My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 973 Protecting the Great Formation

The lethality of the holy flames was truly extraordinary, and the burning sensation from the depths of the soul was extremely painful. After a while, the wailing of the five paladins gradually weakened, and it was obvious that they could no longer bear it.

Ulysses was just punishing, not wanting the lives of these five people, so he waved away the holy flames, and saw that the five paladins had long lost their previous pride and glory, and were lying on the ground like five dead dogs, all covered in blood. They were all drenched in sweat, their limbs were weak and accompanied by slight twitching.

"Old god stick, your Holy See teaches the congregation to pray all day long. You claim to be bright and righteous, but you treat your subordinates so cruelly. Even an outsider like me can't stand it. Do you want to show a bad face?" Qin Hao turned on the mocking mode again, He has never had a good impression of this kind of hypocrisy who uses beliefs to play with people's hearts.

Ulysses was unmoved, and said lightly: "As a paladin, the inheritor of the holy sword, who possesses the sacred weapon bestowed by God, he should shoulder the responsibility of defending the congregation and crusading against heretics. This is their responsibility. The mission that was doomed from birth, and the mission cannot be completed due to their own mistakes, should accept the necessary punishment, not only them, even me, even the Pope, who violated the will of God, must accept punishment!"

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Qin Hao smacked his lips, "The old god stick is the old god stick, it is so hypocritical, no matter what evil deeds, you can say it in your mouth, of course, you Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, a It doesn't matter to me if I wish to fight or suffer. Anyway, the person I want to save has already been saved, and the goal has been achieved. You can do whatever you like, and I will not accompany you, sir!"

Concubine Luo Mi has been rescued, so Qin Hao will naturally not stay in the Vatican City any longer, why not run away at this time and stay here to be slaughtered?

Regarding this, Ulysses smiled lightly, with a hint of sternness in his eyes: "You can leave if you want to, but the secret of the Holy Grail must be kept, otherwise, I can guarantee that you will not be able to escape today even if you spread your wings!"

Without Concubine Luo Mi as a hostage, it would be difficult for Ulysses to threaten the other party, so he retreated and no longer asked to fight Qin Hao to the end, as long as he handed over the secret of the Holy Grail, he would let the two of them leave. For Ulysses, the heirs and the lives of the templars who died were nothing but insignificant things. What really mattered was the Holy Grail, which is the legendary secret of eternal life. How could he just watch the ducks fly away?

To be honest, Qin Hao didn't want to fight Ulysses to the death, after all, it was his territory, he was alone and accompanied the unconscious Concubine Luo Mi, maybe his life would be in the hands of the other party. No one can run away personally. If he really has the secret of the Holy Grail, he might tell Ulysses about it.

It's a pity that only the old demon knows what's in the Holy Grail, but the old demon simply ignores him.

"How many times have I said it? It's true that I destroyed the Holy Grail, but at that time I was out of control and my mind was not clear. How could I know the secret of the Holy Grail! Your grandma's legs are not deaf, Can’t understand people’s language? I’ll say it again, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it!” Qin Hao stomped his feet angrily, tied the injured and unconscious Concubine Luo Mi behind his back, and said in a cold voice, “Master, I don’t believe it yet. Let's go, no one in the world can stop me! Ulysses, even if you are a veteran king master, don't even think about stopping me!"

Qin Hao's stance had already made it clear that he was going to run away, but Ulysses was not in a hurry. There was no panic on his face, and he was still extremely calm: "Although the Holy See is not a dragon's den, it is not something that anyone can break into by force." , since you are here, don’t even think about escaping! Since you are obsessed with your obsession and refuse to reveal the secret, then I will have no choice but to send you two to hell!”

"There are too many people who want to kill me,

How old are you, Ulysses? If you want to kill me, give it a try, let’s talk after catching up with the young master..." Qin Hao responded disdainfully, but his movements were not muddled at all, and before he finished speaking, his whole body shot up into the sky, turned into a golden light, and flew out of the palace go.

That's right, even if he flew out of the palace, Qin Hao was still worried about Concubine Luo Mi's state at the moment, and he had no intention of fighting Ulysses, so it was the best choice to escape.

Seeing that Qin Hao was about to fly away over the square, Ulysses was not in a hurry, stretched out his hands and laid them flat in the void in a calm manner. The next moment, those hands seemed to grow countless out of thin air. Like a hand, it danced quickly in the air, and every time it waved, it drew a dazzling mark of holy light, and chanted softly in its mouth.


Following Ulysses' soft shout, a total of seven archangel statues around the square shone with dazzling light. Holy and noble light curtains that contained the power of light rose from the seven archangel statues until Soaring into the sky, a huge white light ball-shaped energy barrier was finally formed, enveloping the entire Zongzuo Palace.

However, it is said that there are seven archangel statues, but in fact there are only six that are really shining with dazzling light, and the one that is much darker in comparison is Uriel among the seven archangels!

Speaking of the unlucky Uriel, I can only use two words to describe it. During the trip to Paris, the successor of Ulysses and the current chief judge of the Inquisition summoned the archangel Uriel to possess him , but what I didn't want to meet was that the old demon was controlling Qin Hao's body, and he was directly beaten to death. From the beginning to the end of the abuse, he didn't show the slightest bit of powerful strength that an archangel should have.

That's okay, originally Uriel had a chance to escape, as long as he dispelled the magic spell and slipped away, but this guy refused to give up, thinking it was a humiliating thing to be abused by a lowly human being, and it was too much to spread. Lost face, he just wanted to get back the scene, but he didn't want the old demon and Qin Hao to attract the double tribulation thunder respectively.

This is great, Uriel is a soul energy body, and what he is most afraid of is something like a sky thunder. When a sky thunder strikes, Uriel is directly smashed before he can even call for help, and his soul is scattered and dissipated in the vast expanse. In the sky.

But Qin Hao didn't know that the statue of Lao Shizi was related to him. He was trying his best to run away with Concubine Luo Mi behind his back, but he didn't want to suddenly block the way with an energy barrier.

Facing this light curtain, Qin Hao almost didn't even have the desire to forcefully break through it. He clearly felt the terrifying power contained in the light curtain in front of him, which was stronger than the energy contained in the previous Ulysses light explosion. Much more, it cannot be solved by brute force alone!

No wonder the old magic stick is so calm and composed, not afraid of running away by himself, he still has his trump card, and now he will be in big trouble. He had hoped to rely on his speed to see if he could get rid of Ulysses, but now it seems that desperate World War I was inevitable.

Ulysses floated in mid-air with his floating magic, and looked at each other face to face with Qin Hao, with a flash of admiration in his eyes, and said calmly: "In the past century, there has only been one person who dared to break into the Holy See as an assailant. At that time, I was just a Templar knight. The head of the regiment did not hold the position of chief referee. Later, because the former chief referee was seriously injured after a battle with that person, I took up this position. Even so, my Holy See's protective formation has never been opened. Today, you can let me open the protective formation, I am proud of it!"

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