My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1180: Suspect cloud


Ye Fan’s eyes were stagnation, silence for three seconds, and stood up.

Su Xiaoxue, who was still somewhat confused, was stunned to hear the voice on the phone, and saw Ye Fan’s cold face suddenly coming back.

" can it..."

Ye Fan reached out and let the woman stop talking.

Su Xiaoxue knew that men needed to think about something, so they nodded with a worried look and first sorted out their messy clothes.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and asked, "What time?"

Asmondis said: "I just received your order and I plan to let the headquarters send me the free hands and send me a form.

But I contacted it, but found that I could not contact. I felt that something was wrong, and I sent an intelligence officer to see the situation at the headquarters.

As a result, I realized that the headquarters has been directly baptized by people, and there is no living thing..."

As Asmontis and others practiced in Purgatory Island and worked hard to improve their strength, he did not get the first news at the European headquarters.

Ye Fan picked up the smoke on the table, ordered one, went to the balcony, took two, and said: "Is there a clue?"

"No clues are needed, because ... the evidence is already obvious, tell us who did it," Asmondis said.

Ye Fan blinked, "What do you mean?"

"The blood of everyone at the headquarters has been sucked up, and many people have obvious bite marks..." Ascentis’s words were full of repressed anger.

Ye Fan squatted, and some incredible: "Dark Council? Blood Family?"

"This world has the ability to quietly kill our headquarters in Buffalo, and **** all the blood, except for the blood, I can't think of others," Asmontis said.

Ye Fan frowned, indeed, he could not think of it, who else can do this, unless it is the doomsday power...

However, in the case of the last day of the royal power, it is reasonable to say that it should directly attack the Purgatory Island. Why bother to find a headquarters of Buffalo?

It is important to know that most of the Buffalo headquarters are just staff members. The top killers of the real Buffalo are lurking around the world.

Destroy the headquarters, of course, it is a blow to the Buffalo, and it is even more humiliating to INFERNO, but it will never hurt the bones of Buffalo and Hell.

"The problem is... the dark parliament, counted half of our friends. We used to beat the sacred royal court. The dark parliament should thank us. Why should we attack us?" Ye Fan was confused.

"I don't understand it for the time being, but the boss... This news will soon spread to the underground world, not to mention how outsiders see it. Our own brothers can't tolerate this happening!

Regardless of whether it is done by the Dark Council, no matter what the reason, we must investigate the matter!

Killing so many of our brothers and sisters, but also sucking their blood... This debt must be paid for by blood and blood! "Asmontis bit his teeth."

Although Ye Fan’s heart is angry, he tells him rationally that it is not simple behind this matter.

"Ghosts, you tell the brothers, before I go back to the overall situation, don't act rashly, if I am, the deceased will not be blinded," Ye Fanzheng said.

"Boss, are you going back to Purgatory Island?"

"How can I not go back to such a big thing?"

"Well... I immediately told the people below, and the heads of several branches. I was already clamoring to wash the strongholds of several dark councils. I have to stop them," Asmontis said.

Ye Fan sighed and said: "Ghosts... You must also mourn..."

Ye Fan pointed out that it was not only the sacrifice of the staff at the headquarters of Buffalo, but also the assistant of the teacher of Asmonis, Visa, and his only nephew.

Even if Visa was not the super killer of the year, it was just an old man with a ruthless age. His nephew only knew about drug abuse and nothing.

But for the devil, it is the loved one in his heart.

Asmontis was silent and said: "Boss, I am a killer, professional."

"I have also been a killer, so I know that when the professional killer, the heart is also soft," Ye Fan said.

"I'm fine," Asmontis said affirmatively.

"That's good... I will find a plane in the past, I don't have to let Sally arrange it." After Ye Fan finished, he hung up.

When Ye Fan turned back, he found Su Xuexue looking at him with concern.

It is like a wife who is about to see her newlywed husband on the battlefield, the kind of reluctance and helplessness.

"Husband... can I go with you?" Su Guangxue asked.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly and reached out to understand the woman's oblique bangs. He said: "You don't already know the answer, why should you ask?"

Su light snow bite the lip of the flower, she is very clear, with her strength, go if it is really troublesome, it will only drag the hind legs.

Therefore, the best choice, or stay in Huahai, once safe, and second, you can always provide information to Ye Fan through the sky.

However, Su Xuexue was very upset when he thought that Ye Fan might face a very powerful enemy.

Ye Fan smiled and reached out and held Su Xiaoxue: "Don't worry too much, how can I have such an accident? I have seen more winds and waves, and my wife can not give me clues, help me investigate, keep in touch. Enough".

Su Xiaoxue nodded, but the beauty of the United States was still a worry that could not be opened. In the midst of her uneasiness, she felt that Ye Fan went out, not the same as before...

But specifically why, Su Xiaoxue himself can't say it.

"Why wait for me to come back, today is a bit rushed anyway, next time I find a picturesque place, make you comfortable all night..." Ye Fan smirked and squeezed a woman behind him.

Su Xiaoxue screamed at the man, but he didn't have any mood to pay attention to his jokes.

"Let's go, just drive a plane and I will go. I will check it out. Who is going to kill Buffy?" Su light snow road.

Ye Fan nodded, not much nonsense, so that Su Xiaoxue and Jiang Yan also said, they rushed to the airport.

After opening a new plane bought by Su Xiaoxue, after several hours of flight, Ye Fan returned to the sky above Purgatory Island.

At this time, the sky was already bright. After Ye Fan landed the plane, when he got off the plane, he saw Sally and Asmonis, Asazil and others, waiting in a dignified manner.

"MY-PRINCE!!" A group of people saw Ye Fan and respected the ceremony.

"Everything happened, even if I used to fight, I didn't see you so dejected." Ye Fan raised his hand and asked them to look up.

"Wang... Oh no, Ye Fan brother", Sally Ye remembered, the last time Ye Fan asked her to change her mouth, worried about the authentic: "We just received a message, my son ... was imprisoned by the Dark Council."

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