qin Hao, how could these five paladins have the ability to distinguish between the real and the fake?

However, Qin Hao never thought that Ulysses would think that his special and weird physique was caused by the secret of obtaining the Holy Grail. He admitted that he had deceived the other party with the shadow clone, but he had awakened a long time ago with the rebirth of flesh and blood. One of his abilities, although he doesn't know the reason, and sometimes even laughs at himself as a monster, but he can guarantee that it has absolutely nothing to do with the Holy Grail.

"Fuck you!" After saving Concubine Luo Mi, Qin Hao felt relieved, and was no longer restrained by Ulysses, and immediately pointed at her nose and yelled, "You old wretch , Young Master, I have already said at the beginning, your Holy Grail is gone, I don’t know any secrets, don’t be so blind and dreamy, an old guy like you should go to accompany you earlier dear God God Mama Mia!"

For Qin Hao's denial and abuse,

Ulysses didn't take it seriously, or in other words, in his eyes, the temptation of eternal life was far above everything else, even the so-called God in his heart. He just needs to make his own judgment. It is not necessary for him to know whether Qin Hao admits it.

the living God?

God the fuck!

However, before asking Qin Hao for the secret of the Holy Grail, he still has one more thing to do, which is the five evil pen paladins that Qin Hao succeeded in. He was very annoyed by the fact that the five guards were taken hostage by the other party.

With a calm expression, he glanced peacefully at the paladin behind him who knew that he was not good at doing things, like five shivering little sheep, and said softly: "Do you know what crime you have committed? You are sorry for the holy sword in your hand, sorry The believers and colleagues who have expected you, I am sorry for the gift of Lord God, you are guilty!"

When the five people heard this, they put the holy sword beside them, knelt down on one knee in a knightly manner, and Roland, who hung his head, pleaded guilty: "My lord, Roland knows that he is not doing well, and he has failed the gift of your lord and God. Death, but before your lord commits crimes, Roland pleads that the five of us can join hands to defeat the enemy, so as to make up for our mistakes and crimes!"

"No need!" Ulysses explained the facts with a calm face, "You are not his opponents, even if you go, you will just die."

"Even if it is death, we will not hesitate! We are willing to die on the battlefield to show our will!" The five said with high spirits, petitioning Ulysses persistently.

Ulysses just glanced at the five people indifferently: "It's not easy to find the Lord of the Holy Sword. Since you can get the approval of the Holy Sword, you should cherish everything you get. However, the punishment you deserve should not be less, let's step down." !"

As soon as the words were finished, Ulysses swiped his finger in the air, and a magic circle appeared under the five people's feet, which was somewhat similar to what Qin Hao had seen before, but also seemed a little different.

Seeing the magic circle, the five paladins gritted their teeth, showing signs of anxiety. Obviously, this was not the first time they had seen this magic circle. And the members of the Templar Knights around, after seeing the magic circle, were all terrified, and looked at the five people with sympathy and unbearable expressions, which also made Qin Hao feel a little strange.

"Holy Fire Art. Burn!"

Following Ulysses' soft shout, layers of flames formed by white holy light appeared in the magic circle, surrounding the five paladins.

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