My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1181: Pearl of the palm


Ye Fan couldn't help but change his face. "What time?"

Asmonis sighed: "It was already yesterday. This girl took the task of an A-level assassination, but it failed.

Prince Sebastian of the Dark Council sent a message, and they had captured her yesterday.

If you don't look at your boss's face, it is estimated that this girl is dead."

"Yes... It seems that the temporary child will not be in danger again." Ye Fan brows his head and locks. This matter is really serious.

The killer picks up the task. If it fails, it is directly executed. There is no problem in the underground world.

Even if the killer’s union, or the intimate person around the killer, wants to avenge the killer, the rules are untenable.

Because before the killer picks up the task, the killer will sign the agreement, one side of life and death, the ability to master the fate of the killer, only its own strength.

The Dark Council did not directly kill the foggy night, but imprisoned her. It was already very good for Ye Fan.

It's no wonder that Asmonis's face is so ugly, not to mention that the foggy night is a child with a big hand, and he is a disciple he has cultivated.

This kind of caught thing happened on the foggy night, or on the face of Ye Fan, and was not executed. This is a shame for Asmonis.

Of course, more, Asmonis is worried about the safety of the foggy night.

"Don't you go back to me recently, is you picking up the task?" asked Ye Fan.

"At the moment, it should be like this, because the killer ranking of the nephew has risen from the ninth to the sixth. If this task is completed, she is likely to reach the top five directly," Sally Yeh said.

Ye Fan’s heart sighed. It seems that the foggy night is to use murder to make up for the scars of the heart and to forget the family vengeance that cannot be reported.

"Boss, my church is incompetent, to you, to **** to hell," Asmontis bowed his head.

Ye Fan patted his shoulder. "You don't rush to blame yourself. This is a very embarrassing thing."

"Ye Fan brother, do you think so?" Sally asked.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "I remember when I handed Buff to the miser, I have a few rules.

One of them is that it does not arbitrarily kill the blood of the blood, because the **** people helped us.

The A-level task is also a blood-killing family. It must be a master in the blood family. It is definitely not just a task.

Even if you want to pick up this task, you should first tell me or her master, you should not pick it up by yourself. ”

Everyone listened and nodded. They also felt that this matter was not like the style of the foggy night.

"Prince Sebastian, not the kind of person who believes in the mouth, since he said that the deaf to kill the blood, it must be true." Asazil said.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "The child is going to kill the blood, but the problem is, she really knows in advance, is that target a **** master?"

"Boss, you mean... the employer who posted the mission, concealing the real information!?" Asmontis frowned.

Ye Fan spread his hand. "At present, I guess so. Because of the strength of my nephew, I know very well. After she learned some things from me, there are few people in the blood family who can be her opponents.

Even if she can't kill some **** masters, she can't be caught by casual people.

The person who can catch her is bound to be a very high-ranking master in the blood family, and it is easy for such a blood family to hide their identity.

Therefore, the first time, the nephew did not find the identity of the other party, and the assassination was carried out. It was normal to be arrested. ”

The fog night owl can now simply use her blood talent to launch two or three "hundred shadows".

Ye Fan does not think that the average blood family can withstand the assassination of the foggy night, let alone catch her.

Even the few princes are estimated to have a probability of being directly pierced through the heart and die.

"But... the underground world has been rules since ancient times. Any task posted by the Killer Association, once the employer conceals the real mission information, it is equal to the enemy.

Is it really someone who dares to post a fake mission? This is too risky..." Sally leaves wondering.

Ye Fan blinked and said: "This kind of restraint is of course binding for most employers.

But... If the employer himself is not afraid of the world’s killers, then he certainly dares to take a false mission.”

When everyone heard it, they thought that the headquarters of Buffalo had been attacked by the blood family. They suddenly felt awkward, and the shadow of a conspiracy came to the minds of everyone.

"Ye Fan brother, is there someone deliberately provoking our relationship with the Dark Council?" Sally asked.

Ye Fandao: "I am not sure for the time being, what did Prince Sebastian say?"

"The prince said that he hopes to have a communication and talk in person, and to explain the cause and effect of the matter. Before that, they will not let go of it," said Sally.

"This is what it should be. After all, it is a very old man who has lived for 3,000 years. It is quite reasonable." Ye Fan nodded and said: "Go back to the castle, I will talk to him."

Ye Fan took everyone back to his castle and went to the study room that had been idle for a week.

In the face of a group of confidants, Ye Fan had a video communication with Prince Sebastian.

On the computer screen, it was not long before a room with a luxurious background appeared. Prince Sebastian sat gracefully in a black leather chair, wearing a gorgeous gold-embroidered handmade shirt, and the aristocratic atmosphere was full of words.

"Long time no see, Lucifer, I have been waiting for you for a long time," Sebastian with a polite smile.

Ye Fan also said with a smile: "Prince, this time, I already know."

I won't go around, your dark council has a good relationship with us INFERNO.

I think, you should not easily believe that our people will take over the task of killing the **** high-level people for some money..."

"If I have no confidence in our friendship, I will not only shut down the foggy night, but Lucifer, our parliament also needs a reasonable explanation.

In the foggy night, she is not willing to reveal the employer's information. This is her professional ethics, but I must investigate clearly who is going to poison my aunt." Sebastian is right.

"Your aunt?" Ye Fan stunned, Sebastian is a blood prince, not six generations or five generations.

He is already more than three thousand years old. What age is his aunt? How many generations have it been? !

Sebastian looked sharply: "Lucifer, you may not understand, the assassin of the foggy night, is my aunt, Sophia von-Bruch-Stuart.

Although my aunt did not inherit the position of the prince, she is the only female four generations of blood family that our blood family has survived.

She is the only woman of the four generations of the Bruch family, pure blood, her father, is the ‘assassin Stuart’...

I said here, you should be able to understand the seriousness of this matter..."

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a tight body, and even everyone else in the study room was already horrified!

understand! Too he understands!

damn it! The foggy night smashed to try to assassinate the jewel of an "old man"! ?

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